256,488 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

6 Months Ago
When changing position/rotation/scale of bone, automatically become procedural Undo deserialization updates objects rather than delete and replace Old OnEditLog undo tries to use new go/component localized system where possible
6 Months Ago
Allow wolves to perceive other NPCs through occluders, but not players
6 Months Ago
Have wolves prioritize players that attack them over animals they are hunting
6 Months Ago
Fix out of range exception
6 Months Ago
Fix bug where wolves were faster than light
6 Months Ago
Reduce the speed at which wolves eat a corpse
6 Months Ago
Support facing camera or normal in line shader Add face mode camera or normal in scene line object Add Vector3.Slerp/SlerpTo Add face mode to line renderer so it can face normals defined by point rotations https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1511b1/sbox-dev_2MiwGSz4bX.mp4
6 Months Ago
Add more ai debug toggles to rust editor
6 Months Ago
Optimize wolf path following, 60% speed boost Set a IsNavMeshReady bool to avoid calling agent.isOnNavMesh / agent.updateRotation / agent.isStopped once the navmesh is ready Cache transform to avoid doing .transform multiple times, micro-optimization but significant for hundreds of wolves
6 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #13948
6 Months Ago
Prevent building around the chinook hackable locked crate. Uses same radius as patrol helicopter crates.
6 Months Ago
The very basics
6 Months Ago
Initial commit
6 Months Ago
Fixed bug where lockers didn't have durability, and wouldn't subtract their condition when picked up.
6 Months Ago
Movement improvements.
6 Months Ago
Use safe scale in Transform.ToLocal and Transform.PointToLocal so that it cannot produce NaN or infinity values. This fixes a bug where a child of a parent with a scale of 0,0,0 cannot set position programatically without the position being infinity. It should also fix any other issues with NaN values where ToLocal is concerned (such as GameTransform) in cases where any component of scale was 0.
6 Months Ago
Revert "GameTask.DElay handles Time.Now resetting to 0" This reverts commit 7da7fedc23b6b20265341777b382ae0eb1627fc1.
6 Months Ago
Fixed bug where admins in god mode take 1 bleed damage on fall
6 Months Ago
Override custom projection matrix with VR projection matrix
6 Months Ago
Add VR to config Decibels are obsolete, hide them everywhere
6 Months Ago
GameTask.DElay handles Time.Now resetting to 0 Cleanup Api Flush stats/events/etc on shutdown
6 Months Ago
Tweak materialized_view times
6 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #13924
6 Months Ago
Fix access control error for custom GameResources Remove log
6 Months Ago
settings panel title hash fix leaderboard with no entries fix restart from shop, etc
6 Months Ago
change Task.Delay to Task.DelayRealtime
6 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs Get rid of old hack to re-use ActionGraphs between tools and game Serialize invalid Components / GameObjects as null Don't call PostDeserialize multiple times for child objects Keep track of source resource for ActionGraph instances Also fixes case where prefab ActionGraphs wouldn't get cached properly Improved inspecting experience with ActionGraph stack traces * Include source location in stack trace * Opens the containing scene / prefab when inspecting an ActionGraph stack row Include ActionGraph diagnostics in console Graphs need to be loaded at least once for it to know about them Update AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene test case We were double-counting prefab ActionGraphs before Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs More precise ActionGraph caching / simplify SourceLocation Fix scene ref nodes breaking if not compiled immediately
6 Months Ago
Fixed paddling and above ground pools showing power usage 0
6 Months Ago
merge from localization
6 Months Ago
Disabled the duplicate translation error for now, need a better solution
6 Months Ago
Fixed random typos reported on Crowdin
6 Months Ago
Fixed typos in seed item descriptions
6 Months Ago
▊█▅▉▉ ▋▉▇▌ ▇▌▍▊ -> ▉█▆▄▇▇██▇_▆▄▋▇▅█▊▉▇▆▅█▉
6 Months Ago
PlaceCliffsUniform improvements
6 Months Ago
merge from fix_reserved_slot_kick -> main
6 Months Ago
Don't allow players to skip queue due to reserved slots when manually kicked with `kick` command
6 Months Ago
Rock formation density improvements
6 Months Ago
traveling_vendor_fixes -> main
6 Months Ago
Attempt to fix get path index ahead NRE
6 Months Ago
More work on ziggurat interior
6 Months Ago
Check terrain filters before terrain anchors in all procedural placement scripts (faster, thanks Graham)
6 Months Ago
Motion iteration
6 Months Ago
world_update_2 -> Aux2
6 Months Ago
▌▆█▅▊▅▊▋▉▆ ▋▇▄▌▋▇█▉▄▅▍▊, █▆▊ ▆▋▊▊▊▇▇▋ ▅▋▅▇▋▋█ ▉▊ ▍▌▉▄▉ ▇▄ ▋▍▋▆▄▅▆▌ ▆█ ▇█▍▅▌▍█
6 Months Ago
Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the travelling vendor to only refill 1 at a time rather than refreshing the whole stock at once
6 Months Ago
Fixed death screen 'Respawn' button text being truncated in Finnish
6 Months Ago
Fix citizen eye ao not morphing Clean up morph controls Invalidate background render when box size changes
6 Months Ago
Set prevent building radius to is trigger on new divesites
6 Months Ago
Removed 'doorway_desc' unused phrase from a bunch of prefabs
6 Months Ago
Update: output results in micros for Recursion test Tests: ran the benchmark, confirmed output