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Publish New World test map to asset.party under facepunch.cw_newworld
If voxel world to load does not exist, and the file name does not end in .json, append it and then try again
Wall Mountable Gun Rack
Added: -Gun rack variants A + B (wood and Metal)
- Rack Pegs small and large
- Rack Shelving and variants (plastic and metal): Large/small/small segmented/small segmented half size
- Prefabs of each variant, collision setup and textures/materials
Key material tweak
Camera snap when far from target
Drop key in middle of tile
Fix warnings with spirv lib
Add missing externals for glslang
Don't gitignore makefile_base_posix
Don't use cross compile make, use the one from NDK, deprecate any android target that isnt androidarm64
Update gitignore
Add coreclr as submodule
Update Mobile-Android-BuildAll batch file to use android building
Add coreclr vpc
Require android sdk + ndk for generating project files
Merge branch 'hackweek-android-quest2' of sbox into hackweek-android-quest2
Fly swarm particle adjustments
Fixup some vulkan compile errors
Ambience sound set to loop
More map stuff
Health icon
Fix being able to lock on to zombies through walls
Basic soundscape for some ambience
Fixed item icons
Health pickup
Lots more map stuff, health pickup fixes, don't aggro to player if no line of sight
walk controller tweaks and cleanup
Set BoxPosition attribute when rendering backdrops
Fixes blur and other filters not covering WorldPanel correctly
Use abs on our paddle return velocity length before multiplying by the sweep normal, stops the ball flying behind the paddle
Simulate physics entirely clientside each frame, make the client authoritative packing the ball position into the usercmd. The game should decide which client is authoritative based on which side of the table the ball is on.
Key pick up flow
Unlocking door flow
Fixed jittering player model when walking into walls
Zombies can attack, player has health
Show player health
Add limited ammo
Add ammo pickups
Map update
Remove ApplyPositionImpulseAt, ApplyOrienationOmega
Return normal for CastRaySingle https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0911b1/sbox_0049.mp4
Team info defined in piece constructor. Added team colours, made base edge chunkier. Some cleanup
added quick cooldown mesh and materials
Rough cooldown implementation and cooldown timer setup
Camera and movement tweaks
Cleaned up Hammer Ents names (all using boomer_ now)
dm_battery is now boomer_armour
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-boomer
Corners also show far distance
Remove debug
Slider styles
Building guides show until 300m
Resource UI + saving / loading bases
Implement announcer volume setting
Settings menu supports floats with a slider
SliderStep attribute
SetGameSceneNodeHandle, GetGameSceneNodeHandle, GetEntityID - https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0811b1/sbox_0003.mp4
Clean up damage numbers a bit
Implement damage number batching
Minimum delay between damage sound & indicator
Linear and angular damping
Add step listener to call PrePhysicsStep
Implement show damage numbers setting
Gamemodes can override cost of building & upgrading
Impl parts of physicsaggregate that are not api specific
Fix pointer events sometimes preventing game input
Complain when agents occupy the same space
Fix up visual issues when rebuilding and laying out inventory/grid cells
Fix drag canvas z'ing over items
Repivot tooltip if its off screen
Tidy up map view drag/drop targets in C#, interop more MapDoc so we can create an empty model and asynchronously set it's asset from the package fetch.
There's still some messy code here, I think I need to figure out how to do handles for map nodes before this becomes a sprawling mess.
And the async method is getting blocked on the main thread once dragging.. but a background thread is going to crash it.
Paginate asset.party assets in browser so we see all of them
Make our package drag data in the format "https://asset.party/facepunch/boomerjumppad" we could easily extend this code to let you grab these assets straight from the website then
Basic game loop, grab key and open hatch
Impl DestroyAggregateInstance, RemoveBody etc