userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

2 Years Ago
Snowmobile detail colliders
2 Years Ago
WIP tidying up client-side access to _mounted
2 Years Ago
Remove unused overrideMountedLookAt
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> misc_improvements
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile wheel setup, and fix model direction
2 Years Ago
Some snowmobile initial setup
2 Years Ago
Test map changes
2 Years Ago
Reduce MLRS rocket world model size and mass to 25% of actual size and mass
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Fix HAB prefab bug
2 Years Ago
Converted all vehicles from spawning sub-entities to simply including them in their base prefab heirarchy. Converted: - Duo Sub [fuel storage, torpedo storage, item storage] - Hot Air Balloon [fuel storage, item storage] - Magnet Crane [fuel storage] - Minicopter (in earlier commit) [fuel storage] - MLRS [dashboard storage, rocket storage] - Modular car chassis [fuel storage] - RHIB [fuel storage, item storage] - Rowboat [fuel storage, item storage] - Scrap Transport Helicopter [fuel storage] - Solo Sub [fuel storage, torpedo storage, item storage] - Work Cart [fuel storage] All fuel-using vehicles also now start with 50 fuel when in editor.
2 Years Ago
Merge MLRSUpdates -> IntegrateVehicleSubEnts
2 Years Ago
Fixed extra MLRS rocket storage sub-ent
2 Years Ago
Add GetEntity to GameObjectRef
2 Years Ago
Experimental, remove minicopter sub-entity spawning and simply include the fuel sub-ent on the base entity. This is the new standard in the desert base setup and seems to be working reliably, and may allow us to remove a lot of boilerplate spawning code.
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Fix client compile for range limit checks
2 Years Ago
Separate the MLRS rocket explosion and ground effect FX and fire them separately. Ground effect now plays at the hit point rather than directly below the main explosion.
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
MLRS font swap
2 Years Ago
No-aim areas in the MLRS UI (safe zones etc) now all have their diagonal filler lines at the same scale
2 Years Ago
Fallback fonts for the MLRS font. Handle all languages
2 Years Ago
Extended character set for MLRS UI
2 Years Ago
Fix MLRS rocket backfire FX flashing on when entering LOD range
2 Years Ago
Take fuse time into account when showing rocket max distance (for instance HV rockets could fly 3,200m with an unlimited fuse, but actually explode after a maximum of 400m (10-second fuse))
2 Years Ago
Don't show max distance for MLRS rockets or torpedoes
2 Years Ago
Move max range calculation to ServerProjectile. A couple of changes
2 Years Ago
ExplosiveInformationPanel now calculates the true Max Distance to show the user, instead of a semi-fabricated one
2 Years Ago
Update TryFireProjectile comment now that I've tracked down the cause
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Attach dashboardStorageInstance to dashboardStoragePoint, not rocketStoragePoint
2 Years Ago
Revert IPreventSticking interface for sticking stuff to the MLRS (satchel charges etc). Will see if we can do this with the existing bones system.
2 Years Ago
MLRS UI radius fix. Raycast spacing edit.
2 Years Ago
Increase raycast count on the downward arc of the MLRS hit calculation. Makes for more accurate alignment between the player-placed target hit point and the actual hit point.
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> MLRSUpdates
2 Years Ago
Fixed MLRS realigning bool not handling negative values on the server
2 Years Ago
Increase MLRS map base zoom from 0.33 (repeating of course) to 0.45
2 Years Ago
Shrink the MLRS UI visual target by half the rocket damage radius to give a good indication of actual damage area (in reality it shrinks by the whole rocket damage radius, but the rockets themselves damage in a radius which can reach outside that area)
2 Years Ago
MLRS rockets cluster less towards the centre of the potential hit area
2 Years Ago
Increase MLRS target area radius from 25m to 35m. Given rocket explosion radius of 15, this give an actual possible-hit-point increase from 10m to 20m.
2 Years Ago
Give the card table pot storage a working loot panel reference as well, though it shouldn't matter as this storage is never accessed by players.
2 Years Ago
Fixed ridable horse corpses not being lootable.
2 Years Ago
Merge generic_large -> Main. "Re-add generic_large loot panel with 42 slots (for modders)"
2 Years Ago
Re-add generic_large loot panel with 42 slots (for modders)
2 Years Ago
Fix BaseMountable PlayerIsMounted checking _mounted instead of player.GetMounted()
2 Years Ago
Fix for modded servers that have modified the maximum stack size, where players then load >12 rockets into an MLRS, and the MLRS tries to shoot rockets that it doesn't have tubes for, causing IndexOutOfRangeException in FireNextRocket.
2 Years Ago
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2 Years Ago
Fix PatrolHelicopter removing its VehicleWorld collider on the server instead of on the client. Fixes it not taking any damage from server-side rockets.
2 Years Ago
Set aiming module slot max stack size to 1
2 Years Ago
Fix bugs with MLRS rocket inventory: - Fix ammo stack item occasionally being used with amount == 0 (would end up leaving one rocket unfired) - CanFire now also checks IsBroken