239,416 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

39 Days Ago
Digital Clock Material Updates
39 Days Ago
Added Voice Component to Player Prefab (No UI, I'll leave it up to Alex)
39 Days Ago
Merge from main
39 Days Ago
Added belt pelts to skeleton/prefab
39 Days Ago
Optim: StringView.Split can use user provided temp storage ServerInfo uses a pooled list to as a go-between the StringView and HashSet. This provides last noticeable change that reduces an allocation per ctor, with average going down by 1.3 (8.31 -> 7). Also reinforced empty tags to not allocate a new empty set everytime. Tests: checked ServerBrowser - tags still recognized.
39 Days Ago
Update .sbproj
39 Days Ago
Work on world
39 Days Ago
Mobs play sound on being hit
39 Days Ago
Make world gen a bit flatter for now Fix destroying voxels on non-host
40 Days Ago
Darker test colors until we have a proper palette
40 Days Ago
Don't serialize MaxStack with Item (since it references ItemAsset)
40 Days Ago
Change smg recipe for now so we can actually make it
40 Days Ago
Added CanCraftItem Add CombinedItems to Inventory and use that for checking CanCraftItem. (Since your combined total could be across both hotbar and inventory) Implemented Crafting
40 Days Ago
Bump up world height to 128
40 Days Ago
Don't bob if in the air
40 Days Ago
Update of digital clock screen size
40 Days Ago
Correct bob speeds
40 Days Ago
Hacky voxel modification networking
40 Days Ago
Camera Bob
40 Days Ago
Optim: Replacing ServerInfo.Region with StringView instead of string Avoids another optional allocation, avg count went down by 0.6 (8.95 -> 8.31). This looks like mostly it for clear&easy wins. Tests: Checked server browser, it displayed region tags
40 Days Ago
Slimmer nametag
40 Days Ago
Nametag same as vitals Compass uses transparent center texture Vitals uses character name
40 Days Ago
Update fog and sky
40 Days Ago
VoxelWorldGen component, use seed Use new modification stuff for voxel damage
40 Days Ago
Can only MoveOne or Split to slots when the target slot is the same item type
40 Days Ago
player update. 3p handcuff anims exported with wounded anims. WoundedFromCrawlingHandcuffed override controller updated with the wounded handcuffed anims
40 Days Ago
Final prefab (code fix pending)
40 Days Ago
Add Category to ItemAsset Fix NRE on Vitals when no character is selected Don't NRE when an icon has yet to load Very Basic Crafting Menu
40 Days Ago
Only drop to world item when dragging if we're over the back panel
40 Days Ago
Import vox at 4 inches per voxel, don't try to center it
40 Days Ago
Post processing Walking
40 Days Ago
Make compass smaller StatUpgradesPanel as part of HUD Tweak stat upgrades / inventory styling (we should probably do a full screen for this)
40 Days Ago
Updated SMG projectile
40 Days Ago
Fix dropping item by dropping out of slot
40 Days Ago
Don't create whole new item when moving one if there's only one to move
40 Days Ago
Item now implements IValid
40 Days Ago
Forgot to rename inventory UI stylesheet
40 Days Ago
Add ItemDragType. Implement moving one item from stack, or splitting stack in half and moving. Drag outside of any slot to drop the item in the world (untested.)
40 Days Ago
Merge from main
40 Days Ago
More style tweaks
40 Days Ago
Fix screen trace depth function for reverse-z Multi-sampled shadow trace, apply free antialiasing using derivatives of dFdx and dFdy Dont need bend_sss anymore
40 Days Ago
Hotbar styling test Vitals UI, shows XP/level (as donut) and health (as progress bar) Compass style tweaks Remove big XP bar Hotbar styling tweaks Move chat top-left, make it less obtrusive
40 Days Ago
Server can send construction errors debug logs to client, will show up both in chat and logs if errortoasts_debug is true Moved the error handling logic out from BasePlayer to GameTip
40 Days Ago
Fix client / server compile errors
40 Days Ago
Started on voxel networking boilerplate Implement world gen as IModification
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Digital Clock art pass placeholder textures
40 Days Ago
Modeldoc vox importer uses a block size of 8 units instead of 10
40 Days Ago
More doc
40 Days Ago
Some extra docs