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[D11][Tutorial] Fix for issue #1743, repair objectives now appear after opening the door
[D11][Tutorial] Temp fix for issue #1756, attempting to spawn particles using a non-readable mesh, now uses a collider mesh fallback
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Reverted SSR scaling (needs work)
[D11][UI] Fixed crash when opening Metal Shop front
[D11][Tutorial] Fix for issue #1789, planner radial menu was using wrong icon for foundation
[D11][UI] Fixed navagation issue with the bbq lootpanel. Added null check to UIchat
[D11] [Tutorial] Map updates
Use SpriteMeshType.FullRect when loading skin icon from disk (TODO: update skin bundles)
[D11] Removed Audio Setup button from Options/Settings
[D11] [UI] Server Search implementation.
[D11][UI] Improvements to full container checks. Oven panels will update on/off status when they run out of fuel
ServerBrowser.Item is pooled
Fixed ServerBrowser.Item not parenting to server list
[D11] Selected item always defaults to the first slot when joining a server now
[D11] Temp try fix PS4 surround
fix for incorrect build directory
[D11] [UI] Popup implementation for Search and Filter on server list.
[D11] Changes to Jenkins build
[D11] Fixes for player preview model highlighting in the Inventory
[D11][Tutorial] Added missing map labels in tutorial map
Changed Build.CopyDirectory to clean out old files/directories
deleted CSVs that shouldn't have been checked in
[D11] 'Add Fuel' quick command for boats
Cloning vat fx mat uses a new fresnel feature.
Cleaned redundant files.
Snowball has subsurface scattering and uses half the texture memory.
[D11] Fixes relating to in-game actions not checking if certain UI was open - eg Reloading. Also added a fix to close the UIControls when 'Start' button is pressed
[D11] LiteNetLib logging for bad data detail.
[D11] [Tutorial] Update Abandoned shelter.
[D11] [UI] hooked up the continue game button on the main menu to take you directly to the previously played server screen
backup excavator vertex painting
crane control panel greybox
Merge from d11_console_version
Fix for warnings about invalid LOD settings on trees
Disabled building of 'items' folder and stopped copying unmodified bundles. Also some extra build timing logging.
Testing water SSR optimizations
Initialise m_hasContentSizeFitter earlier
Don't dirty layout on TextMeshProUGUI items unless they have autoSizeTextContainer or a ContentSizeFitter
Updated to TextMeshPro 2.0
[D11] Changes to Jenkins build
[D11][UI] Fixes for issues pausing when interacting with the inventory. Improvments to the move item context
[D11] DTLS PS4 plugin source (compiles, but doesn't link OpenSSL yet). Started breaking-up monolithic DTLS.cpp.
[D11] Update to Small Water Bottle description