userBill Bcancel

13,156 Commits over 2,830 Days - 0.19cph!

4 Years Ago
Reduce car collision damage to players a bit
4 Years Ago
Increased armoured cockpit max HP from 500 to 700
4 Years Ago
Increase brake force power and allow reverse throttle at 3m/s instead of 0.1m/s. Helps particularly with stopping while travelling forward down slopes.
4 Years Ago
Make sure we really never receive hurt damage outside of a hurt trigger by checking RemoveInvalidEntities() each tick. Made RemoveInvalidEntities more efficient.
4 Years Ago
Added simple debug util timing functions
4 Years Ago
Remove terrain-type based damage, add a new Collision damage type which propagates to other car modules but doesn't count as an attack.
4 Years Ago
Removed cases where I was doing specific mutable state checks in trigger InterestedInObject calls, not realising that InterestedInObject is also checked to see if we should allow a collider to detect that it LEFT a trigger. Fixes spawning a car on top of yourself and then noclipping out of it causing the game to consider you still in the triggers.
4 Years Ago
Reduced average collision damage a bit re staging user complaints
4 Years Ago
Fixed broken physics behaviour on the most important object in Rust: ball.entity
4 Years Ago
Adjust car steering lerp values
4 Years Ago
Fixed steering right being slower than steering left
4 Years Ago
Improvements for flatbed parent triggers
4 Years Ago
Fix BasePlayer movement references on the server in TriggerPlayerForce and TriggerMount. Moved BasePlayer vars that aren't used on the server at all into BasePlayer-Client, so this mistake is now prevented from being made again.
4 Years Ago
Update TriggerMount to retry in more situations
4 Years Ago
Merge the latest modular car fixes -> Main
4 Years Ago
Add LockType using statement as well
4 Years Ago
Move method to server only
4 Years Ago
More rigorous mount check for ModularCar. Things like TriggerMount which call AttemptMount directly will no longer be able to bypass mount eligibility in cars.
4 Years Ago
Refactored TriggerPlayerForce to be server-side only like TriggerForce, retaining support for pushing NPCs as well by added ApplyInheritedVelocity overrides to NPCPlayer and BaseNpc.
4 Years Ago
Ignore TriggerMount if noclipping
4 Years Ago
Exclude NPCs from TriggerMount
4 Years Ago
Fixed mount triggers being triggerable from outside the car
4 Years Ago
Code review: Use PivotPoint() instead of getting the position directly
4 Years Ago
Remove TriggerPlayerForce on the chassis for now until I fix it properly tomorrow
4 Years Ago
Let the car chassis push and hurt triggers stay always on, since there are various situations where players may end up inside a vehicle - not all of them a case where the vehicle is on or even moving (e.g. Spawning as a sleeper underneath one after loading a save).
4 Years Ago
Fix potential issues with TriggerHurtNotChild detection. Better handling mounted or parented players with modular cars.
4 Years Ago
Modular car code review changes complete. Merging to Main.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Move my OriginIntersect trigger mode into TriggerParentEnclosed, where more of the required functionality was already present. Update the flatbeds.
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Big fix: Categorically prevent players on flatbeds being hurt by car hurt triggers. This tended to happen due to server/client differences when standing near the back of a flatbed while the car reversed.
4 Years Ago
Code review: Use CheckOBB in TriggerParent
4 Years Ago
One more change to repel trigger
4 Years Ago
Fix more settings on RepelTrigger
4 Years Ago
Fix repel trigger IgnoreMounted setting
4 Years Ago
Add entity validity check to TriggerMount
4 Years Ago
Merge new mount trigger used in modular car seating. Revert #52369. Simplify TriggerHurtNotChild.
4 Years Ago
New TriggerMount that mounts players inside the trigger
4 Years Ago
Simplify TriggerHurtNotChild
4 Years Ago
Increased car protection vs basic damage types (blunt/slash/stab)
4 Years Ago
Subtract sleeper fall-through fix, as we don't want sleepers in HAB or scrap heli to fall through.
4 Years Ago
Fixed car push not working at extreme, low angles
4 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle lift UI not showing all repair components
4 Years Ago
Further increase engine internal item health
4 Years Ago
Increased car fuel consumption
4 Years Ago
Try a naive fix for the LightEx NRE errors
4 Years Ago
Properly fix NRE in VehicleEditingPanel
4 Years Ago
Mounted state isn't saved to a save file, so players can get stuck in vehicles on load, in their mounted position but not mounted. Quick fix: Ignore the vehicle layer in sleeper physics, so players fall through the vehicle instead of getting stuck in it.
4 Years Ago
Merge race_condition_fix -> Main. Fixes "empty chassis with FX playing" bug.
4 Years Ago
Adding some temporary error detection to try and catch a wild NRE
4 Years Ago
Switch the ForceUpdateTriggers secondary invoke to InvokeFixedTime per André's suggestion. Speculative fix for "player continuously receives hurt damage" bug.