256,231 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Wire not deployable on elevators
merge from ragdoll_as_mountable
reworked ragdolling as a mountable
Fixed vehicles still colliding with the wire end collider
merge from motorbike_headlights
merge from patrolheli_fixes
merge from shipping_container_spraycan_fix
merge from homing_spectate_fix
merge from trainyard_wall_lod_fix
actually upload JUST the .meta file this time
Revert "cardboard_trim meta files"
This reverts commit 9f8f285fef19b68a58c9b741fb4a2cc46f6e1f29.
cardboard_trim meta files
Added Boomerang low poly. Material and WIP Textures
tin can alarm cinematic material/textures
Fixed not being able to edit these advanced networking settings in prefab editor - working around NetworkAccessor ref struct
Added Croc to hunting trophy, modified corpe prefab, changed Item definition in croc prefab.
This should solve the uploader problems for games above 2.14 GB
Fixed GameObjectHeader NRE in prefabs
Fix errors when trying to render dynamic cubemaps in editor
enabled ppd on brick piles
Fixed a wall with incorrect LOD values in trainyard culling too early
Leaderboard backup, run #
Fixed homing missile launcher UI staying on screen if player is being spectated and the spectator changes target/goes into free cam
Use dedicated `gameplay_analytics` convar instead of requiring the server to be official with stats enabled
Start refactoring EventRecord.Submit() to static SubmitPoint() (so we can force use of uploader classes in future)
Remove eventrecord blacklist (was used to stop uploading of frequent events) because it's not used and complicates code
- if events are spammy we can remove them
Fix shipping container walls ColliderInfo component missing Opaque flag, preventing spray can sprays from working on them
Merge from zipliine_improvements
Increase max zipline length to 185m (was 175m)
Fix sidecar bike pulling slightly to the right again
Give all bikes a bit more air control power
Make sidecar bike control much more similarly to the standard bike
Added Dragging to re-order Layers
Change Height of Layer Scroll Area
Darken the layer being dragged
flipX, some cleanup
_deathScale, sfx networking tweaks
remove SetFlipHorizontal
Moved existing Code files into a "Sprite" folder
Create Tileset folder and add a basic TilesetResource
Add empty TilesetComponent with stripped Tile class. Will optimize this further later.
Began basic Tileset Tool, Draw grid with gizmo instead
Create TilesetToolInspector, rebuild on hotload
Strip TilesetComponent.Tile class and add TilesetComponent.Layer class
TileMapTools -> TilesetTools. Add ControlSheet to TilesetToolInspector
Create GameObject w Component when necessary
Added SelectedLayer and Active to TilesetTool.
Tileset Tool Header shows Selected Layer
Created Layer List Widget and Layer Widget, displays in both ToolInspector and TileComponent
TilesetComponent.Layers is now a property under the Layers group
Minor scrap transport damage fx improvement.
Improving patrol heli damage fx WIP.
Merge from zipline_improvements
Fixed several powerline platforms missing the correct PathSequencePowerline component, resultilng in too many zipline platforms spawning
Increased the maximum distance a zipline can travel to 175m (was 150)
This brings the same test map used on this branch to an average zipline distance of 216m (was 188m and is 121m on release) but brings down the total zipline disance to 19km (was 30km and is currently 20km in release)
The inflation in total zipline distance in the last revision was largely driven by ziplines overlapping each other and making a bit of a chaotic mess of lines, this is now much cleaner
Not deployable in large hollow trees
Fire damage do not trigger the alarm
Additional checks on wire deployment
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Don't allow mesh shapes to generate contacts on sensors
First pass on browser info
Added first pass of jungle wall ruin caps for kit testing
Protobuf gen etc post-merge