userBill Bcancel

13,122 Commits over 2,800 Days - 0.20cph!

3 Years Ago
Thickened side colliders on taxi module and both armoured modules, to reduce client-side gunshot hits through the walls (server-side was already OK).
3 Years Ago
Cherry pick 2-module passenger fix
3 Years Ago
Increase taxi module glass strength
3 Years Ago
Added taxi window glass gibs. Reassigned a couple of other glass gibs that had lost their assignment in a merge somewhere
3 Years Ago
Fix minor glass conditional bug
3 Years Ago
Another fix on TakeCollisionDamage
3 Years Ago
Simplify TakeCollisionDamage script
3 Years Ago
Roadsigns now take collision damage from vehicles
3 Years Ago
Fix glass renderer health conditional values not matching the collider conditionals
3 Years Ago
Adjust roadsign entity bounds. Fixes missed hits
3 Years Ago
Merge TaxiModule -> Main
3 Years Ago
Merge modular car taxi module branch to Main
3 Years Ago
Prevent swapseats from a taxi module to a module with locked doors
3 Years Ago
Taxi module doors are now always unlocked, even on cars with a lock
3 Years Ago
New ModularCarSeat vehicle seat subclass. Working on making the taxi doors always unlocked.
3 Years Ago
Edit trade box drop velocity
3 Years Ago
Taxi module trade dropbox now fully functional
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> TaxiModule
3 Years Ago
Having the trade box as part of the car, as we do with the fuel/engines/other storage, is a problem as only the base car entity is passed to the server and the server doesn't know exactly which storage compartment the client is interacting with. Therefore it's not possible to have e.g. the engine and storage locked but the trade box open. Trying it with the interaction on the trade box itself instead.
3 Years Ago
Change taxi module script to storage type. Add trade sub-entity prefab
4 Years Ago
Assign the correct prefab to the taxi item
4 Years Ago
Add new presets to the chassis entities
4 Years Ago
Added two taxi module vehicle presets
4 Years Ago
Remove random modular spawner since it's broken and unused by anyone except me
4 Years Ago
Added missing module types to the randommodular prefab
4 Years Ago
Add missing asset file
4 Years Ago
Added taxi module item and icon. Set module parameters. Manifest update. Test map edit just to include a taxi module.
4 Years Ago
Initial create branch for taxi module
4 Years Ago
More movement work
4 Years Ago
Workcart movement progress
4 Years Ago
Fixing train movement bugs
4 Years Ago
Fixed workcart glitching out when moving in reverse onto a previous track section
4 Years Ago
Work cart now has basic driving movement, follows along the train track spline
4 Years Ago
Fixed world space calculation of spline points and tangents. All track sections now find their next/prev sections correctly
4 Years Ago
Refactoring, more track work
4 Years Ago
Assign train to tracks separate for front vs. rear wheels
4 Years Ago
Have the train detect the track section it's on
4 Years Ago
Train track collator now working correctly with any track orientation
4 Years Ago
New CollateTrainTracks script can run at world gen time to collate all train track segments in the scene into complete tracks. Still WIP as it's missing handling for rotated track pieces
4 Years Ago
Adjust mount point to new workcart seat position
4 Years Ago
Merge cloth_test to Halloween_2020, subtracting the two previous merges from Main
4 Years Ago
Merge subtractions of 55342 and 55412 back to cloth_test
4 Years Ago
Subtract 55342 merge from Main
4 Years Ago
Subtract 55412 merge from Main
4 Years Ago
Fix compile errors
4 Years Ago
Spline type option. Set all to "Train Track".
4 Years Ago
Bigger arrow vis
4 Years Ago
Set up accurate splines for all existing track pieces
4 Years Ago
Added custom tangent support to WorldSpline. Allow PathInterpolator to accept custom tangents. Allows for any curve without having to add more points
4 Years Ago
Added WorldSpline script with editor visuals on the curve (cubic hermite), using the existing PathInterpolator as a base.