256,492 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Initial work for tiled light sorter
Remove constant buffer transform code
Fire tiledlightbuilder compute shader on views
Iterate shader structure for tiled rendering, remove remaints of constant buffer transforms
Evaluate cubemaps and lights on compute shader
Allow for struct types in generic buffers in VFX
Properly index lighting and envmap info on tiled light buffer
Revert "Fix normals for valve standard shading"
This reverts commit 29c62c8422ec364a9acb104da4bc58a12e0ea8ae.
Tiled lighting for envmaps and lighting on standard shading model 🏃♂️💨
Use 128 lights for clustered instead of 256
Double the perfomance of tiled light build job
Pass radius of light to shader so we dont need a sqrt operation on culling
Sample shader to visualize tiled rendering
Revert "Pass radius of light to shader so we dont need a sqrt operation on culling"
This reverts commit 62ca1b89275c339f2db357781ab9cab0f6a8d525.
Fix driver crash on Nvidia
Fix 'LightSim_MaterialTint has inconsistent value' warning
Put tiled code on vr_lighting
Much simplify sphere and box intersection tests, add bounding area for nearby tiles
Tiled rendering for valve standard shading
tiled rendering for envmaps on valve standard shading
Correct box hit algorithm for tiled light builder
Fix shadow rescaler
Work on viewport level, optional single ratio, fixed bug with perfect fitting shadow maps
Fix shader compilation
Fix spritecard compilation
Initial work for VR Instancing for tiled light rendering
Fix glows in Vr while we're at it, still pending rewrite
Preliminary support for VR in tiled light builder, include objects
Remove magic number and reproject view for tiled light builder
Treat warnings as errors on shader compilation on internal builds
Make tile resolution proportional https://i.imgur.com/2knXfUw.png
Fix light typo on vr_lighting
Fix warnings on standard shading model
Iterate on tiled light builder
Fix data races on tiled light builder
Fix warnings from core shaders
Use 48 wide pixels for each tile
Fix Z-Fighting when cubemap bounds is the same as the geometry
Update tiled light builder shader objects
Fix warnings on blendable and commit shader objects
Simplify tiled rendering accessors, add runtime UseTiledRendering render attribute
Add r_tiled_rendering convar
Update shader objects
GPU driven Depth Culling for tiled rendering
Use half tile offset for tile coordinates
Update FloatSliderProperty Minimum and Maximum to be better coupled with the underlying FloatSlider's Minimum and Maximum
Add BindingFlags.NonPublic to SetPropertyObject
Depth prepass culling for envmaps too, cleanup
fix envmaps being fucked up
Return max depth for tile, update object files
Add r_tiled_rendering_depth_cull
Merge pull request #406 from Facepunch/tiled-rendering-merge 🟦🟦🟥🟧🟨🟦🟦
Tiled Rendering Support
Reduce queryable size of sphere, optimizes tile volume
skip backfacing queries on tiled light builder
Cleanup, dont pass depth on non depth prepass
Transform camera ray, fix typos when doing box intersection, oops
You should be seeing the good perf gains from tiled now
fix last cubemap not being sorted
Initial boilerplate
Merge branch 'hackweek-android-quest2' of sbox into hackweek-android-quest2
Reduce queryable size of sphere, optimizes tile volume
skip backfacing queries on tiled light builder
Cleanup, dont pass depth on non depth prepass
Transform camera ray, fix typos when doing box intersection, oops
You should be seeing the good perf gains from tiled now
Add command line switch to change physics module
Disable collision for kinematics for now, many intersecting kinematics (server side bodies on client) seem to be completely fucking up the simulation, causing everything to fall through world https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0711b1/sbox_0061_Trim.mp4
Backup 2022/08/07 11:00:00 UTC
Initial work for tiled light sorter
Remove constant buffer transform code
Fire tiledlightbuilder compute shader on views
Iterate shader structure for tiled rendering, remove remaints of constant buffer transforms
Evaluate cubemaps and lights on compute shader
Allow for struct types in generic buffers in VFX
Properly index lighting and envmap info on tiled light buffer
Revert "Fix normals for valve standard shading"
This reverts commit 29c62c8422ec364a9acb104da4bc58a12e0ea8ae.
Tiled lighting for envmaps and lighting on standard shading model 🏃♂️💨
Use 128 lights for clustered instead of 256
Double the perfomance of tiled light build job
Pass radius of light to shader so we dont need a sqrt operation on culling
Sample shader to visualize tiled rendering
Revert "Pass radius of light to shader so we dont need a sqrt operation on culling"
This reverts commit 62ca1b89275c339f2db357781ab9cab0f6a8d525.
Fix driver crash on Nvidia
Fix 'LightSim_MaterialTint has inconsistent value' warning
Put tiled code on vr_lighting
Much simplify sphere and box intersection tests, add bounding area for nearby tiles
Tiled rendering for valve standard shading
tiled rendering for envmaps on valve standard shading
Correct box hit algorithm for tiled light builder
Fix shadow rescaler
Work on viewport level, optional single ratio, fixed bug with perfect fitting shadow maps
Fix shader compilation
Fix spritecard compilation
Initial work for VR Instancing for tiled light rendering
Fix glows in Vr while we're at it, still pending rewrite
Preliminary support for VR in tiled light builder, include objects
Remove magic number and reproject view for tiled light builder
Treat warnings as errors on shader compilation on internal builds
Make tile resolution proportional https://i.imgur.com/2knXfUw.png
Fix light typo on vr_lighting
Fix warnings on standard shading model
Iterate on tiled light builder
Fix data races on tiled light builder
Fix warnings from core shaders
Use 48 wide pixels for each tile
Fix Z-Fighting when cubemap bounds is the same as the geometry
Update tiled light builder shader objects
Fix warnings on blendable and commit shader objects
Simplify tiled rendering accessors, add runtime UseTiledRendering render attribute
Add r_tiled_rendering convar
Update shader objects
GPU driven Depth Culling for tiled rendering
Use half tile offset for tile coordinates
Depth prepass culling for envmaps too, cleanup
fix envmaps being fucked up
Return max depth for tile, update object files
Add r_tiled_rendering_depth_cull
Merge pull request #406 from Facepunch/tiled-rendering-merge 🟦🟦🟥🟧🟨🟦🟦
Tiled Rendering Support
Add r_tiled_rendering_depth_cull
Return max depth for tile, update object files
Use half tile offset for tile coordinates
Depth prepass culling for envmaps too, cleanup
fix envmaps being fucked up
Init debug renderer so we have all the geometry batches for primitives
Backup 2022/08/07 05:00:00 UTC
Backup 2022/08/06 23:00:00 UTC
Add remote asset.party location to asset browser, fill it with model query
Add drag data to Package in AssetList: e.g package://matt.box
Add managed handler for Hammer map view drag drop events
ManifestMount from Sandbox.Game -> Sandbox.Engine
Bare bones dragging asset.party models into Hammer
batch debug drawing properly
make a start on debug rendering so i can see what the fuck is going on
Backup 2022/08/06 17:00:00 UTC
Add blue hand material override
Can hold the ball, and throw it
Remove wokeup and asleep lists from world step results, shouldn't have to need these
Serve the data properly instead of speculating
Add preset animations for non-knuckles users
Network finger data so you can flip off your opponent
Set GrabMode correctly, hands are now animated
Remove GetSphereRadius and SetSphereRadius
Same for drag and damping
Parse finger data, push it to anim parameters
Impl a few velocity related functions in physics aggregate
Create physics shapes for each jolt subshape
Override mass if provided, set inertia scale if provided
Use a rotated translated shape for single spheres and capsules so they can be offset
setup game as static class
Re-save out the paddle sound
Kill paddle serverside, stops error on game destroy
Fixed up UI anchor position
Add Game.OnBallBounce, track ball bounce count for game loop
Backup 2022/08/06 11:00:00 UTC
Rotate capsule using the two center points
Aggregates build body and shapes with a single BodyCreationSettings - rubikon could create a body and add shapes at will, jolt doesn't work that way :(
Make all bodies with compounds for now so we can collide with world
Backup 2022/08/06 05:00:00 UTC