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Trains tunnels test scene extra workcarts
▌█▅▆▉▍ █▄▄▋▅▋▌▍▅▌ ▆▇▅▊▇▌▊ - ▄▆▉ █▍█▆
Removed max value from steam stats
Ice wall spikes / material tweaks / weighted normal on the c variant
Road tunnel layouts + related mats/meshes.
Don't draw Sandbox world tips with nodraw ents (#1751)
* Made invisible entities not draw halo/overlay.
* Update base_gmodentity.lua
Added map icons for new maps of Team Fortress 2, CS:GO and Fistful of Frags
Increased brightness of some Halloween themed map icons
Bind everything that can be get/set on a revolute joint after it's created via a joint context
▅▌▌▇▉▄█ ▉▍█▉▋▊▆▌ ▆█▋▌▅▅▊▅▌▇ ▋▋ ▇▍▄ ▊▌ ▇▉▊▄ (█▆ ▄▆ ▌▉ ▌▄▇▆▌▇ ▉▄█ ▌▊▊ ▍█ ▊▍▄▋▇)
Added some sliders to control intensity of each layer.
▉▍▋▋▅█ ▄▄▉▇▇█▉▊▋▇ ▅▍▋▄▋▍
▊▌▄▋▅▉ ▅▊ ▉▄▅▉ ▉▌▄▆██▉▋▅▋ ▋▊▋ ▇▆▊ ▅▉█▄▇ ▉▇▌▊▇ ▆▉▌▍▋▇▆▄▅ ▌▇ ▍█▆█ ▍▋▍▄█▄▌▆/▉█▄▉▅▅▄▉▅
▄▊▄▉▋▉ ▊▉ █▍▊▊▌▅ ▄▋▋▇▋▊▊▋
█▇▇▇▆▊ ▅▄▆▉▌▌▅▊▇▄ ▇▊▋▆██
▇▅▌██ ▆▊▄▌█▇█ ▌▋▇
▌▅▇▄▅▄█▊▌/▅▆▄▇▍▊▍▉/▍▄▄/▅█▋▆/▍▇▆▋██▋▋▉ ▋▉▉▇▅/▆█▌█/▄▇▅▆▆▄ ▆█▋▉▌
orb balance, orb partTarget rotation
frame balance etc
prospector laser on/off indicators
storm balance
invasion balance
█▌▍▌▇▍ ▆▍▄▌ █▆▌▊▍▌
▉█▊█▆▍▍ █▊▆▊ ▄▄█ ▅▍▉ █▅▋▊█ ▌▆▉▊▌▆▊▅
█▆▌▄▊▋▉▅▉ █▌█▆▅▆▆▍ ▊▋█▋▇█ ▆▅▄▊ █▍'▉ ▄▋▌ ▉▋█▅ ▍▋▇ █▇▌▋▌▆
▆▊▍▆▊▆▉ ▅▇▄▌▊ ▍▊▄ ▄▆▍▇▄ ▊▊▇▋▄ ▍▍▇ ▄▇█▋▇ ▍▋ ▍█▊ ▌▌ ▅▊▅▋▊▉ ▄▄▆▇▅▍
Use vertex and index buffers directly for UI render to cut out a lot of bullshit and so they're easier to bind
Add helper for getting texture from resource handle. Bind FindOrCreateFileTexture
Made custom sled seat prefabs with Ik positions for hands
▇▄▋▊ ▊▊▊▍▇▊▍▉ ▊█ ▋▄▍▋▉▅██▍▇ ▄▇▉▇█▉▌▇▅ ▆▄ █▋█▋ ▌▍▍█▉ (█▌▇▅▆▇▍▄ ▅▍ ▇▌▄▇▉▆▅ ▆▉▋▋▊██▇ ▆▇▉▍▊▆█▄▇ ▌▆▍▇▄▄▉▌)
Added basic tooltip for sled placement on improper ground
Revert sled health UI change, already covered
Don't show sled health UI
Don't show health bar while riding sled
Don't show pickup option while mounted on sled
Set a low centre of mass for the sled
Move sled from Items to Fun category
▊▍▌▅ █▉██ █▄ ▌▅ ▌▌▌▋▄▇▇█ █▋▋▌ █ ▌▉▍█▍▇▉ ▇▄▊▅▍▊▉ (▌▉▄█▋▋▊▍▄▉▇)
▅▌▄'▉ ▍▌▅ ▍▋▊▄█▄▉ ▋▇▌▋▅ ▊▋█▌█▌█▇ ▍▅ ▋▌█▇▄▋ ██▋'▅ ▋▍ ▍▍▍▋
▅▊▅▌▄▋ ▄▍▇ ▊▄▇▅▇▅ ▄▊▋▆▄. ▇▉▊▉▇ ▆▊▇▅ ▅▍▆▍▄▇▄▄ ▍█▆▋▋▌▊ ▆▋▊▄█ ▆▄█ ▇▇▋▉▄ ▉▉ ▌▄▊▋▅▋ ▌█▅▄ ▄▄▊▇▄ ▆▊ ▊▍▆▉ ▉▊▌▍ ▄▉▍▉ ▇▋▄ ▉▇▉▆▅▍-▊▍█▇ ▉▄█▆▇▄ ▇▄▅▍▅▆▄▆ █▋▌ ▅▆▍▌▋▇-▍█▇▋ ▋▅▊▍▄ ▌▅▄▊▇▋▊█, ▉▉▆▋▌'▆ ▇▇▌ ▇▅▉▋ ▉▉▋▊▉▋▄▆▉▌█▍▅█
Add parenting volumes to the WorkCart ladders, making the ladders usable while the train is moving
- Stop WorkCart if there's no-one on it
- Fix monitor display bug
Displacing tessellated vertices based on terrain textures.
- Add glass break effect
- Adjust glass protection
Respawn glass after thirty minutes, dependent on no players being nearby
Use correct area mesh for xl neon, set all neon area meshes to read/write
Small and Med neon sign layer fixes
Added some snow chunk fx when moving
Fixed missing removedFromServer references on small and med neon sign
Set side lean amount to 0 on sled seat
Increased bounds height on sled to ensure seat clipping process runs
Can only deploy sled on terrain
Workcart Update
Removed extra plane of glass (wasn't needed if glass is going to have the damage pass)
updated materials as a result
also updated prefab entity.
Fixed glass colliders, add glass protection type
Allow render attributes to be set from C#