userBill Bcancel

13,104 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

2 Years Ago
Move all BradleyAPC.Targeting code inside #server, move AlwaysAllowBradleyTargeting check to server-side only
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Minor edits
2 Years Ago
Fix project settings
2 Years Ago
Set up snowmobile fuel and storage. Added a basic CanBeLooted check to BaseVehicle for vehicles to share. Other snowmobile setup. Set all seats to needsVehicleTick = false.
2 Years Ago
Merge for sleeper_mounting_2 -> Main, but GetMounted() needs fixing for Modular Cars. It's returning the chassis instead of the seat.
2 Years Ago
Split BaseVehicle back up, with the modified code from the merge
2 Years Ago
Merge in sleeper_mounting_2
2 Years Ago
Temporarily reintegrate all parts of BaseVehicle in order to facilitate the upcoming merge
2 Years Ago
Updates to BillBTestMap
2 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle sub-entities doubling up on the client side
2 Years Ago
DoPrepare run
2 Years Ago
Fuel and storage sub-ents
2 Years Ago
Move InitShared out of #SERVER area, and take additional #SERVER flags away from around childVehicles.Clear() - needed on the client as well.
2 Years Ago
More wheel stuff
2 Years Ago
Wheel stuff
2 Years Ago
More snowmobile WIP. Compiling now
2 Years Ago
More WIP snowmobile code
2 Years Ago
WIP converting CarPhysics to be more generic, so snowmobiles can use it too. + some snowmobile code.
2 Years Ago
- Changed some more GetWorldVelocity calls into GetLoalVelocity, so they'll work if parented. - Moved GetLocalVelocityServer and GetAngularVelocityServer rigidbody-based overrides into BaseVehicle, so we don't have to override with the same method for every new vehicle.
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Rename ModularCarPhysics to CarPhysics
2 Years Ago
Merge VehicleUpdates -> Main, let's try this again
2 Years Ago
Manifest rebuild to fix "no number for string fuel_storage"
2 Years Ago
Fix load order issues with vehicle fuel
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> VehicleUpdates
2 Years Ago
Revert the accidental revert of the revert. Subtracts 66868.
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile WIP code, protobuf setup etc
2 Years Ago
Revert 66868. Was causing trouble with PrefabAttributes that tried to double-process when already destroyed.
2 Years Ago
Allow prefab pre-processing to include sub-entities. Fixes nested entities on vehicles not stripping client/server-only components. Need André to review this.
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Merge misc_improvements -> Main
2 Years Ago
Merge IntegrateVehicleSubEnts -> Main
2 Years Ago
Fix ProjectSettings set to CLIENT
2 Years Ago
Merge MLRSUpdates -> Main
2 Years Ago
Fixed cassette recorders not sticking correctly to MLRS moving parts
2 Years Ago
Fix reversed check in IsWaterlogged for vehicles that can't become waterlogged
2 Years Ago
Fix VehicleEngineController doing more work than necessary to get the fuel system
2 Years Ago
Simplify AnyMounted
2 Years Ago
Rename HasAnyPassengers to AnyMounted
2 Years Ago
Update BaseVehicle mount menu check to not check IsMounted
2 Years Ago
Manifest build, and prefab ID fix
2 Years Ago
Merge misc_improvements -> snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Merge MLRSUpdates and IntegrateVehicleSubEnts -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Snowmobile
2 Years Ago
More vehicle tidy-up. Since every engine uses fuel (so far), put EntityFuelSystem inside VehicleEngineController. EntityFuelSystem can still be used separately if needed (several vehicles do this as they have their own engine implementations).
2 Years Ago
Merge BaseMountable -> misc_improvements
2 Years Ago
A general tidy-up for vehicle code to make things easier in the future. - Split BaseVehicle into BaseVehicle, BaseVehicle.Server, and BaseVehicle.Client. - Move IsWaterlogged and CanRunEngine checks to VehicleEngineController, so they can be shared by everything with an engine. - Match EntityFuelSystem and VehicleEngineController to Rust code formatting ('private' written out, spaces inside brackets). - BaseVehicle IsMounted implementation fix.
2 Years Ago
More snowmobile setup
2 Years Ago
Snowmobile collider edit