224,045 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

31 Days Ago
icon, texture tweaks
31 Days Ago
Removed all RendererBatch components from the container dressing Marked all MeshCull scripts in the dressing as dynamic
31 Days Ago
Don't spawn containers if an entity is blocking the spawn point (includes players, vehicles and deployables) Other slots should pick up the slack and get more spawns but if all slots are occupied no containers will spawn a ship docks
31 Days Ago
Anim file deletes + backups
31 Days Ago
Merge from media_projects/24_04
31 Days Ago
restored open/close sounds
31 Days Ago
Merge from militaryflamethrower_2024
31 Days Ago
Merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
31 Days Ago
Don't look at parent entities for players, because we want a mounted player's bullets to still hit the vehicle they're mounted to. DO look at parent entities for vehicles etc, so they can't shoot themselves
31 Days Ago
Clear any existing cargo containers on a ship when docking process begins
31 Days Ago
Merge from minigun_2024
31 Days Ago
Merge from main
31 Days Ago
Fixed autoturrets + attack heli turrets, which I broke in 94719 when adding server-side bullet thickness support
31 Days Ago
Lua file clean ups * Mostly deprecated functions removals * Replaced usage of DImage:SetMaterial with SetImage when the argument is a string * Removed usages of Tool:GetSWEP() => Tool:GetWeapon() * Removed some remaining usages of self.Entity * Fixed Winch right click not setting rope color correctly * Removed arguments provided to EnableVerticalScrollbar (it has no arguments) * More misc (unused/missing) function argument related clean ups Enable "permanent failure" check on SRCDS steam logon failure Was commented out because it required a newer SDK version, which we now have. Basically will login anonymously if the GLST is invalid I think Prevent ent_create player Gravity Gun obeys sv_defaultdeployspeed Yes, this means that you can no longer grab AR2 balls that you yourself fire without increasing sv_defaultdeployspeed above the default of 4 Fixed crashes with ENT.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_STATIC(_HUGE) Remove mat_stub Fixed a crash with gameui_show_dialog and remove the concommand Potential crash fixes to do with traces
31 Days Ago
Adjusted cargo ship docking position at harbor_1 so that the swing bridge can close Fixed the second static crane not swinging out of the way when the ship departs
31 Days Ago
Restored upkeep cost, moved detailed colliders to the Deployed layer
31 Days Ago
31 Days Ago
Fixed spawn.cargoshipdockingtest not working if more than one harbor is in the world
31 Days Ago
Remove HLSL/GLSL compatibility funcs Delete unused Gather4Red macros Use normal precise keyword Piss off Dx9Sampler What the fuck is SV_ScreenPosition, delete pre SM 4.0 semantics Unused tessellation macros vr_cubemap_fog include common_samplers Fuck these Front/BackFace macros Useless redefines
31 Days Ago
Made the docking test map smaller again
31 Days Ago
Remove prefab context scene camera as well
31 Days Ago
Removed TOD Sky stuff from Prefab_Context_scene. Keeping it very simple. Background is now black.
31 Days Ago
retro tc lods, collision, updated textures
31 Days Ago
Made Prefab_Context_scene darker so that models, colliders etc can be seen more clearly against the background
31 Days Ago
Make cargo ship door LODs dynamic
31 Days Ago
Show picked up items on ui
31 Days Ago
Extended crane arm cylinder length
31 Days Ago
31 Days Ago
WIP ch47 test scenes/prefabs
31 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: actually fail if any of this validation fails, add another validation check for binding ids vfx_vulkan: improve error feedback Remove domain/hull shaders (they weren't working, Valve already deleted them, compute better)
31 Days Ago
31 Days Ago
FishSwarm spawning is load balanced
31 Days Ago
Fixed non-zero-thickness ServerUse projectile hits not registering. Pass in the owner as the ignoreEntity for TraceAll, so they stop hitting themselves
31 Days Ago
harbors S2P
31 Days Ago
tweaked grounds at harbor_1 for bridge pos
31 Days Ago
Merge harbor tweaks 4
31 Days Ago
Fixed egress working if it was in the process of actually entering or leaving harbor
31 Days Ago
Fixed harbor 1 to work with new path
31 Days Ago
Harbor_2: extended dock ladders and volumes lowered surface around swivel bridge by 1.25m on both harbor ground meshes touched up terrain accordingly
31 Days Ago
Fixed fish swarm spawning inside moonpools
31 Days Ago
Fixed corpses floating inside oil rig moonpool / tube
32 Days Ago
texture tweaks, combined mesh
32 Days Ago
Refactored all of the movement code Remade harbor 2 path to work with new movement
32 Days Ago
Fixed muzzle orientation again
32 Days Ago
Fixed attack prefab.
32 Days Ago
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32 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: never disable optimizations, this was fucking spirv-reflect and the compile time difference is minuscule Don't have a different fastMode shader compile, it doesn't do anything now Matching register offset check in AddSamplerStateVariableToCommandBuffer, same as SetSamplerStateValueFromVariable (prevent oob write) Bind some default shader resources to prevent crashes, this stuff shouldn't be hit normally so warn/assert it's likely solved by a shader recompile otherwise yell at me
32 Days Ago
minigun thickness
32 Days Ago
Improved cargo docking movement code to handle tighter situations Prevents clipping on harbor geometry Moves on rails with more deterministic movement overall
32 Days Ago
merge from main -> full_server_demos