223,168 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.52cph!

6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Fixed bad game time passed test in AnimalRaid.ShouldRun
6 Years Ago
NRE fix
6 Years Ago
air control stuff, lots of minor tweaks with exposed variables
6 Years Ago
Ported raids to a game event, cleaned up diplomacy and other related bits Game events no longer require a trigger, have their own ShouldRun method
6 Years Ago
Fixed a few materials
6 Years Ago
various progression related data
6 Years Ago
Override IGamemode.LoadMap for MusicBox so it doesn't load a map
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Cohesion will start to drain after a number of hours if requirements for a currently active necessity aren't met.
6 Years Ago
Unpacked all materials (for now)
6 Years Ago
Vehicle seat
6 Years Ago
Fixed tooltip position for small-width options items Added option tooltip strings Added tooltips for control bindings
6 Years Ago
set composite materials to not use sRGB and tweaked composite textures accordingly, material tweaks, made alpha more solid at distance
6 Years Ago
More UI
6 Years Ago
Fixed gun issues stemming from itemcontainer deserialization
6 Years Ago
Fixed group nessssities component not being enabled on the tribe More UI bits
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Simple escape menu
6 Years Ago
Added options menu tooltip display Moved to Unity 5.6.3p4
6 Years Ago
Little bit of organization and added double jump
6 Years Ago
NRE fixes
6 Years Ago
More terrain blend map work, better technique Anchors fix to power sub stations
6 Years Ago
Ported jamesk's music box
6 Years Ago
Latest Steamworks
6 Years Ago
Group Entity Filter improvements. Added adult member count to Group. Necessities can now create Possessions requirements.
6 Years Ago
Fixed a few more warnings
6 Years Ago
Avoid Update() per column
6 Years Ago
Added a couple new convars to control the ai execution.
6 Years Ago
Improved load balanced execution of AI.
6 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in inventory result dispose
6 Years Ago
CareerUnitMod can now have multiple modifiers. Health modifier now modifiers current and max
6 Years Ago
Added Networking.CloseSession Moved LobbyData to its own file Lobby GameServer information
6 Years Ago
UI bits
6 Years Ago
Added ChunkMap.ForceLoadChunks()
6 Years Ago
Added servers stats ClearAchievement, GetAchievement
6 Years Ago
Added Friends.ListenForFriendsMessages Added Friends.OnChatMessage Added SteamFriend.SendMessage
6 Years Ago
Necessities improvements
6 Years Ago
Added App.IsDlcInstalled Added app.OnDlcInstalled callback
6 Years Ago
Added Item.Consume
6 Years Ago
Fixed problems with helditem spawning
6 Years Ago
Renamed ProgressionTier to Necessity. Moved Necessities to a separate component. Any Necessity which has been completed at some point will now remain unlocked. Unlock data tidy up.
6 Years Ago
Moved SteamFriend to own file Added Friends.OnInvitedToGame callback
6 Years Ago
Fixed avatar downloading
6 Years Ago
reworked mod slot UI stuff, now works.
6 Years Ago
App.GetName + GetInstallFolder, GetBuildId
6 Years Ago
MonoPInvokeCallback doesn't really seem to need a Type
6 Years Ago
Fixed vm torch not hitting centre of screen, tweaks to anims
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Disabled scenario/map choice