
12,290 Commits over 3,653 Days - 0.14cph!

10 Days Ago
Straighten road next to roadside monuments
10 Days Ago
Prefer longer cliff segments
10 Days Ago
PlaceCliffs has MinHeight and MaxHeight parameters to specifc terrain altitude range of certain cliff types
10 Days Ago
Moved GenerateCliffTopology slopeCutoff and splatCutoff to consts at the top of the file
10 Days Ago
Implemented "force the cliffs to spawn at the highest available Y position"
10 Days Ago
Fixed "cliff scaling doesn't always obey the min/max values"
10 Days Ago
ProceduralMapRoad spawns roadside monuments
10 Days Ago
PlaceMonumentsRoadside fixes & improvements
10 Days Ago
Merge from main
10 Days Ago
Merge from main
14 Days Ago
Fixed piece of shit water system returning incorrect trace hit position when underwater, causing incorrect water hits while inside water carving volumes
15 Days Ago
▍▊█ ▍▋▉ █▅▊▋▉
20 Days Ago
21 Days Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
21 Days Ago
Enabled IsDynamic on crane rope ladder prefab (so it persists through entity save / load)
21 Days Ago
Merge from main
21 Days Ago
S2P harbor_1 and harbor_2
21 Days Ago
Merge from main (needs S2P, see next commit)
21 Days Ago
ServerListManager.EnqueuePings NRE fix
21 Days Ago
22 Days Ago
Cached server browser HttpClient exceptions no longer prevent download reattempts
22 Days Ago
Cached server browser is less exceptiony
22 Days Ago
Fixed hole in side of terrain when harbor spawns too close to terrain edge (not ideal, but good temporary solution)
22 Days Ago
Disabled material import on oilrig moonpool environment volume collider meshes (for some reason this pulls them into the discard bundle in the server build)
23 Days Ago
Server startup fix
27 Days Ago
Fixed oilrig environment volume collision meshes not having read/write flag set
27 Days Ago
Restoring old version of BiomeVisuals
27 Days Ago
Removing StartAssetEditing and StopAssetEditing from GameManifest and PrefabPrepare since it breaks repeat GetLabels / SetLabels calls (makes things slower though)
27 Days Ago
Missed files
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
Removing "Update Game Manifest (Fast)" - use "Update Game Manifest" instead, which isn't all that slow anymore
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
ForceLabel fixes
28 Days Ago
Reapply 95063 w/ compile fix
28 Days Ago
Fixed MaterialSetup not working inside monuments (prop / environment volume spawn order issue)
29 Days Ago
▅▋▍▉▉ ▄▊▍.▉▋▉▉█▄▊▌ ▊▆▆ █▄▄.▌▍▆▋▇█▊▍▍▇▆█▆█▌▇ █▄▋██▄▍▉█ ▇▋▄▋▋▌▇▄▄▌ ▄▇▌ ▋▅▇▊▌▅▇▍ ▌▅▄▇ ▌▅▊▊▊▌▍▊ ▆▍▊▉▆▅▉▌▇ ▅▊▌▄▊▇▊▄▋ ▆▋▆▉▉▉▄▇.▍▊▋██▄▄▊▉▋▉▌█▊ ▊█▉▊ ▉▆▇.▆▌▄▉▌▉▅█▋ █▄ █▌▆.▌▅▍▋▊▋▇▄ ▉▄ ▆▇▉ ▅▋▍ ▌▄ ▌▄▋▌▋▌▉█▌ ▆▌▆█▇▉ █▋▇▊▌▍▉▍▅▆▍
29 Days Ago
Converted retro tool cupboard from prefab variant to normal prefab Fixed StringPool errors on retro tool cupboard
29 Days Ago
Cherry picking 94968
29 Days Ago
NRE fix when MaterialSetup is missing MaterailConfig (now logs a warning instead)
29 Days Ago
Free vs. FreeList
29 Days Ago
EnvironmentVolume now draws the gizmo of all selected objects instead of just the last one (it still hides the gizmo if only the parent is selected) Fixed EnvironmentVolume making manually added mesh colliders readonly / unsaved
30 Days Ago
Fixed "Snow Effect" material config
30 Days Ago
Harbor TerrainFilter tweaks in order to find more suitable placements
30 Days Ago
Fixed TerrainFilter, TerrainAnchor and TerrainCheck all returning false when out of terrain bounds (blocking many valid harbor spawn location)
31 Days Ago
FishSwarm spawning is load balanced
31 Days Ago
Fixed fish swarm spawning inside moonpools
31 Days Ago
Fixed corpses floating inside oil rig moonpool / tube
31 Days Ago
▅█▌▄▇ ▆▉▍_▅▆▊▄▅▌▅▊▌▉▅▊▉▌▆▌█▆▆ ▌▄▅▆▅▉▄ ▆▍▇▄▄▌▊▇▋ ▅▇▉█▄ ▄▌▌▌▇▄▍▆▅▍▊▄▍ ▊▌▍▍▉▉ ▄▉▆▇▌█▇ ▄▆▅▅▉▌▋ ▅▌▆▇█ ▋█▄▄▋█▇▄▌▍▉▋ ▅▋▄█▉▌ █▍▇▄▄▋▄ ▄▇▌▆▋▌▉ ▊█▌▄▍ ██▌███▅▊ ▇▍▌▌▇▊▍▋▇ ▅▊ ▇▆▍ ▋▄▉ ▋▄▄▍ ▅▋▍▍█▄▇ ▊▉▌▉▍▅▋▅
35 Days Ago
Subtracting 94522
41 Days Ago
Compile fixes