224,137 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

3 Years Ago
Added CollateTrainTracks to Barren (should resolve train track issues)
3 Years Ago
Fix shadow hotload and writing on new addon asset system
3 Years Ago
Show addon maps in local map list
3 Years Ago
be more specific about what we want to build
3 Years Ago
Fix FullPathToModRelativePath not working
3 Years Ago
▅▄▆ ▄ ▅▋▌▇▅▌ ▅▉▄▊▍ ▇▊ ▇▌▆▆▍█ ▅▋▍▌▇
3 Years Ago
Fix .vpk not being marked as ASSET_LOCATION_GAME
3 Years Ago
orb hard speech Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity more ball pit switch adjustments disabled some ballpit ECS bullets
3 Years Ago
Better system for tracking recorder settings Added options for reverting camera state and pausing the demo when the shot recording ends
3 Years Ago
Changed shot list entry to sentence case
3 Years Ago
Make drawtriggers_toggle an admin cmd
3 Years Ago
Fixed having to close a shot before starting a new one
3 Years Ago
oops, forgot to update this
3 Years Ago
Double the animation time for card flips
3 Years Ago
Merge from gib_pool (disabling read/write on a bunch of gib meshes)
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> CardGames
3 Years Ago
Reset water level fraction when not touching water
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Highlight current shot Various fixes
3 Years Ago
Add more collision info to Entity.OnPhysicsCollision
3 Years Ago
- Fixed the player being left holding cards if they go all-in in a two-player game and get kicked after the result for losing all their scrap. - Line endings fixed in CardTableSeat
3 Years Ago
yolo disable read/write on a ton of meshes that have collision meshes so shouldn't need read/write enable compression on some textures adjust some audio import settings (mostly ambience - no decompress on load)
3 Years Ago
Ignore TerrainFormer folder in texture import analyzer
3 Years Ago
Better file directory setup for storing shots, shots are now stored in a folder matching the demo name
3 Years Ago
Fix camera rotation changing when ending a demo
3 Years Ago
South coast
3 Years Ago
Disable autofix button in analyzer UIs Update model import analyzer to point out when a render mesh has R/W enabled but there seems to be a matching collision mesh
3 Years Ago
Fixed shot looping back to start even if loop is disabled
3 Years Ago
Poker: If there's NOBODY else in the game at the end of a round, that always means you won (wasn't a real bug but the UI would in some cases only show the scrap as "returned" instead of "won")
3 Years Ago
Clear all gibs when scrubbing the timeline, prevents them being repeatedly created and not cleaned up when scrubbing forward/back
3 Years Ago
More gib overrides and read/write disabling: Ice walls All car chassis's and modules Igniter, sprinkler, tesla coil Powered water purifier, water pump
3 Years Ago
Poker: Fix double-showing a result if there are no primary winners
3 Years Ago
More Citizen V2 work
3 Years Ago
Rename the card table next round phrase since the text content/meaning has changed
3 Years Ago
▉▆▇▊▉▉█▇ ▇▋ ▄▅█▄▍▊▄ ▋▄▊▆▉█ ▊▌▊ ▄▋ ▊▇▌ ▆▆▆ ▆▊█▄▇▍ ▋▄▌▉▅▄▅ ▋▍ ▇ ▆▊▍█▆ ▍▌▊ ▋▌█▊ ▋▄▌▋, ▍▅▋ ▆▅ ▍█▄▍ ▅▋▌▉▋▉▇ ▋▆▄▆▆▋-▄▇▋▋▆█▉▄ ▇▋▊▇▅▍▍▊▆, ▆▆▍▉▄▆▍, ▅▄▇ ▅▌█▄ ▊█▅ ▅█▉▇▋ ▍▉▍ ▌▍▅▅▉▉▇ ▅▄▋ ▄▇▆▍▄▋▊▆ ▅▇▅▌▋▄▌▄▋ ▉▅▌▉ ▇▇ ▊▆▇▋▍█ ▋▌▋█▆▊▄▍▆, █▋▋█▋▅ ▋▍▆▅▇▉▋▌▄▅▅▊▄ ▊▊ ▋▍▋▋█▉█▇██ ▋▅▉▄▇▅▄ ▉▅▌▆▄ ▊▊▍ ▍▄▊▇▅▍▄ ▆▉ ▊▋▄▋ ▇▊▇▉▌ ▋▉▇▆ ▋▊▄▅▄▍▌▇ ▊▇▄▋█ ▉▋▄▇█▋▌ ▄█▊▅ ▇▆██▋ ▆▍▄▊▋ ▆▄ ▆▄▌▅ █▅▍ █▍▍▌▅▊█▉▆ ▋█▅▆ ▄▍▋ ▋█▇▊█▇▄ (▅▊▆ ▋▌▆▉ ▊█▌█ ▅▅██▇▌▆ ▋▋▆▅▉▍▍▇ ▆▅▋▄█▉▄▍) ▋▅▌▍ ▊▆ ▊▅▄ ▆▌▍▋ ▇▇ ▄▉█▋ ▊▋▄▅ ▆▋█▄█▍▇█▍ ▄▆▊▆▉▍▉ █▄ ▅▄▇ ▅▄▊ ▍▋▊ ▉ ▄▋▇▆▊ ▄▉ ▅▆▆▅▆▋▌ ▍▌ █ ▊▄█▊▌ ▆▊ ▉▄▋▅▋▌▄ ▋▆ ▋▇▅▋▄▍▆▍▋▇, ▆▌▍ ▇█▆▆▅▇▋ ▅▍▅▉▋ ▊▊ ▆██▇▅█▍ ▍▉▋ ▅█▊▌▉▌█▄▋▊ ▋▇▌█▋▋▄▄▌ ▅▊▍ █▇ ▍▉▇▍ ▅█▍▇▍█▅▋▊ ▌▊▄▋▉▍▄ ▍▌▉ ▍ ▊▇█▌, ▄▇▅▅ ▄▇▌▄▉█▌▇▊▇ █▇▇▍▅▅ █▌█▅▍ ▇█▄▍▇▇▋▍▄ ▇▉▇ ▍▋ ▆▄▊ █▆▊ ▊▇▉█▅▊▊ ▆▇█ ▅ ▌▍▆▊▍ ▋▄▆▅▅▇▉▄▌ ▄█▆▌▅, ▌▇▆█▆▄ ▌▊▋▋▊, ▉▊▊ ▅▋▇▋▅▇▆▉▆ ▄█▆ ▌▉ ▉▅▅ █▇ ▆▊▋ ▊█▍▉▅▅ ▇▉▉▊ ▋▍▌▅▊▊▅▉▌ ▆▅▅▍▄ ▆▇▄▉▉▆ ▅▇▍▇'▄▌ ▌▉▅▅▅▊▉▌ ▉▌ ▊▇▉ █▆ ▋▇▇ ▉█ "█▍▇▋▄" ▋ ▄▆█▇▍▉ ▅▋ ▌▉▇▋▅▉ ▉▅▉▇ ▊▋▄▄▍ █▄ ▊▋▉ ▇▌ ▅▇▄ █▊ ▆█▅ ▍▅ ▆▌▉ ▊▇▉▆▄▌▇█▄ ▅▇▋ ▍ ▇▄▇▇ (▋▉▇ ▄█▄ ▊▊▌▇▊), ▇▇▉█▆█▆▄█▇ ▊▋▄█ ▅▆▋▊▊▍█ ▌▊▇▋█▉▆▇▍ ▉▅▉▋ ▄▊▉▌ ▉▉▅▍ ▌▍▅▌▇▉▆▋ ▌▄▆▇▆ ▉ ▋▆▊▋▌ ▍▋▉▋▉▅▇██ ▊▌▅▅▋▉ ▍▊▆ ▍▅▄▄ ▊▄▉▍▅█▉▍▇ ▆▋▊▅▆▇▅▉▊ ▄▄ ▌▄▍▌▅▊▋ ▉▄▄▋▉ ▌▍▅█ ▆▊▍ ▌▌█▇ ▊▇█▊▇▊█▊ ▆▅▍▅▉▄▊▋▉ ▋▍▍▆█▆▌▆▄ ▌▍▍▋ ▅▆ ▇▋▇▉▋▍█▍▉█ ▉█▌▋▉▇▉▌█▄▍█ ▄▅▅▉▇▆▋ ▉▊▉▍▋▌▌ ▋▅▄▉▇ ▄█▌▍▋ ▄▉▉█▇▅▇, ▄▆▌ ▊▅▇ ▅▊▅▅▄▋'▄ █▅▍▋▊█▋▌ ▋▌▄▅ ▆▇▉▌ ▋▇▅▉▅▍█▍▆ ▉▋▍▍▅▍▇▅ ▍▇▌▉▋▋ ▍▇█ ▇█▋█ ▌▄▉▋█▌▍▆ ▌▉▊ - ▍▉▄▋ ▌▍▉▌ ▋▄▇▍ ▊▆▍▉▆▅▋▉▍▅▋▊▊ ▇▅ ▋▅█▍▄▌▆▊ ▆▋▅▉ ▉▋▉▄ █▉▄▌▉ ▉▇▊ ▅▅▍▊▌▋█▄ █▋ ▌▋▆ ▅▆▅ █▊▊▋▄ ▉▅▋█▄▇▅
3 Years Ago
▍▍▊█▅▊ ▍▌▆ ▇▆▇▋ ▉▆▍▊▅▍▆▄ ▇▆▆ - ▋▄▆▅ ▇█▉▄ ▌▆▍▉ ▊▇▅▇▍▋▆█▉▆▌▋▌ ▆▅ ▅▆▆▄▊▋▇▊ ▄█▌█ ▋▌▆▉ ▉▊▊▇▆ ▍▊▇ ▇▄▌▋▉▆█▆ ▄▇ ▇▋▉ ▅▆▌ ▇▋▅▍▄ ▆▉▉▆▊▆▅
3 Years Ago
Update comment to match current behaviour
3 Years Ago
Poker: - Correctly pay out abandoned scrap if there's only one invested player - Removed unused param from LeaveCurrentRound
3 Years Ago
material tweak
3 Years Ago
mf parent
3 Years Ago
SW inland / backup
3 Years Ago
Scene to prefab - prefabs only
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Snowy variants for LS, Harbors, Trainyard, Powerplant ground meshes
3 Years Ago
snow variants of the 'office' exterior planters
3 Years Ago
overgrowth prefabs shadow proxies use a simpler material
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Adjusted walls on table