223,527 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

6 Years Ago
branching because this is gonna start to break shit
6 Years Ago
Try setting the appid via SetEnv
6 Years Ago
Fixed zombie AI
6 Years Ago
Changed how entities are written
6 Years Ago
more squad editor
6 Years Ago
water_well_a/b backup
6 Years Ago
Collapsed water tower structure models WIP
6 Years Ago
water_well_c mini monument scene files prep
6 Years Ago
more color stuff - portrait
6 Years Ago
World stuff Prefab organization
6 Years Ago
Paint type tooltip Restriciton text on paint tooltip Stock system WIP
6 Years Ago
█▅▍▅ ▊▍▋▇▉▄ ▌▆▍▊ ▄▉▍▄▍▉▊
6 Years Ago
Renamed CreateItemKeepDesire to AddItemToPossessions (we don't have keep desires anymore) Fixed AddItemToPossessions action not adding the item to possessions (this makes berry gathering much more reliable)
6 Years Ago
Cooks now check if they already have a crafting order for a basket before making a new order
6 Years Ago
more color stuff
6 Years Ago
Fixed go to random radius (5) set to 0 radius (should fix units sleeping on top of each other by a campfire)
6 Years Ago
Fixed putting weapons away
6 Years Ago
Slightly less zombies
6 Years Ago
Bots can now play decently as zombie players. Also bugfixes
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Doubled Zombie HP because things were too easy
6 Years Ago
show different arrowheads for bow / crossbow ( in 3rd person )
6 Years Ago
Bots can exit the plane successfully, although they teleport instantly to the ground. THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH.
6 Years Ago
Game Camera now blocks zoom while over UI (fixed scrolling roles window also zooming)
6 Years Ago
sort of fixed bullet debris, reflection, etc Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity chunk debris doesnt collide with pixels
6 Years Ago
Tweaked some container fill settings for cooks to make them more reliable in crowded environments
6 Years Ago
Sorted stream reuse
6 Years Ago
fixed explosive ammo bug no longer need to aim slightly away from target to deal maximum damage with explosive ammo
6 Years Ago
Removed desire type properties from blackboard
6 Years Ago
GroupActionDesire & AskToJoinGroupActionGroup (lol rly) use cast cache properties for specific desire type
6 Years Ago
Fixed entity grid position not getting properly set on create
6 Years Ago
Fixed platforms not grounding
6 Years Ago
Aim HUD New grass
6 Years Ago
Nixing task stuff
6 Years Ago
AI tweaks
6 Years Ago
Fixed reflections when fog=1; had to drop fake dir refl occlusion Touched all relevant shaders
6 Years Ago
GridManager update coroutine yields to Task.Run (testing)
6 Years Ago
Refactored message sends
6 Years Ago
Moved GridManager coroutine stuff around so we dont try to update entities until game ready
6 Years Ago
Added more profile samples to morphcache Saved some heap allocs on morphcache.setup
6 Years Ago
Renamed GridDataDefinition.FixedArraySize to InitialCellCapacity, which describes what it is actually used for Replaced the BaseEntity.this[GridDataDefinition] with GetGridPosition
6 Years Ago
Crafting station keyword and other tidy ups
6 Years Ago
revert color test
6 Years Ago
WIP color kit stuff
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
GridManager.UpdateEntity optimisation, NRE fix
6 Years Ago
Only check workshop download status once a second
6 Years Ago
Moved GridManager stuff back to main thread on a coroutine
6 Years Ago
Shark path Shatter Water queue order (was clipping over fire) ITestable Melee damage takes hit position Fire block testable, 1 water to extinguish New firepit Smashable can contain a shatter Added TestAllChildren Fireblock material fix Level Pass Level pass for intro