253,884 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.65cph!
merge from replicated_convar_warning -> main
Show [SERVER] beside server & replicated convars in F1 menu, show [CLIENT] beside client only convars
Print warning when a replicated convar is set from the client to server, indicating it will be changed for all other players on the server
Added the test scene to the scene menu
Added a new scene for automated tests
Reset scroll view position to the top of the list when changing item categories
More playtesting feedback, leaderboard order, camera height,
Setup item list scroll view for propper scrolling.
Resized item window slightly so that long lists don't cover the search bar at the bottom.
Forward item icon drag events to main scroll view so that you can drag scroll properly even over an item icon.
merge from jungle foliage
strangler fig wall decal textures/mat and decal prefab
some materials decal layers changes
launch site trees set dressing++
Update thread counts when moving threads
Hide thread sidebar, add forum header
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Update host frame
Set org
Fixed RocketTests assert throw
Trumpet tree / manual SSS tweaks / added AO
Update Sweeper sample project
scaffold tileset fixes, junk tower tileset, extra credit progress
Remove weapon_cubemap from localizations
Updated TTT
* TTT: Magneto-stick DoAttack cleanup
* TTT: Fix C4/Radio sounds not playing outside of PAS
* TTT: Fix "CS:S not mounted" warning
Remove weapon_cubemap from localizations
Updated TTT
* TTT: Magneto-stick DoAttack cleanup
* TTT: Fix C4/Radio sounds not playing outside of PAS
* TTT: Fix "CS:S not mounted" warning
Improve key mapping for CEF on Windows
Still not ideal, key repeats won't be identified, key location not identified (even though this data is now passed), not all keys have KeyboardEvent.code set yet
Revert "Update screenspace_general shader with some CS:GO features"
This reverts commit 8ef86ee055e3bc23f1753a7feab0dc102910eec9.
Linux still doesn't want to work for no apparent reason. Reverts only the shader itself, not accompanying changes to try to see what is going on.
Remove built in Vox resource, some games want to use vox files as is without compiling them, it should be up to games if they want to make these a resource
merge from triangle_planter
Update triangle planter repair and pickup
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
XORSwitch tests
Another attempt at fixing list loading
merge from fix_write_varuint32 -> main
Fix the length of NetWrite not being updated when writing a VarUInt32
- caused packet to get clamped to lower length later causing RPC errors if the last thing written was a VarUInt32
Networking config + more words
Reveal a letter to people who haven't guessed every few seconds
Realtime networked drawing (instead of only when a stroke is finished)
This comment doesn't apply any more
Restore Vector3.SmoothDamp to previous function
First pass adding armour slot item mod to Jackets/shirts/suits/vests
LOD and texture fixes to Teddy Bear
merge from hackweek_automatedtesting
Test list loading fix attempt
Refactor to fix save/load CanAcceptItem bug
Started hackweek trying to investigate why standing underneath a bear rug gives you 100% comfort but standing on top of one only gives you 25% comfort. Discovered that the very old CalculateComfort code gave you the most comfort at the edge of the comfort trigger, so moving away from a comfort deployable gave you more comfort - that didn't make sense.
- Comfort is calculated from your closest position to the comfort deployable trigger, not your feet
- Comfort is calculated as a SmoothStep based on the distance you are from the center of the trigger, with minComfortRange forgiveness
- Increased rug.bear trigger size from 1.1 -> 3, base comfort (solo comfort) from 0.25 -> 0.5 on both bear rug comfort trigger spheres
Going further with this branch will likely mean reviewing all comfort deployables and making some comfortSource tweaks. Would like to explore adding up different nearby comfort sources instead of taking max but wary of performance concerns of generating a data structure every ServerUpdate
Fix TrySetLanguageFromBrowser inverse logic causing errors
Added changeset number, branch name and UTC time to the test results
Can now control if crafted or all versions of an item can have armor slots.
runcategory command can take multiple categories
112936 Fixed RidableHorse2.VehicleFixedUpdate server NRE
Split cmd and args input by space, don't prematurely de-quote args, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7611
Thread list, threadviews++
Implement IGameInventory/UpdateItemDefs