224,807 Commits over 3,714 Days - 2.52cph!

4 Days Ago
Opacity fix.
4 Days Ago
Hacking laptop interface improvements
Leaderboard backup, run #11442
4 Days Ago
Fixed Hackable Crate keypad looking all fubar. Improved the indicator light and made it emit onto players.
4 Days Ago
Fixed blinding button materials in Trainyard. Made the arrows on the red buttons white for visibility. Could barely read them. S2P.
4 Days Ago
Strip steamaudio reflections
4 Days Ago
Scrap & attack helis use nested rotor wash prefabs as well, for ease of optimization. Should no longer have the weird rotor wash collision behaviour.
4 Days Ago
Edit pedal bike gears
4 Days Ago
Chinook & Patrol Heli ground wash collision fix & reduced minimum height needed for visual dust spam from 80 > 40 on both. Moved Chinook wash FX to nested prefab.
4 Days Ago
Merge from main
4 Days Ago
Merge from main
4 Days Ago
Fixed steering speed bug when turning one direction and and then immediately in the other direction
4 Days Ago
Move shatterglass to a library
4 Days Ago
One more tweak, align both condensed and normal versions with the same right offset on the amount text so we can maximise the size of the font
4 Days Ago
Spacing tweaks
4 Days Ago
Use the condensed item pickup notice when displaying a pickup greater than the stack size of the item Condensed item pickup notice amount text so it's more legible
4 Days Ago
Fix shadergraph node drag drop, drag data needs to be full class name now
4 Days Ago
Fix trying to access null asset metadata, because of 0bc9a60 Fix asset publish widget not properly checking if source file doesn't exist, fixes inspector not working for cloud assets
4 Days Ago
Pedal bike mass, suspension, power, handling setup
4 Days Ago
Removed the parenting volume on the crane pickup piece, it would work when the crane rotates but not when it extends/retracts as our parenting system has no awareness of that movement Fixed another case where the attachment collider wouldn't match between client/server, leading to flyhacks
4 Days Ago
Fixed doors going crazy when spamming power into door controllers, we now discard actions if the door is busy
4 Days Ago
Minor suspension edit on pedal bike
4 Days Ago
Fixed a slight offset on the harbor crane pickup attachment that could maybe lead to flyhack kicks while standing on it Added a parenting volume to this section so if the player is standing on it while it moves they should move as expected with it Will need harbor S2P's for this to work properly
4 Days Ago
Merged helicopter fixes
4 Days Ago
Removed debug stuff
4 Days Ago
Bunch more targetting bugs fixed Had to revert damage checks and 0 hp workaround Modified zone sizes again
4 Days Ago
Fix gun shooting slower when it has muzzle boost + burst module rather than burst module alone
4 Days Ago
Fixed exploding heli in mid air without crashing Another attempt to fix this neverending orbit bug :)
4 Days Ago
Fixed some edge cases where the planner was unclear if you could place an external structure if you had just slid down a surface
4 Days Ago
Tweaked wooden shop front door controller socket position
4 Days Ago
Ensured starting orbit break inside update won't call the rest of the movement code that iteration
4 Days Ago
[André request] DoPrepare adds "TugboatDeployable" label to all deployables that can be used on a tugboat
4 Days Ago
Fixed logic problem with heli orbits when there are 0 targets and can break from the orbit
4 Days Ago
Add face collapse
4 Days Ago
Fixed high wooden gate and both hatches double door controller deployement
4 Days Ago
Better underwater distance benchmark prefab.
5 Days Ago
Prevent further damage to heli once in death state Ensure death spinout location is located on the floor
5 Days Ago
Merge from main
5 Days Ago
Recycler now gives out remainder scrap rather than rounding up scrap values - also fixes some components giving 1 extra scrap due to floating point errors
5 Days Ago
Loop select https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0111b1/sbox-dev_EaJSH5kbqn.mp4
5 Days Ago
Ensure some space is allocated for collisions prior to the death spinout
5 Days Ago
Added convar to disable monument crashing
5 Days Ago
Ensured monuments that have default tier don't slip through the cracks
5 Days Ago
Additional check for monument type
5 Days Ago
Heli will ignore tier 0 monuments: ice lakes, swamps, caves, etc.
5 Days Ago
Fixed wobbly pedal bike wheels, adjusted suspension
5 Days Ago
Don't show suspension visually on the pedal bike. Reduce suspension distance. Adjust bike wheel colliders.
5 Days Ago
Can rotate unicycle with mouse in menu
5 Days Ago
do on update instead work out jitter later
5 Days Ago
Clamp camera rotation