250,262 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!

26 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16309
26 Days Ago
Lets make this shader compile code less pointer'y Fix shader compile progress always being 0% Rebuild shaders Remove unused shader code
26 Days Ago
Horse saddle swapping & leading first pass
27 Days Ago
Fix language attribute not allowed - fixes sbox-issues/issues/7221 Fix unable to enter non-game in contests
27 Days Ago
Use VideoWidget for video widget test, delete VideoNativeWidget
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16301
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16297
27 Days Ago
- Comment updates - Fix animations having lower than normal playback speed
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16296
27 Days Ago
Init AssetPickParameters_t defaults
27 Days Ago
Fix gizmo tests not initializing camera
27 Days Ago
GizmoSceneTest uses SceneRenderingWidget
27 Days Ago
SceneRenderingWidget manages its own gizmo instance
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16287
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16286
27 Days Ago
Disable gizmo push until I figure out what's wrong with it
27 Days Ago
Make sure things using scene rendering widgets calls Scene.EditorTick
27 Days Ago
Push gizmo scope in Scene.Push - Allows for gizmo rendering in SceneRenderingWidget.PreFrame Don't call Scene.PreRender in SceneRenderingWidget, it's the job of Scene.EditorTick to call this so we ran the risk of this being called twice
27 Days Ago
Render to widget example in widget gallery uses SceneRenderingWidget
28 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #16277
28 Days Ago
music misc curses curse difficulties more difficulty player sprites
28 Days Ago
Generated csproj LangVersion 11 -> 13
28 Days Ago
lr 300 - v4 exports, anim naming updates, override controller set to use udpated anims
28 Days Ago
Changed all siege weapon constructable colliders layer to Deloyed
28 Days Ago
Hide code compile notice when NotificationPopups is false instead of clearing them, in case notification sounds are enabled (was this by design?)
28 Days Ago
Reimplemented heavy players dismounting Now only checks when the players weight changes instead of every frame
28 Days Ago
Specify input type to SerializeToNode when serializing game resources - Fixes Type not being serialized in game resources
28 Days Ago
Tweaked horses drowning damage
28 Days Ago
Fixed catapult detailed collider scaling issue
28 Days Ago
Apply era restrictions to recycler output so you can't recycle items to get blocked items
28 Days Ago
Enforce era restrictions onto loot tables - likely will have custom loot tables but this prevents any items squeaking through - caches valid items for each era in loot tables, resets when era is modified
28 Days Ago
Improved deployment
28 Days Ago
Only have one version of FloatSlider in sandbox.tools, delete the one in property editors
28 Days Ago
merge from primitive
28 Days Ago
Fix behavior when deserializing fields with code defined initializer Partially reverts: 3ce2d74fbd9effd2d280d1a59c9029f4b0a5c387 Added a bunch of tests
28 Days Ago
Use float control widget in curve editor Delete FloatProperty
28 Days Ago
Undo some of this json stuff for now. Has a lot more edge cases than I thought.... Display default name in TilesetTileControl when tiles are unnamed AutotileBrushListControl no longer shows add button when inspecting the asset, only in the Tileset Editor Implemented "Inherit Autotile From" setting, display inherited autotiles in the brush list https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2024/December/20_10-14-LoathsomeWhale.mp4 Remove "NOT IMPLEMENTED" text from 15 tiles since it is implemented Add a few NRE checks for niche edge cases AutotileBrush.Tileset reference to associated Tileset. Fixed a few more edge cases TilesetResource.GetAllAutotileBrushes() now returns new copies of the inherited brushes instead of the original brushes themselves, referencing tiles from this tileset in the same positions.
28 Days Ago
Trumpet tree tweaks
28 Days Ago
Changing Terrain.MaterialOverride updates mesh if it exists, Facepunch/sbox-issues#7180 Update Terrain buffer when transform changes, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7192
28 Days Ago
Jungle forest trees / trumpet tree /cecropia / LODs and textures
28 Days Ago
- Ensure arrow states are kept in admire - Ensure each reload state resets the rotation timer (still needs more work)
28 Days Ago
Horse drowning damage
28 Days Ago
Don't transition to idle after each fractional reload part
28 Days Ago
Restore two layer depth prepass behaviour which seems to reduce draw calls somehow
28 Days Ago
Reduce fractional animation time so the transition to the end state is more apparent
28 Days Ago
Subtracting 109845 (workshop normal fix)
28 Days Ago
Arcade Arena Map https://sbox.game/facepunch/c_arcade
28 Days Ago
Delete citizen_2023-03-06.fbx
28 Days Ago
Slightly more reliable reload animation. Reload now always dumps into the same slot no matter the barrel orientation
28 Days Ago
linked and positioned fire,poison,bone,stone and metal arrow heads to bolt joint 3 and 4 in minicrossbow view model prefab.