256,528 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

40 Days Ago
Merge from primitive
40 Days Ago
Added a screenshake and camera recoil to the local player when hit while blocking
40 Days Ago
Backups pt3
40 Days Ago
Backups pt2
40 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
Scene backup
40 Days Ago
Battering ram metal impact
40 Days Ago
Battering ram engine exhaust effet
40 Days Ago
wip ui changes spawn menu cards higher
40 Days Ago
Damage states WIP
40 Days Ago
Horse: make sure to damage all mounted players when doing the collision damage Setup prefab information
40 Days Ago
Flip the shield raise progress bar so it starts full and lowers rather than vice versa
40 Days Ago
Shield can now only be raised for a maximum of 4 seconds However long the shield is raised the player then has to wait that long until they can raise the shield again Shield can be raised for a minimum of 1s (ie. if a player taps RMB, the shield will do a 1s hold and then have a 1s delay before it can be used again) Communicated via the on screen progress bar (aka compound bow)
40 Days Ago
Fixed player floating above ground when rotating the ballista Player follows the ground level Better clipping checks
40 Days Ago
merge from primitive -> aux2
40 Days Ago
Yet another try catch that needs to throw it's exception instead of logging during GenerateManifest
40 Days Ago
Collider fixes
40 Days Ago
Bindless lightmaps/Lightmap Combo Removal (#1765)
40 Days Ago
Exhaust stuff
40 Days Ago
Add extra colliders to the top, side and bottom of all shields for extra cover Tripled the health of all shields
40 Days Ago
merge from primitive -> aux2
40 Days Ago
Ensure errors are thrown inside DoPrepare() instead of being skipped over - only applies when `-throw_manifest_error` is set
40 Days Ago
Remove Lightmap comborule from shadergraph graphcompiler
40 Days Ago
Door FX fixes.
40 Days Ago
Terrain trail FX.
40 Days Ago
FoliageGrid profling. RustCamera foliage grid profiling.
40 Days Ago
Test: Disable LODGrid refreshing when applying a preset change, enable it afterwards and then manually call it once. Saves it being called 3 times when the tree, particle and mesh quality convars each get changed at the same time.
40 Days Ago
Add profiling for LODGrid.Refresh
40 Days Ago
Added the exhaust prefab
40 Days Ago
Added hatch FX.
40 Days Ago
Merge from main
41 Days Ago
Add test for cloning prefabs that contain a nested prefab instance which has a variable that references the outer prefabs root
41 Days Ago
Compile fix
41 Days Ago
- Further polish on layer changes - Fixed bug causing animation curve to not run fully through - Ensured timer duration works ass expected - Added big ass note to the top of the file - Worked on further hiding some bow manipulations
41 Days Ago
Add Input.Keyboard.Down( key ), Input.Keyboard.Pressed( key ) and Input.Keyboard.Released( key ) - maintain accumulated press/releases for key presses now we need them
41 Days Ago
Add back vertex cache request batching now we know everything works
41 Days Ago
Fix decompressing normals in skinning compute shader
41 Days Ago
Custom Subgraph Nodes now detect sampled textures and allow you to change them as properties Display Default Values on unconnected inputs of Subgraph Nodes https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/22_15-34-AnyAllensbigearedbat.png
41 Days Ago
Apply clone config overrides at a different stage
41 Days Ago
Double height texturcontrolwidget
41 Days Ago
Set initial stock of icepick, salvage axe & large backpack to the same value as their refill amounts
41 Days Ago
Add support for initial stock of a vending machine to be <10
41 Days Ago
aux04 Steam upload files
41 Days Ago
Add TextureGenerator boilerplate TextureControlWidget poc Fix NRE in SpriteRenderer when texture is null TextureControlWidget creates a child ResourceControlWidget instead of trying to be one Draw texture preview Standardize internal way to async replace placeholder textures Add Sandbox.Utility.ForAsync TextureGenerators are async Add IPopupEditor<T>, EditorUtility.OpenControlSheet looks for this interface when creating a popup Rename ControlSheetPopup to PopupEditor, make more modular so we can override important bits Add TextureEditorPopup Clean up TextureControlWidget Add Color.Rgba16 (half based color) Add Bitmap class More bitmap stuff Bitmap draw and bitmap pen Bitmap drawing fixes Bitmap clone, IDisposable, IValid Wrap IResourceCompilerContext Find "$compiler" in resource json and launch compiler Add more ResourceCompiler functionality Managed can override compiling of any resource Add Texture.GetBitmap Simple texture compiling from managed Add Bitmap.ToFormat( ImageFormat format ) Add TextureBuilder.WithMips() - auto mip count Bitmap.ToTexture supports mipmaps ResourceCompiler.Compile is async (but we have to run it syncronously) ResourceCompiler,. ResourceCompilerContext are in Engine Add transient filesystem Add Texture.IsError Compile embedded textures to transient folder
41 Days Ago
ResourceCompiler,. ResourceCompilerContext are in Engine Add transient filesystem Add Texture.IsError Compile embedded textures to transient folder
41 Days Ago
Add ShaderGraph.IsSubgraph and add "Shader Sub-Graph" to the New Asset menu Shader Sub-Graphs are now saved with the `.shdrfunc` file extension despite being the same asset (just so it can be registered with a different icon and filtered against in the Asset Browser to reduce user confusion) Give .shader, .shdrgrph, and .shdrfunc assets different colours in the Asset Browser Don't include BlendMode, ShadingModel or Domain in Subgraphs Don't include "Material" ShaderNode in the Create Node/Palette menus of Subgraphs. Ensure proper extensions are used when opening the respective file types. Add PlugInfo and make BaseNode.Inputs and BaseNode.Ouputs virtual. Added FunctionResult ShaderNode, can only be created in Subgraphs and is created as the default node in newly created Subgraphs Fix Shader Graph wanting to save/load as sub-graphs Make sure [Title] attributes are still respected with PlugInfo FunctionResult can now have a variable amount of inputs of varying types defined by a Dictionary. These are to be used as the outputs of the eventual sub-graph node Use shader-specific types for FunctionResult Inputs https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/16_16-02-HumiliatingMorayeel.png Rename "Inputs" -> "Outputs" on FunctionResult since that's technically more accurate Instantly update the Result node when Outputs are modified https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/16_16-18-WarmIncatern.mp4 FunctionResult node will produce Errors preventing compilation https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/16_16-48-VictoriousBrownbutterfly.png Fix NRE when attempting to save with unresolved errors Guarantee IsSubgraph is set properly from the ShaderGraph window Only Update FunctionResult.Inputs when necessary instead of when accessed. Add PlugInfo.GetInput() and serialize PlugInfo.Name as the property name instead of display name Fixed NRE when FunctionResult name is left null Subgraphs no longer attempt to generate a .shader file, and will run error checks in the graph on Save FunctionResult Inputs now maintain connections upon being regenerated FunctionResult node generates inputs before creating connections to ensure connections are always deserialized correctly PlugInfo correctly uses property name if no [Title] attribute Refactor Result node into an abstract BaseResult class which Result and now FunctionResult can both inherit You can now specify the preview type for certain Output variables on a Subgraph so changes can be reflected in the Preview window. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/21_12-51-DifferentAmericanbulldog.mp4 Can change Preview Blend Mode/Shading Model/Domain in Subgraphs Implemented all other preview types for FunctionResult Fix GraphCompiler failing when using Unlit in Subgraphs Subgraphs have Title, Description, Category, Icon and Add To Node Library properties. To be used for the created node Added SubgraphNode which references a .shdrfunc. Results in graph errors if the references graph cannot be found or the references graph has errors Dragging a .shdrfunc asset into a ShaderGraph will create a Subgraph Node referencing the dragged asset Fix error when deserializing SubgraphNodes SubgraphNode now uses the Title, Description, and Icon from the referenced Subgraph SubgraphNode now generates inputs from any Parameter nodes in the subgraph, with default names for any without. SubgraphNodes now generate output plugs from the FunctionResult node in the references Subgraph https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/21_16-23-CoordinatedEastsiberianlaika.png Subgraph "Add To Node Library" adds the subgraph to the Create Node menu so they can be easily accessed. https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/21_16-51-HardVampirebat.mp4 Double Clicking a Subgraph Node instantly opens the Subgraph Implemented the file history forward and back buttons when navigating through multiple ShaderGraphs in the same window https://files.facepunch.com/CarsonKompon/2025/January/21_18-29-MidnightblueSandbarshark.mp4 Add [Hide] to TextureCoord.Title override Minor MainWindow refactor so .shdrgrph files arent recognized as Sub-Graphs mistakenly Prompt to save current graph (if dirty) when pressing the Forward/Back/Home buttons Created ITextureParameterNode and started custom inpsector editor for when texture samplers are present
41 Days Ago
Merge from main
41 Days Ago
Expand "Map %s is missing" disconnect in the other place too It wasn't displaying the info about cl_downloadfilter. Display HTTP error when FastDL fails and its not a 404 Fixed the game not downloading maps if bz2 version exists locally Unify how ITex/IMat:GetColor pushes color to Lua Merged Pull Requests * Do not display effect rings with Gravity Gun equipped * Update jQuery and reduce reliance on it in main menu, as well as lazy load images * Added math.IsNearlyZero and math.IsNearlyEqual
41 Days Ago
Initial pass for primitive travelling vendor trades since 6/10 items were removed due to item restrictions (plan to do another pass later once seige equipment has final crafting costs) - wood - stone - metal frags - hqm - sewing kits - gears - large backpack (max 2) - salvaged axe (max 5) - salvage pickaxe (max 5)
41 Days Ago
Update: ServerDemoPlayer - add debug option to log packets Trying to figure out why some construction events are not being palyed back properly Tests: played back a demo where I'm building multiple chained staircases