249,462 Commits over 3,959 Days - 2.63cph!
Transfer render color and alpha to breakables
Fix ModelEntity RenderColor and RenderColorAndAlpha getters
Removed shader debugging, saves a bit of memory :)
Deleting some large unused greybox models
Removing unused textures from generic textures folder
Fix for normal issues on complete version of lab drawers
Fixes the feet looking weird on the complete lab drawers model
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Reduced density of temp_field_small trees
Slightly reduced the density of temperate field trees
Added debris layer to BoundsCheckMask in spawn.procmap.v3 prefab to prevent bushes from intersecting too much
Reduced density of ferns and arid ferns
Reduced bush population by roughly 50 percent while trying to preserve the overall feel
deleting old supply drop textures
turns out there were more xmas prefabs to update
updated textures, tweak cinderblock world size
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fix map compiling resource paths
updated shredder proportions, fixed missing textures
Get rid of the horribly slow InitSecondaryItems because we can already do this better
Bug fixes with changing settings, tidy up.
Citizen folder switcharoo + V2 materials
Moving V1 assets to "_old" folders so that everything can keep working while V2 is getting built in the right places
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mod paths
Fixed CResourceCompilerContext::ContentPathToFullPath not working unless the file existed
Add mod_core
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Added barebones components for rounds and required game class
Remove _c when listing models in spawn menu
removing the odd ones that shouldn't be there but keep coming back
Reduced some texture sizes
Removed some unused textures left
asset system change
update broken assets
Deleting *.vmdl_c.png thumbnails
Improve performance of finding values in a column
Fix mistake in string size calc, show correct sizes for strings and arrays
Fixed resources with . in the names having their name stomped by the file extension when compiled
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Updated Testmap 05
Fixed clipping issues
Fixed void hole
Adjusted lighting
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Fixes for normals and lods on lab drawer model
Fixed multiple normal issues on lab drawer unit and fixed lod normal issues
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Compiled sound event files
Sound source files
Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hidden into main
Disabled bonus game on pine_sapling_a to _d
Scene2Prefab - prefabs only
Fix crash when trying to unload a vpk and finding a vpk in a vpk
Disabled global billboards on all bushes for the current perf evaluation
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Removing CraggyIsland_HD from bundles / build settings to make sure we're not loading stuff we don't currently need
Fixed DecorScale not applying to BushEntity