110,878 Commits over 3,897 Days - 1.19cph!
Merge from december24_art_fixes
Fixed incorrect biome being selected on new tutorial cliffs
wolf pain sounds are less sad
wolf attack sounds have more snarl
- Box storage done the boring proper way
- Protobuf gen
- Broken locomotives that arent workcarts
Rebake tutorial island terrain height map
Fixed tutorial island scene menu option not pointing to correct scene
Update foliage baker to use more accurate raycast based terrain sampling, this is too expensive for runtime foliage but since we generate this foliage at edit time we can get the placement perfect, fixes some floating foliage on tutorial island
Another work around to priv checks with Vehicle_Large collliders
- Reverted Drawbridge LOD changes
- Ensure siege tower volumes parent sleepers
- Dont show building priv on vehicle large entities just because you are authed
- Add prevent building volume to constructable
Prevent invalid hash error
Siege tower:
- Remove unneeded checks on parenting volumes
Better trigger parent volumes
Dont allow pushing the siege tower if your parent entity is the tower
▋▌▊ █▍▅▌ ▅▅ ▉▍▆ ▄▇▆▍'▌ ▋▍▉█▅▌
█▄▍'▅ ▆▌▋▉ ▇▄▇ ▇▊▄▍ ▆▄▇▌▆█▉▇ ▅▇ █▊▌ ▋▍▅▉'▊ ▍▆▇▄ ▍▊
▆▇▍ ▊▅▊▄ ▉▌▌ █▍ ▅▉▌ █▍▋▋ ▌▋
merge from analytics_voice_chat -> main
Add analytics for how long a player spends talking
- include in client analytics
Added a new localization key for train yard's skip container, to avoid conflicts with 'skip' the verb in other languages
▉█▄▋▇▅▆▄▅▉▄ ▍▉▆▊▍█▋ ▋█▇ ▅▉ ▊▆▋▇▆ ▊▆▊ ▆▌▅▉▇██ ▍▉▅▊▋▉▇
Merge from peacekeeper_turret_hostile_warning_ui
Removed some unneeded code, debug spam.
merge from 2d-flickering-workaround
Wolves will not respond to a howl from a wolf that doesn't belong to their pack
This will prevent wolf packs from merging too often, reducing cases where players have to face more than 4 wolves
merge from wire_slack_fix
Reverted wire length 'fix' from
mini crossbow viewmodel anims updated
▊▌▌ ▋▌▉▋ ▉▋▉▄ ▅█▇ ▇▅█▄▆▄▌█ ▇▄█▉▍█▇▍▉ ▆▆▋ ▍▉▋▉▊/▋▊▇▌▇▇
When using SetPath, don't update the path if it didn't change
Number of wolves per square km decreased from 3 to 2, max pack size increased from 3 to 4
merge ice_sculpture->Aux2
Added missing prevent buidling to catapult constructable prefab
Can't pull/push a mounted ballista
Catapult - updated reload anim (moves slower as it reaches full tension)
Fixed SocketMod_SphereCheck returning 'Not enough space' instead of 'Cannot build this close to X' when building in a monument prevent building volume
Was happening when deploying siege weapons, amongst other large deployables
Add a separate turret warning icon.
Move UI code to a specific turret icon script.
Fix client compile issues
fixed nre on client loading of sculpture
▋▇▉▊ ▆▍▆▄█▉▄▇ ██▄▆█▆▋▋▆▌ ▅▇▉ ▇▊▋ ▅▊▉▆▉▆▆▊▍▉█ ▍▄ ▄▍▆▇▌█▉▄▉█▄▉▌.▇▍▆▅▄▌▇▉.
- ▍▋▄ ▌▋▅▅▇▆.▍▌▋▊▅▌▍▄.▋▌▄▋_▉▅▉▊▋▍▇█_▌▉▉▊█▅▆▅█▄▇ = █.▊▇ (▉▅▋▅▅▄ ▇▄▇▄▆) ▌█▉ █▅▍▆ ▋▌█▇▆▅▅▄▊▋▊▊▉▉▄▅▊▇▍▊▌ > ▇ ; ▅▌▅ ▉▇▊▋▋▋▆
- ▅▄▋▋▍▅▍▉ ▍▄█ ▊▇▊█▊▋▆ ▍▄▆▆█▇▋▉▅▋▌ ▉▆▌▍ █▉█ ▌▆▆███▋▋▍▉-█▉▄▊▌▉▌▊.▄▌▊▇▄▇▄▅▋▇▌▉▊ ▍▅▍▌▉▍▉▊ ▌▉▋ █▅▅▊▋▆▊▊▄▇█▊▌ ▉▅▍█▆▋ (▇▌█▍██▄▌▇ ▊▇▍▅▆▌▍▍▅▇██▋ ▅█ ▇▉█▅▆▇▍▅ ▇▅▆▌▄▆▊▆▊█▇▄▋▇)
merge ice_sculptures->Aux2