248,563 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Random offset when sampling topology points
4 Years Ago
Wake up the physics aggregate to make sure every body gets woken up
4 Years Ago
merge from /growable_rain
4 Years Ago
Added support for maxreceivetime to Steam Networking
4 Years Ago
Merge from lower_face_wearable
4 Years Ago
merge from /InteractionFix
4 Years Ago
Forgot to codegen
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge from dof_target
4 Years Ago
Renamed binds to debugcamera_dollyforward and debugcamera_dollyback Added current parented entity and dof target to the demo playback UI
4 Years Ago
▍▊▉ ▌▍▉▋▊▄▊▍▋▆▉ █▉▌▅█▋▄ █▉▍ █▄▄ ▅▄██▆▅█ ▌▇▄▊▌ ▅▉▌▍▄▋ ▅▄▋▍▋▅▅▆▄▆▉▄▊ █▌█ ▉▉▊▆▊ ▉▌▊▄█▅ ▆▇▅ ▆██▅▆▍ ▆▆▇ ▆▆▄ ▅ ▅▇▆█▅▍ ▊▄ ▇▆▌▄▉ ▆▅▌▇▍▍ ▌▌▄▄▊█▆ ▌▆▆▅▇ (▍▊█ ▊▇, ▋▍▄▇▋▅▌▆ ▉▄▊ ▋▅▇▄▇▇ ▆▇▅▆ ▊▍▌ ▄█▋▅ ▌▍█ ▅▉▋▅ ▇▌▊▅▊▅ ▌▄ █▊▅ ▄▍▅▄)
4 Years Ago
Killed more OP caves
4 Years Ago
▌▄▅█▄ ▋▌▊▌▍█
4 Years Ago
Added debug.debugcamera_targetforward and debug.debugcamera_targetback to zoom the camera in/out (used to be hardcoded to mouse wheel)
4 Years Ago
Fixed mine_tnl_collapse.FBX having bad normals, causing it to be shaded differently than the other mine pieces.
4 Years Ago
debug.ent_find_radius will use the debug camera position if that camera is enabled
4 Years Ago
Initial headlights implementation on WorkCart
4 Years Ago
Add phone booths to supermarket and gas station
4 Years Ago
▋▆▍▅▇ ▉▅▊▅▋▄
4 Years Ago
Merge from PoseToolsFixes
4 Years Ago
Merge from skin_editor_improvements
4 Years Ago
Splat backup
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Bandana mask is now lower face Clatter helmet, plate helmet, burlap headwrap, riot mask, rat mask, dragon mask now cover lower face
4 Years Ago
Splatting NE, WIP
4 Years Ago
Don't show train health info when the player is mounted
4 Years Ago
▉▍▇█▋ ▉▉▉▅▋ ▅▆▆▅▆▉▄ ▆▄▉▍█ ▌▇▌▋, ▇▆▊▉▉ ▄▋ ▄▆▊▌▋ ▅▄▆█▋▆▇▅ ▊▉▇▊▆▍▉▋▄▄
4 Years Ago
Bandit town foliage tweaks
4 Years Ago
Do not save ERROR spawnicons to disk when rendering manually, unless of course we are rendering models/error.mdl itself
4 Years Ago
█▋▉ ▊▍▄ ▋▉▊▇▆▅▉
4 Years Ago
cherrypicking 56206 - 56203 skin icons
4 Years Ago
skin icons
4 Years Ago
cherrypicking 56203 - Helk pre skin approval
4 Years Ago
█▉▋▋▅▉ ▍▉▅ ▌▆▄▋▄▊ ▉▋▆▌█▌▉█ ▉▄▊ █▇█.▄▊▍▉▌█▇▆▆ ▋█ ▅▅▅▇▅▄▍ █▉▉▇▇▋▅ █▌▅ ▆▋█▅▊▅▄▆▇ ▉▍▉▆▇█▉▇ ▇▊▇.▅█▍▋▄▋▌▋▆'▅ ▇█▊▆▍▉ ▆▇█▄▅▅▋▉ ▍▌ ▆▆▌ ▌█▌▋▉▍▌▋, ▋▅▍▆ ▆▍▅▅▉▍▄▇▍▆▍ ▌▊▅▍ ▊█▋▅█ ▊▌▇▋▉▊▄▆▅ ▌▉▆▉▌▌
4 Years Ago
Arid and Arctic foliage material tweaks / improved snow pine and douglas fir textures
4 Years Ago
pre skin approval
4 Years Ago
Fixed collared shirt skin clipping on male when looking up, especially with a weapon equipped
4 Years Ago
▇█▍▍▇▄ ▅▉▊ ▇▇▍▄ ▍▌▄▄▋ ▋▌▇ ▉▌▅▊▄▍▌ ▇▌▅▌▍▋▄ ▅▌▉ ▄▆-▄▄▍▍▄ ▉▉▇▅▄
4 Years Ago
▋▅▆ ▋▌▆▋▄ ▉▍ ▉▅▇█
4 Years Ago
▆▌▉█▇▇ ▆▉▇▊ ▌▇▊▍█▋▆▉▊▅▄
4 Years Ago
Junkyard v2 progress - laid out trail paths and perimeter fences/barbwire
4 Years Ago
New road no pavement pieces for 22.5 and 45 degree bends
4 Years Ago
Boarded up chainlink fence prefabs (variation of originals)
4 Years Ago
Unused files
4 Years Ago
Junkyard mounds uvs improvements
4 Years Ago
Trail paths set files
4 Years Ago
▊▋▊▍▆▆ ▅▄▉
4 Years Ago
▉▅▆▉▇█▆▄ ▆▇▆▇█▆▅ ▅█▍█ ▊▌ ▌▍▆▉▍▉ ▄▇▄▄▍▉█▆ ▊▋▄▅ ▍▉▄▊▊ ▆▌▌▅ ▅▉▊▊ (▌▄ █▋▆ ▍▍▇▍▆ ▋▆▆▆ ▌▄▍█▇▇)
4 Years Ago
Hide the promote button for chat avatars when it's not usable