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Split the buoy section of divesites into a new child entity that bobs up and down on the server and uses SyncPosition
Solves mismatching colliders on the client causing flyhack and raycast issues
Only animates on the server if a player is within 128m
Added a slight rotation over time
Add face mode to trail renderer, same as line renderer
▍▋▆▌▇ ▊▄█▄ ▋▉_▆▅▅▌▇_▉▋█▄▄▍_▉▍█
Merge from fix_minicopter_altitude_sinking -> main
Fix minicopters / hot air balloons losing altitude when flying over canyons and small hills
- terrain below 25m won't affect max altitude calculations
- subtract 25m from max altitude calculations to keep it effectively the same max height
- applies to both helicopters & hot air balloons
fix ocean light color override not working on directional light when playing in editor
Jutting cliffs improvements / slightly increased density of jutting cliffs
All coastal cliffs now use radius for TerrainFilter / attempt to fix cliff interescting roads
Merge from world_update_2
Discard water fragments entirely if there's no chance the camera is inside the respective water volume (fixes depth issues in canyons)
PlaceCliffsUniform takes prefab priority into account
PlaceCliffsUniform prioritizes prefabs according to the number that have already been spawned (if their priority is the same)
PlaceCliffsUniform uses a multigrid approach to spawn (spawn at coarse resolution first, then going increasingly finer until target is reached)
Merge from fix_reserved_slot_kick -> main
Fix missing parenthesis causing reserved slot flag to be ignored
Merge from main -> fix_reserved_slot_kick
Fix pinned version # getting dropped when installing package
Prevent trying to install different versions of the same package
Add manual cloud asset updating
Update asset package refs when updating dependency, fix when broken (yuck)
Basic 'in project' filter for installed cloud assets, show as asset location
Check revision matches when we're checking for an installed package at a specific #
Don't redownload a package we've already got installed
3p entity updates, added anim event and effects
Fixed broken coastal rock prefab links
Improved particle properties panel
Improve tools scrollbar styling
drop w component on shore vectors, nothing reads it and we have terrain topology to get the samee information
merge from world_update_2
Swapped radioactive water icon
Added generalised Radioactive flag to item
Flag is set true/false by static general radioactivity
Flag is also set true/false by the new item container (that supports rads)
Fix extreme lag when setting Tint/FlashTint on SpriteComponent
Better moving platform
Test playground scene
add coins
merge from world_update_2
merge from HighCaliberRevolver
Added hide_server cvar, sv_lan 1 will hide the server too
Load particle editor first in -tools mode
Fixed non left clicks in particle previews breaking the controls
Prevent errors about missing materials in particle editor
Play some rad noises at appropriate levels for a few seconds should the player be inflicted with rads through poisoning rather than exposure
Fix cached fast path change ID logic
Shield Texture pass and material changes
Merge from water_visibility_grid
- provides 2D grid for early exit on most WaterCollision.GetIgnore checks
- dynamic water visibility volumes are brute-force checked, but there are an extremely small number of instances
Dart prefab rotation fixes
close profiler sample region properly on early exit
Test GuidMap in cached fast path
Fast path for cached graphs
Update: Bringing back Item pooling
- Added a couple extra fields that were missed
Still need to reproduce the NRE we encountered earlier.
Tests: built all modes in editor. Spawned an AK, put an ext-mag on it, threw away to despawn, spawned a new one - didn't have attachments
Make hotload_fast persist
Add Fast Hotload option to editor preferences
Tissue Box material and mesh changes
- setup sub surface scattering like effect on tissue using Skin shader and double geo.
- set up bodygroups on main mesh to toggle tissue visibility
- adjusted roughness values
Triplanar mapping
Trying this for sliced box
Merge from world_update_2
Updating EAC setup / launcher