116,240 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Fixed broken hazmat prefabs (since backpack changes)
Fix build targets not reinitialising properly after loading a save mid mission
Added a few gestures from the old system (chicken, drink, item drop/pickup). Updated player anim controller.
Fixed broken tutorial container reference on load
Fixed mission loading work from yesterday
Flush the players network group after loading the tutorial, a bit hacky but gets saving/loading working
Don't start initial conversation when loading a save
Added PathFinder.PushPointsAdditional and PathFinder.BlockedPointsAdditional
Better handling of multiple connection points close to each other when generating rail layout
Added monument topology to the entrance scene
Lingering smoke atlas with termination baked in, probably better than all this shader fuckery.
Train tunnel entrance scene
Missed a misaligned indent
Quick cleanup/refactor after merge
Restored create or resume tutorial process functionality.
More WIP and a tricky merge.
Fixed T1 HAB armor door being included in the gibs
cherrypicked from decal fix
Shipping container fixes to triangle up / down roof pieces (better alignment)
Added decal gizmo icon for selection, visual guides for projection and texture orientation
fixing several bugs
improved destruction gibs on frames and foundation steps
Fixed electrical switch on and off inputs not affecting the switch as expected and requiring rewiring after use
Applied the same fix to smart switches as it looks like they were copy+pasted from the ElectricSwitch component
More cleanup, destroy all entities on the island
Remove islands from the active island list on the server and client
WIP cleanup after tutorial is finished
Added a PostServerLoad callback to MissionObjective, supports setting up any session specific behaviour set up in MissionStarted or ObjectiveStarted after a save is loaded
Copy GUID of DofExposer from main, unsure how this got changed
Merge from dof_exposer_improvements
Show depth of field values on camera readout if the dof exposer is active even if the dof convar is false
Change readout to "DOF=false" if dof is disabled
Added a start modal to prompt the player whether they want to start a tutorial
Fixed contacts button flickering after leaving the tutorial
Player can now end the tutorial and gets respawned back to the main island
See the ignore tutorial convars option on the rust editor tool
Fix armored door not being blocked by debris
Increased number of burstcloth bones in ghost costume
Increase building block trigger of debris so that wall debris will block building of floors attached to the same point
Tweaked alignment of rail connection nodes in train_tunnel_double_entrance_36m prefab
Increased the minimum distance between underground rail entrances
Trainyard spawn improvements
GenerateRailLayout no longer ignores certain connection points, leading to intersecting rail
Try to place 2 underground rail entrances
Slightly better selection of underground rail entrance placement positions