224,230 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.54cph!

37 Days Ago
Add __guid and rename Version to __version in json Nicer stack traces
37 Days Ago
Merge from main -> 2022_3_20f1
37 Days Ago
Fix game jam button not being in header
37 Days Ago
Stationary design update
37 Days Ago
Added support for LOD cross fade
37 Days Ago
PresentYUV420Texture sets its sampler state (this whole func is manual?), fix random crash from using an unbound sampler
37 Days Ago
Added a stationary AI design and fille. Updated Bradley scientist prefabs to reference it as an additional design.
38 Days Ago
Fixed a bunch of naming inconsistencies across IO entity handles (e.g 'Power' instead of 'Power In')
38 Days Ago
moved screen back more
38 Days Ago
Revert verifying bound samplers & images until I fix these bad bindings
38 Days Ago
screen placement position move
38 Days Ago
Compiled shaders with normalization brightness fixes for cubes without SH, reenable cube normalization
38 Days Ago
Fix right clicking attachments going onto held gun instead of into open backpack
38 Days Ago
Hovering over a vending machine now shows the names of the machines (as it used to)
38 Days Ago
Debug string for CTextureManagerVulkan::GetTextureResource Whitelist some more common exception types Vulkan: Verify bound samplers and images
38 Days Ago
Nicer exception logging / stack trace for Action Graph exceptions Push EditorNodeLibrary in Asset.TryLoadGameResource()
38 Days Ago
Vendor UI now closes automatically when map is closed.
38 Days Ago
Harbor_1 / moved broken loot spawnpoints to the new island Scene2prefab
38 Days Ago
disabled snow effects on train tracks as it doesn't play well with biome tint and procedural railroad connections
38 Days Ago
Hide Poncho models/ materials/ prefabs
38 Days Ago
Reposed Burlap Gloves to match updated player rig
38 Days Ago
Clean up opening editor for a given action graph Implement inspecting action graph elements Make sure ActionGraph GUIDs are unique too Make sure embedded expression graphs have an input node Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5253 Hide input node for expression graphs with no inputs
38 Days Ago
S2P all
38 Days Ago
Fixed door controller swapped input positions: passthrough back on top and power in on the bottom
38 Days Ago
Added snow setup to roads prefabs
38 Days Ago
Merge from bradley_scientists
38 Days Ago
Compile fixes
38 Days Ago
First pass of fixes
38 Days Ago
Merge from bradley_scientists
38 Days Ago
CI fails building shaders when machine is coming from a branch that was deleted, full checkout action should be enough for pulling? If cubemap has no normalization set, don't consider it for NormalizeCubeBrightness
38 Days Ago
assigned minigunammobelt material to the ammobelt on minigun viewmodel prefab
38 Days Ago
Push NodeLibrary scope for ActionGraphResource Facepunch/sbox-issues#5244 Make sure NodeLibrary scope is pushed when deserializing components Facepunch/sbox-issues#5244
38 Days Ago
Added snow material setup to compatible structures prefabs
38 Days Ago
Results page final tweaks
38 Days Ago
Moved some mesh decals from Structures to Mesh Decals
38 Days Ago
Added snow material setup to static vehicles
38 Days Ago
- Fixed bunny hat view - Fixed egg suit view - Fixed forceCamUpPivot option not functioning
38 Days Ago
These exceptions are no longer needed
38 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #10491
38 Days Ago
Motorbike now balanced for lean, unlike Modern Warfare 2
38 Days Ago
Improved how we determine the best snap position to fix a bunch of clunky placement issues
38 Days Ago
Bike mid-air throttle/brake based rotation control
38 Days Ago
Don't stabilise pitch as much
38 Days Ago
Sidecar bike work
38 Days Ago
Change a bunch of stuff to use phrase instances instead of string tokens (including the planner) Mark the methods/fields for using string tokens as obsolete
38 Days Ago
Fix clicking on popup closing it
38 Days Ago
VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS is 16 (matches VFX_MAX_SAMPLERS_PER_STAGE and RENDERSYSTEM_MAX_SAMPLERS ) - there is no reason a shader should have more samplers than this These sanity checks aren't sane, textures aren't samplerstates. A proper sanity check already exists in CVfxVulkan::CompileSource Use more common samplers for volume fog, vr lighting. Add g_sBilinearClamp & g_sPointClamp common samplers Fix error texture spam by making sure "EnvironmentMap" is always valid Dark mode non editor window Vulkan: Aftermath is opt-in with -aftermath, costly callstack info with -aftermath_full Recompile sprite shader
38 Days Ago
CreateModelFromMeshFile uses modeldoc directly to create the document and save instead of using a vmdl template. This has huge potential now that I know it works.
38 Days Ago
Add nexus map to the connect screen, make it look nicer when loading in https://files.facepunch.com/Rohan/2024/March/21_20-18-DeficientThrasher.mp4
38 Days Ago
Backup: WIP crude gestures - animation working files