256,498 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Some initial cleanup/ground work.
Triggers for instruments branch
[D11][UI] Added fade effect to options and coins screen
added 2 remaining note clips to rigged trumpet and instrument animator
[D11][#2860] Cherrypick
40769 NP toolkit changes
Added missing animation slots on Instrument Animator
Fixed wrong collider layer and incorrect bounds on piano, xylophone, drum kit
Mountable instruments can now be destroyed
Clean out some old sound definitions
Xylophone audio note positions
Piano audio note positions
Don't spawn view models for held instruments
Added deploy sound defs for all of the new held instruments
Added mount sound defs for all the new mountable instruments
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
some new achievements
Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
added tentacle achievement, renamed achvs
xulgon achievement, player powerup params tracked for stage too
Cleaning up bugs, working on item support and editing UI. Save socket info on the item instead of the module so we can handle double socket items. Some renaming.
Added support for an instrument animator, hooked up on trumpet. Identical animator configuration and parameters to regular player animator.
Can override playing position of a note for better spatial audio (setup on drums)
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Hooked up tambourine sound
Fixed sleeping bag cooldowns getting out of sync when closing and reopening the death screen with escape
Added LitBlendLayer and LitBlendLayer-Spec
Changed how source locations are accessed
Tambourine audio + sound defs
Prevent duplicate player tokens from being generated
[D11] 13 Assets from Structures\launch_site added vertex shader LODs
[D11] + Junkyard objects removed/scene to prefab
rigged trumpet, added to holdtype prefab
Baking log files, better feedback when a bake fails
Rocket factory exterior. Fixed stretched uvs on second LOD
# win32/win64 chromium 77
Flashlight has limited energy with gmod_suit set to 1
Reworked sprint logic to work better
Fixed prediction errors with no energy sprint and gmod_suit 1
Fix vehicle modules not being added on client. Vehicles are driveable again.
[D11] + Compound issues resolved
[D11] [UI] Fixed snapping on map screen when panning while zooming.
Added IDeployable.
ItemModDeployable checks for and uses IDeployable.
Changed TC auto auth to use IDeployable.
Wip codelock stuff
[D11] [UI] Removed debug logs from map virtual cursor.
[D11] [UI] "Focus" input action fixed on map screen and now correctly focuses cursor and map position to player.
[D11] Add cmd line flag "+d11pvptest" to server to help with PvP testing
Fix for dangling compute buffer crash
Fix opening pairing notifications when the app is closed (needs some more work)
Bit of tidy up, caching some hair stuff on wearable.
[D11] More delayed ent fixes
Removing shadow setting, RendererInfo resets it.
Major refactor to make the module manager a sub-entity, letting it do its own entity methods etc. Also setting up for the module inventory being the major determiner of which modules are on the vehicle. Some things currently a little broken, but all is compiling.