256,485 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Patrol heli now drops flares when entering a flee. Should help give some player feedback
Additional check to ensure heli wont retire when dead. Hopefully patch not crashing when rotors disabled
Doubled heli lifetime from 15 mins to 30 mins, to give more time due to the flee states
Increased linger time when trying to retire and been damaged recently
wild grass billboards test files and setup
▉▆▍▋▍▋▍▇▋▍ ▅▄▇█▆▆▇█▍, ▍▄█▍▆▄█ ▌▌▉▌▄▇▉▌▋ ▇▇ █▄▍▇▍.▊▋▍ ▌▄▊▄ ▋▉▉▋▍.▇▅▆, ▋▊▉▌▅▌▌▌ ▋▉▉▊▌▍▍█▍ ▉▅▌▆▆▅█ ▅▋ ▋▆▉ ▉▉█▊▅▊▋▉▄▆ ▅▋-▍▅▇█
GameTransform.FixedUpdateInterpolation (bool) (def: true)
Restore old Rigidbody code, remove RigidbodyInterpolation enum etc. Remove warnings that CharacterController needs to be used in Update (not now)
Fixed hoses using the wire directional materials, set them to use the new stripped wire shader
Fixed WireColorSettings scriptables loading
additive_fire FX for incendiary ammo impacts
networking fixes, etc
enemy bullet
Map instance uses vmap resource type for map name to be able to select map with asset browser
CollisionRules cleanup to make it queryable in C#
Make ITagSet implement IEnumerable<string>
PhysicsTraceBuilder / SceneTrace WithCollisionRules
CharacterController.UseCollisionRules property, defaults to false
Update helper text in CollisionPage
correcting file directory for chipboard_a
added r_prop bone to mask on 3p blunderbus anims
Add cylinder colliders to wheel01 breakpieces, was causing assert on compile in debug
merge from default_vendorname_translation
merge from io_ui_powervalues_fix
CharacterController.UseCollisionRules property, defaults to false
Update helper text in CollisionPage
CollisionRules cleanup to make it queryable in C#
Make ITagSet implement IEnumerable<string>
PhysicsTraceBuilder / SceneTrace WithCollisionRules
CharacterController.UseCollisionRules property, defaults to false
Update helper text in CollisionPage
CollisionRules cleanup to make it queryable in C#
Make ITagSet implement IEnumerable<string>
PhysicsTraceBuilder / SceneTrace WithCollisionRules
CharacterController.UseCollisionRules property, defaults to false
Update helper text in CollisionPage
Fixed controller gamepad actions not working in FixedUpdate
Always serialize InputAction.GamepadCode - this might not be the best course of action, but it resolves the problem where you can't bind an input action to GamepadCode.A (0)
Update DepthOfField.cs
FocalDistance approaching zero was causing a numeric issue and assert.
Merge pull request #1576 from Facepunch/DOF-fix
Update DepthOfField.cs
Update DepthOfField.cs
FocalDistance approaching zero was causing a numeric issue and assert.
merge from /electricity_power_fixes/2/doorcontroller
merge from fix_muzzle_boost_burst_slower
Make editor startup with missing components more unlikely (but not totally fixed)
Add twitch drops skins to scene
Update template .gitignore to capture exclusion directories for Libraries
Restore functionality to Input.ReleaseAction (sbox-issues/issues/5500)
Get rid of ICSharpCompiler, tools can use the Compiler and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis directly
Fixed GameDebug button being cut off awkwardly (resolves sbox-issues/issues/5490)
Restore play mode toggle shortcut while focusing the game viewport
Merge from PlayerRigUpdate
Update player controller from main
merge from ghost_trees_fix
merge from clatterhat_fixes
merge from trainyard_glowbois
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merge from fire_spread_fix