userBill Bcancel

13,158 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Damage train when hitting barricade
3 Years Ago
Reduce train speed a bit more when a barricade is hit
3 Years Ago
Remove debug prints
3 Years Ago
Train barricades working
3 Years Ago
LODComponent compile fix for SERVER
3 Years Ago
Train barrier collision handling
3 Years Ago
Initial work on destroyable barricade for tracks
3 Years Ago
Fix train_track_3x9 spline
3 Years Ago
Remove garbage gen in CheckAssignCollider
3 Years Ago
Concert collision contacts loop to be garbage-free
3 Years Ago
Spline index data update
3 Years Ago
Speed up shared spline data regen. Ordering changed, so spline prefab indices updated
3 Years Ago
Let manifest builds regenerate world splines
3 Years Ago
Have the workcart slow down more quickly of its own accord when not in use. So if players jump off it doesn't end up a million miles away from them
3 Years Ago
Fix workcart occasionally getting "stuck" and having to reverse before going forward when using entity spawn (static collision bug)
3 Years Ago
Fix workcart headlights being in the wrong place/angle
3 Years Ago
Shared spline data now also looks in the autospawn folder. Updated autospawn train prefab spline data.
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Workcart
3 Years Ago
One icon that I missed on the crafting screen
3 Years Ago
Icon appearance changes: - Let icons show at full opacity everywhere EXCEPT the belt (stands out too much when the inventory isn't open). This helps a lot with the "washed out" look. - Belt icons set to 90% opacity. - Updated some icons that I'd missed, that aren't linked to any icon prefab - Rebuilt all loot panels; even ones that linked to the icon prefab didn't update until their prefabs were regenerated
3 Years Ago
Improving spline indexing
3 Years Ago
- Removed deferred mesh decal script from corridor_straight_a_9m as it was generating a bunch of NREs due to having no renderer. - Darkened WorkCart cabin glass albedo, you could hardly see out of it - Fixed Shared Spline Data not saving changes to the prefab when it changed. Unity pls stop introducing new systems for saving prefab changes
3 Years Ago
Ditch the track spline unique ID system and go back to matching on content. This means if multiple splines point to the same data and one changes and updates its content, the others will be out of sync. Will improve that next.
3 Years Ago
Manifest rebuild
3 Years Ago
Marge Main -> WorkCart
3 Years Ago
▌▋▊▌ ▊▋▍ ▋▅▅▍ ▉▆▉ ▅█▌▊█▉'▉ ▌▄█▉▆▊ ▆▇▆█ ▋▉▄▋▋▌ ▌▊▌▊▄ ▉▉▆ ▄▆▄▍▊▊
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
▊▌▊'▊ ▅▄█▋ ▍█▊▋▇▇'▅ ▆▊█▅▋ ▆██▍▉▌▄ ▄▊▅▋ ▅▉▌▆'▇▉ ▍▍▆▄▆▌. █▄▆▌▌▍ ▇█▉▉ █▌▆█▋▅▇ ▍▇▅▋▊█ ▅▉▄▌ ▊ ▊▉ ▍ ▊▍▉▍▍▆▍. ▅▅▆▊▆ ▊▅▍▄▌▌'▌ ▉▆▊▄▄ ▋▉▄▆ ▋▅▊▌ ▄▉▋▍.
3 Years Ago
▊▆▆▆▆ ▆▉▋▊▊▅▅▍ ▆▋▄▋▅▄▍
3 Years Ago
Merge item icon colour bugfix (introduced in #5156)
3 Years Ago
▅█▉ ▉▇▇▌▊ ▋▄▍▅▍▍▍▄▌ ▉▇▅█▆▆ ▌▄▇▇▅▇▄ ▇▋▍ ▅▆█▍▄▉ ▋▇▍▄▍▆▅▇▌ 🤦. █▊▌ ▋▉▍▊▍▆▊ ▉▍ ▄▋▆▋▊ ▆▅▌ ▋█▅ ▌▍▊▌▉▅'▆ ▊▍▍█.
3 Years Ago
▄▋▇▇ ▊▅▅▊ ▄▌▉█▌▌ ▋▆▇▋▅▌ ▊▋▆▋█▉ ▅█▋'▅ ▅▅ "▉▄▅▅" ▍▍▉▇▋▆
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
▋▊▉▇▇▌▌/▊▆▋▆▉▆▉▍▉█▅▌ █▌ ▇▌▌ ▅▉▅▋ ▌▌▄█▍ ▊▆▉▇▇▅▇. ▍▇▊▋▊▉▉▉▉▍ ▉▋▄▌▊█ ▋▊▆ ▌▋▅▋ ▇ ▊▋▊▉▇▇▅▄ ▍███ ▊▅▆▉▍. ▉▆▌▇▆█▄▍.
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
▍▊▋ ▄▍▅▊ ▉▄▅▅▄▌▍ ▅▇▅▄▌▆ ▇▍▅ ▄▋▊▌▊█▉ █▉▆ ▌▇▅▅▆ ▇▄▌▍▅. ▌▋▉▄▍▆█▉█ ▆▍▌▍ ▉▋▆▇▆▍▅ ▉▋▊▋▄▉ ▄▅▍▊ ▌ ▇▇▌▆▆▆▊ ▌█ ▍
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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3 Years Ago
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