117,513 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Add premium server tag to tag list prefab
Add ability for servers to stay inside the same server list when forwarded from one server list to another
- allows us to forward servers from official list while keeping them in the official list
Refactor how the premium tag is added
Add `premium` server tag when `server.premium` convar is set
Ensure `premium` tag gets compressed
Fixed kickall command using the second argument instead of the first for the kick reason
merge from crafting_update
merge from crafting_update/visual_cooking
Fixed player buff UI not ticking down
Tooltip also count down when hovering now
Cooking workbench physic materials
merge from crafting_update
merge from crafting_update/visual_cooking
Compile fixes
Hobo barrel cooking visuals fixes
ParticleSystemContainer support in food model
bee grenade sounds
bee swarm & hive sounds
Fixed cooking visual model not being destroyed after starting another recipe
Fixed the bees occasionally burping fire.
Fixed smoke being rigid.
Bee resolution increased a bit.
Impact with debug gizmo.
Converted 10 of the blunt damage (half) into slash damage because glass shards.
Bread cooking visuals
Loaf gradually inflates while cooking
Breaks on contact instead of bouncing off walls with a timer.
Merge from shield_repair_fix
Merge from prim_rust+_shop_fix
Fixed items that are banned in a server due to era restrictions being sent to rust+, fixes them appearing in the shop view in app
Merge from minicrossbow_sight_fix
Merge from crafting_update
2K upscale for new meat textures
Cherrypick Bee_Grenade_4K_Media + material setups
Merge from crafting_update
Added new harvesting tea - increases resources from harvesting corpses by 50%
Cherrypick Bread_4K_Media
Kettle when preparing teas
Hunter pie now now apples a new clotting bonus - all bleed damage is reduced by 75%
Damage reduction is applied prior to applying to player, so if a player was going to receive 7.6 bleed damage, that would be reduced to 1.9, resulting in the player only seeing 2 bleed damage on the health bar
Cherrypick Pie_4K_Media + material setup
Cherrypick io_research_table_4ktextures
Cherrypick armourplate_4k
Cheerypick from _cookingbench4ktextures
Cooking visuals for all meats
Merge from crafting_update
Updated Bee Grenade GIB FBX to have centered orginis
merge from crafting_update
merge from crafting_update