2,462 Commits over 1,919 Days - 0.05cph!
Fixed NRE on Arctic Pack item store page (caused from Tomaha snowmobile preview asset)
Updated rotation of preview asset for cassette recorder to show it more clearly
Added modular car radio to Voice Props DLC item store UI
Merge from modding_prefabs
Fixed rotation for invis admin wall
Added two missing/unsaved tiled cube prefabs: brick_07 + glass_08
Merge from cinematic_gestures
Fixed cinematic 'kick' and 'push' gestures sharing the same name in custom gesture wheel.
Bday 11 poster scene tweaks + backups
Bday11 hero poster scene + materials backup
Merge from modding_prefabs
Added new greybox scene containing all cube prefabs (for testing)
Backlog of unsaved mapping/modding prefabs:
- More tiled cube prefabs; concrete, charcoal, gravel, ceiling, roof and plaster
- Cold and heat volume variants (low, med, high)
- Toxic/radiation water cube + cylinder prefabs
- Admin spawnable invisible 3x3 cube + wall
- Static fire prefabs (looping)
- Static xmas light string prefab
- Static spraycan decals
- Birthday cake prefabs
- Invisible static PressButton
Merge from localcoord-emission
Merge from cinematic_gestures