224,135 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

42 Days Ago
merge from server_hidden_stashes
42 Days Ago
Disable navmesh obastacle and AI data after all scientists are back on board, so they don't run through the APC on their way to mount it.
43 Days Ago
Move Networking.HostConnection to Connection.Host Whitelist TaskExtensions.Unwrap
43 Days Ago
Merge from main
43 Days Ago
merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
43 Days Ago
43 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10324
43 Days Ago
Use 'obj is IList' instead of the earlier, longer version
43 Days Ago
Merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
43 Days Ago
Compile fixes
43 Days Ago
Spawn containers when the ship docks (temp) Containers don't save (temp) Added a second dynamic crane to harbor_1 so it can reach more of the ship Don't spawn containers if there is already a container there (there will probably be more save/load issues but this should stop the worst of it for initial testing)
43 Days Ago
Remove all my temporary rowboat seat clip debugging. Hopefully rowboat dismounts are now solved
43 Days Ago
Cherrypick copying harmony to build directory
43 Days Ago
Pure reflection approach to load 0Harmony.dll, create Harmony instances & patch methods
43 Days Ago
Clear list when using GetList in the pool
43 Days Ago
█▌▊▍ ▉▍▊▉█▅▆ ▄ ▉▍▅▇▍▍ ▊▇▆▆ ▍▍▄█▊▉ ▌▋▌ █▋▆█▍▌▇▍▉ █▋▌▆▋▊▅ ▄▍▄▇▋▅ ▄▌ ▆▌▋▌▅▆▄, ▋▋▇'▋ ▆▆▉▆█▉ ▄▅▌ ▉▇▋▆█▇▉ ▊▋▇▅▇▋█▆ ▄▅▉▋▆ ▇▄ ▅ ▍▍▇▌▉▋ ▊▋▊▄▅▆ ▌▅ ▉█▌▊█▍█▅▇ ▉▌ ▇▅▇ ▄▆▌█ █▆▌▆▄█ ▄▌▅ ▉█▆▊▅▇▍▊ ▅▍▊▍▄▋▋ ▊▌. ▍ ▆▊▆▋ █▆▊▌▊▆▆▇▇ ▊▉ ▌ ▌▊▄▍▊▍▅▋ ▌▇▆▉▇▉▅▊ ▆█▌ ▆▌▋▄▄ ▄▇▋▋▇▌▉ ▍▇▅▌ ▄ ▉▍▇▆██ ▌▄▄▄█▄▅▊, ▄▌▌▇▄ ▄▊▄ ▌▇▆██▄▋▆ ▅▅▊▄▅ ▇▅▉ ▌█▍▍▄ ▍▌▊▉▋▌ ▊▅ ▄▅▋ ▇▉▄▍▍▍ ▄▋▆▋▌ ▇▇ ▄▉▊▊▆█▉▅▊, ▍▍'▉ ▉▍▋▆ ▅▄▅▍ ▍▊▊▇ ▆▉▌▇▅ ▊▆▄█ ▆▉▅▅ ▍▌▉▉▉▋▉▄██▄▆▉▅ ▋▋▇█ ▇▍▆█▋ ▉▆▄▄▊ ▍▄ ▇▇▉▄▅▅▉▇█▍▄ ▇▌▅▌▅▉ █▉ ▆▅▌▅ ▆▍ ▉▅▍▇█▊▍▅▇
43 Days Ago
Exclude 0Harmony from the build
43 Days Ago
Cherrypick disable assembly validation again
43 Days Ago
Cherrypick harmony 2.3 again
43 Days Ago
Fix copying of dlls to builds
43 Days Ago
Don't bother with writing cubemap normalization right now (in fact disable it for now!), reuse previous mip so that we have more quality with less samples Assert isn't valid anymore in ComputeImageViews since we can pass a cube array
43 Days Ago
Update HarmonyHook.cs to work in editor (because unity wants absolute path) Update Rust.Harmony.Loader.dll
43 Days Ago
GGX filtering
43 Days Ago
Ensured cargo only docks once
43 Days Ago
Set default dock time to 8 minutes
43 Days Ago
Set better stopping location on harbor 1
43 Days Ago
Smooth cargo ship docking rotation
43 Days Ago
43 Days Ago
Created bone objects on skinned model renderer update on model reload and model change
43 Days Ago
Cargo dock time now uses convar Debug docking now set as a replicated var
43 Days Ago
Removed cargo docking from harbor 2 Ensured harbor 1 and 2 now have boat access
43 Days Ago
Fix cube orientation when copying, do texture per envmap probe instead of a singleton array, this will cause headaches with multiple envmaps intersecting but makes it much simpler
43 Days Ago
Added temp colliders to all harbor_1 grounds prefabs
43 Days Ago
Add info on a collider name to the IsSeatClipping error
43 Days Ago
Fixed editor-only list check in Pool.Free
43 Days Ago
Harbor crane / finished LOD0 geometry Basic textures and materials using packed mask setup / still very WIP
43 Days Ago
Fix asset browser not finding files on T and U drives Resolves sbox-issues/issues/4560
43 Days Ago
sks vm prefab & test base rig file wip
43 Days Ago
Allow for single sliced cubemap array, needed to be able to render an independent texture in the renderer since it expects a TextureCubeArray, also allow TSPEC_CUBE_CAN_SAMPLE_AS_ARRAY if we want UAV Also fix a problem where CTextureManagerVulkan::GetImageView wouldn't work with a cubemap array as a rwtexture2darray in compute shaders
43 Days Ago
In editor only, throw an exception if Pool.GetList is going to return a list that isn't empty.
43 Days Ago
Ensured approach nodes list is initialised Added second harbor to test scene
43 Days Ago
Added docking path to harbor 2 CargoShip now supports multiple harbor paths registered
43 Days Ago
merge from ping_estimate -> aux2
43 Days Ago
Fix compile error from random namespaces at top of `PingEstimator.cs`
43 Days Ago
ShaderGraph: Fix ScreenPosition.XY incorrect component count
43 Days Ago
▌▄▋▉ ▄▋▅█▋▅▅▊
43 Days Ago
Merge from main -> harmony2
43 Days Ago
merge from ping_estimation -> aux2
43 Days Ago
Sprite shader flips with uv sign Add SpriteRenderer FlipHorizontal and FlipVertical
43 Days Ago
sks vm prefab wip