userBill Bcancel

13,721 Commits over 2,891 Days - 0.20cph!

2 Years Ago
Revert 69578 and 69579 for now - I need to sort out a remaining issue first.
2 Years Ago
CodeGen for the previous commit, update EntityMenu.cs
2 Years Ago
Fixed the mount option appearing twice on vehicle modules (when holding to interact). Now that vehicle modules inherit from BaseMountable, they still need their Menu_Mount_ShowIf override, but don't need their Menu_Mount entry.
2 Years Ago
"Occupied" message no longer shows when looking at vehicle modules with no mount points
2 Years Ago
UpdateFullFlag now propagates up to any parent vehicle(s). Fixes vehicles not being mountable when loading from a save if the vehicle was mounted during the save.
2 Years Ago
Fixed modular cars no longer correctly supporting the semi-secret mouse steer option
2 Years Ago
Moved magnet crane animator params to the base class
2 Years Ago
Added support to EmissionToggle for any emission percent between 0 and 1. Set the magnet crane's rotation light to 20% emission when on. 100% on that material was designed for beacon lights rather than a little cabin light.
2 Years Ago
Ternary conditional compile fix
2 Years Ago
Holding the crouch key while in the Magnet Crane now automatically rotates the cabin back to zero
2 Years Ago
Added a blue light to the Magnet Crane cockpit. When the magnet crane cabin is within 10 degrees of facing straight forward, it lights up
2 Years Ago
Magnet crane pedals now animate and have IK
2 Years Ago
Renamed magnet crane `rigfht tread movement` to `right tread movement`
2 Years Ago
Magnet crane: - If we use the IntertiaTensor Unity thinks we should have, the crane is really wobbly with the arm extended straight up - If we use my custom IntertiaTensor (set to values that act like the arm doesn't exist), the crane behaves in unexpected ways with the arm extended far out front Compromise instead and go 50% of the way between them. 1. Set the inertia tensor to what Unity thinks it SHOULD be for the current arm position. 2. Set the inertia tensor to half way between the above and my custom one.
2 Years Ago
Magnet crane arm collider edit - reduce the change of the arm colliding entering the ground.
2 Years Ago
Fixed glitching start/stop sounds caused by poor speed calculations in MagnetCraneAudio
2 Years Ago
Merge MagnetCraneUpdate -> Main
2 Years Ago
Fixed magnet crane oneshot audio playing too often
2 Years Ago
Removed the input blocking after the magnet crane collides with something, leaving it to just prevent the movement instead. Fixes the case where the magnet could kind of 'dig in' its collision and end up not being able to move back out.
2 Years Ago
Removed the the map snowmobile
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> MagnetCraneUpdates
2 Years Ago
Removed orphan DebugEx timer
2 Years Ago
Save settings
2 Years Ago
Enabled saving on y temp train and carriage entities
2 Years Ago
Make sure the wheels start at zero rotation
2 Years Ago
Update changed wheel bogie positions when received even if the train is off
2 Years Ago
Fix rear bogie jitter from using world instead of local rotation
2 Years Ago
Added missing time parameter info
2 Years Ago
Smoothed out train bogie rotation using the new generic interpolator
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> Rail Network
2 Years Ago
Try reducing magnet crane interp snapshot count from 32 to 8
2 Years Ago
Removed temp debug code
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> rail_network
2 Years Ago
Merge MagnetCraneUpdates -> Main
2 Years Ago
Added debug method for magnet crane interpolation
2 Years Ago
Fix yaw snap trouble
2 Years Ago
Fixed some glitches with the interpolator when magnet crane yaw passed through zero. Still hitches at zero - TODO.
2 Years Ago
Removed debug print
2 Years Ago
Created GenericLerp mostly based on the existing PositionLerp. Simpler than PositionLerp overall, but can interpolate anything. Implemented it for magnet crane animation - cabin yaw + the two arm movements. This makes the magnet crane visual movement smooth instead of jittery (the existing code did a simple Lerp, but couldn't really be timed right on its own). GenericLerp may be useful any time the server sends regular data which needs to appear smooth on the client despite only coming 10 or 16 times a second. For instance I plan to use it for the train bogie rotation as well.
2 Years Ago
Cherry-pick my new interpolator -> MagnetCraneUpdates
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> MagnetCraneUpdates
2 Years Ago
Merge General QOL -> Main
2 Years Ago
Revert most of 69231 - was only working on listen server
2 Years Ago
Merge General QOL -> Main
2 Years Ago
Merge Main -> General QOL
2 Years Ago
Fixed placeholder train carriage NRE
2 Years Ago
Remove unused FX from the placeholder train carriage
2 Years Ago
Fixed spark FX not stopping on train carriage
2 Years Ago
Updated train carriage colliders, both temp train parent triggers + extra stuff
2 Years Ago
Merge wheel_tangents -> rail_network