223,412 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

6 Years Ago
Removed EntityInspectionWidget's hardcoded management of building panel visibility; using HideWidgetsOnActivate instead
6 Years Ago
Fixed UI being interactable when invisible (via F10)
6 Years Ago
Fixed FuelToEffect process not showing in tooltip
6 Years Ago
Expose volume, pitch, and attenuation on VoiceEntity No more mutable Vector3
6 Years Ago
Added generic value readout UI element, used in tooltips to show building requirements, machine process status etc
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks
6 Years Ago
Added misisng PersistedEntityComponentData protoInclude for Vehicle.PersistedVehicleData
6 Years Ago
Fixed skybox mismatch with reference Fixed base env reflections
6 Years Ago
update amplify shader randomize team color
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in Item.BuildDescriptionString
6 Years Ago
Fixed item tooltips showing bad Crafted/Placed by text
6 Years Ago
Building management UI is now functional Building editor tool support for rendering previews for addons and upgrades Building inspector exposure for new upgrade/addon fields
6 Years Ago
CShaderAPIDx8::OverrideBlend no longer fucks up CTransitionTable::ApplyAlphaBlend CShaderAPIDx8::OverrideBlend can now override blend operation Added render.OverrideBlend (sry render.OverrideBlendFunc) BLENDFUNC enums
6 Years Ago
Add some code to let binds be used in other runtimes, including Unity
6 Years Ago
UI stuff.
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in BuildingManagementWidget Fixed NRE in HighlighterInternal when removing clothing
6 Years Ago
Fixed building radial for upgrades opening the management window for addons
6 Years Ago
Fixed EntityRef causing error on save
6 Years Ago
BaseEntityRef protoinclude fixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Building management UI basics
6 Years Ago
Fixed potential NRE from BuildingEx.HasAvailableUpgrades unlock check
6 Years Ago
Succesive building placement no longer sets bad gamespeed
6 Years Ago
Player controller now generates commands for target entities without requiring any units to be selected Fixed drag selection preventing left click to select Holding left shift when placing a building will let you place additional buildings of the same type Fixed cheat commands errors when invalid argument count is given Removed building upgrade and addon interactions (now accessible via radial, UI WIP) Removed craftingWidgetIndicator/button to open orders widget (now accessible via radial)
6 Years Ago
Added ability to register to OnLobbyJoinRequested callback Merge pull request #132 from dblstallion/master Added ability to register to OnLobbyJoinRequested callback
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
move previous fix in to CBaseAnimating
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed cheat cmd formatting
6 Years Ago
Player controller cleanup Moved cheats (god mode, death touch, and new instant build) to Cheat class, which creates console commands on init
6 Years Ago
Fixed a bunch of bugs.
6 Years Ago
Possessions should now check if another item can fulfill a requirement when a required item is dropped. Dropping undesired items should now mostly rely on Possessions.
6 Years Ago
Fixed build preprocessing stripping certain conditional models from foundations and roofs
6 Years Ago
More island1 polish
6 Years Ago
BiomeSettingsEditor fix Island 1 tweaks
6 Years Ago
Merge from /main
6 Years Ago
Entity:SetModel no longer screws up datacache lock counts when called on CBaseAnimating ents
6 Years Ago
tweak logo
6 Years Ago
More editor cleanup
6 Years Ago
Biome editor tweaks AI designer destroys old editors
6 Years Ago
NPC issue
6 Years Ago
Added button prompts for prev / next leaderboard mode Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
6 Years Ago
Consume From Dispenser requires free right hand
6 Years Ago
Fixed DataBrowserTab editor destruction not using DestroyImmediate
6 Years Ago
Quick play with iceroad
6 Years Ago
Fixed ItemFilterSet not correctly filtering consumable items.
6 Years Ago
Building block conditional model state is now networked (much faster, essentially zero overhead on the client) Conditional models can specify whether or not they're instantiated on client / server (optimized server memory usage) Network++
6 Years Ago
added grass to presapwned items and crafting table
6 Years Ago
Fixed reflections, added notes