userLewis Ainsliecancel

1,459 Commits over 2,039 Days - 0.03cph!

1 Year Ago
Update column prefabs
1 Year Ago
Grid system beginnings, and test home screen UI
1 Year Ago
▍█▅▌█▄▍ ▌▍▄▄▉█ ▅▌▊▍
1 Year Ago
▌▌▋ █▉▇▄▌ + ▋▇▉▍▄▅██ ▅▋▊▅ ▊▌▍ █▊▋▋▅ ▌▆█▆ ▅▇█ ▆▋▍▆▄▋ ▇▊▅▌ ▄▄▌▇▌▌ █▌▍▉▄ ▍▆▌▌ ▉▍▍ █▌▇▌▋▊ ▆▋▅▉ ▉█▆▅ ▋▊▊▊▍▌ ▍█▄▇▆ ! ▋█▇█▅▇ ▉▌█▆▆█▅▇▅ ▄▅▊ ▍▆█
1 Year Ago
▇▉▄▆▅█ ▊▇▊▍▋▅█▊▋ ▌▋▅ ▊▌█
1 Year Ago
▇▍▊▌▆▊ ▋▇▇▆▇
1 Year Ago
▋▊▍▊▋▌ ▆▌▆▌▉ ▌▇▄▊ ▍█▆ ▉▊▄▌▆▄ ▆▅▇▊ ▋▄▍▅
1 Year Ago
▋▄▉ ▅▌▄▇▌ ▍▅▅▆ ▍▍▇ ▊▊▄█▌▌ ▇▌▇▄
1 Year Ago
▊█▅ ▋▍▇█▌ + ▋▇▊▋▉▍▍█ ▋▋█▅
1 Year Ago
more mainbase
1 Year Ago
mainbase with particle
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
apple-tree bush-fruit-1 bush-fruit-2
1 Year Ago
orc-tower changes
1 Year Ago
orc tower with particles
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Human Tower
1 Year Ago
Undead Tower
1 Year Ago
elf tower
1 Year Ago
Add the Orc Tower Merge branch 'main' of sbox-towerwars
1 Year Ago
▌▌▇▉▌▋ ▆█ ▄▆▆▌▌▌▆
1 Year Ago
▍▄▆ ▊▉▉▉▋▊▇█▉ ▇▆▍▋
1 Year Ago
▆▉▅ ▇▊ ▆▋▅▅▌█▅ ▍▋▌▊▊▆▅▉▌▇, ▌▍▉▋▉▊▆█ ▋▊▉▅▋▌ █▉▉▉▄█ ▌▍█ ▆▉▄▋▊▄▉, ▅▍▊▍▊▆▌▌ ▊▄▌▊ ▄▌▉▌▍ ▍▆▅ ▊▉▉▇▉▍▉ ▆▅█ ▍▉, ▇▅█▊▉▌ ▅▅▊ ▋▍▍▊▅▌▊ ▊▋▅▌█ ▍▌▊█▆█ '▋▋▉▋▅▅' ▆▆▍▇ ▌▆▅▌▄█-▍▊▉▊▇▄-▌ ▊▇▇▄▅█ ▇▌▆ ▆███▄▍ ▋▋▇▍▍▆ ▋▉▄▄█ █▌▍ ▌▉▄▊ ▌▍ ▇ ▌▄▅▌ ▊█▊ ▄▊ █▉█▍▍▋▇ █▅▉ ▍▌▇▄▋▄█▌ █▊▇ ▋▊-▅▊▌▊▆▅▇▌ ▅▉▇▉▌▄ ▌▄▄▆▊▉▆▍ █▉▍█▌ ▅▉▆ ▇▆▊▍
1 Year Ago
▋▆█▅▅▇ ▇▊▍█▊▇▆▆ ▅▄▆▊▄ ▅▊▅ ▊▉█▅
1 Year Ago
▋▍▍ ▌▍▉▅ ▅▌ ▆ ▆▌▄▅ ▊█▊ ▅█ █▇▍█▌▍▄ ▆▉▅ █▅▋▅█▊▋▌ ▋▅▌ ▄▆-▍▍▋▇▋▊▆▆
1 Year Ago
▅▄▌▅▉▌▋ ▊▉▅ ▄▉▄▊ ▉▉█ ▆▇ ▇▍▆▍▌▊ ▅▊▋▆▄▄▍▍█ ▊▊▇ !▋▊▅▋█▆▊▅ ▊▋▊▍▌▊█ ▄▄▌▌▄ ▄▉█▆▄▇█ ▅▄▉▊▍▍▅▊▊ ▆▉▉▍▆ ▊▍▇▄▋██ ▉▍▍▊▋▉ ▇▆ ▅▌▋▅▌▉▄▄▅▊▄ ▋▍▋▌█▆▌ ▋█▉▄▆▆▍ ▄▉ ▅▊▍ ▆█▌██▇ ▌█▅▋▊ ▍▆ ▇▋▋ █▋▄█▇ ▌▋▌▊▅▉█ ▆▌▍▌█ ▅█▊▌▉▆█▊▌▋▄▌ ▊▌▍▉▆ ▊▌ ▅▆▊▇▊▍▋▇ ▋█▆ ▇▋▋▉▅▍ ▅▌ ▌█ ▉▌█▅▋ ▄▄▇▊▌▄▅▅ !▋▅▉▄▍▍ ▋▍▋▆▊▇ !▆▄▄▊▍█▇▋/▇▉▇▅▆▍▌ !▋▄▄▉▆▅▊ ! ▍▇▉▍▆▌ ▅▉▌▉▌▋█▍▍▊▋█▊█▋▆ ▌▇ ▌▍▄ ▍▌▊▊█▆▊ ▅▋▄-▄▅ ▉▉▌▊▋▆█ ! ▉▌▋ █▇▄▉▊ ! ▌▊▉▆▄ ▆▋▅▊▅ ▍█▉▌▌▅▉▊▆▅▍ ▌▉▄▅▇█▆▆ █▆▊▌ ▉▋█ ▆▌▍ ▍▋█ ▆▉▌ ▌▍▊▄ ▉▍ ▊▌, █▋▍ ▅█▅▋▋▉▍▆ ▍▇▉▄ ▄▇▍▊▋▇ ▇▉ ▊▄▅▆█▋ ▆▊▉ ! ▊▌▇▋ ▋▇▋▋▆▅ ▅█▍▊▉▆ ▌▉▊▊ ▆▌█▄ ▆▆▄ ▇▌▇▍▇ ▆▋ ▆▉ (▆▆▇▄ ▅▌▉▅▆▄▋ █▉▍ ▉▆▉▍▆▋ ▇▆ ██▆ █▍) ▍▅▋▅▆▇ ▄▄▉▆▊ ▉█▇ ▇▌▆ ▉▊▌▌▋▋▌▇ █.▉ ▅▍▌▌ ▋▋▍▊▍█▌█ ▅█ ▍▍▄▍█▌▇▄ █.▅ ▌▊▉▄▅ █▍▌▋▌▍ '▅▋▇_▌▋█▋▇█▇' ▄▉▇ ▍ ▌▋▌▌▊▅▅▉ ▊▍ ▅▅▍█▉█▄ ▋▆▉▋ ▆▊▄▊ ▇▊▊▍ ▌▋▄▆▄▇▋ ▄▍▄▊▋▉▄ ▇▋▊▉ ▆▌▍▇▇▆▋▅▉▄ ▋▆▇█ █▉▌▅▄▌▍▅▌▇▅▊ ▉▌▆▅▇▇▍ ▌█▌▄'█ █▌█▌ ▋▊ ▇▊▋▆▆▄▅▅ ▊▋ ▉▄ ▄▉▆▋'▊ ▍▍█▋█ ▆█▄▊█▇▋▆ █▅▇▅▄ █▌▇▉▆▍ '▅▋▆_▆▇▌▉▆▊▅' █▌▇▌▌ █▇ ▆▉▉ ▌▇█▇█ ▋▌█▌▌▇▇▋█ ▊▋▄▅▊▌▍ ▅▅▄ ▍▆▄▇▆▍▉▅▍ ▋▅▋▆▍▌ ▊▄▅█▋▌▄ ▅▍▅▅█▅▉ ▋▉▋ ▆▇▇ ▆&▊█▆▌▇ ▅▇▄▆ ▍█▅▇▄▌▌ ▊▇▆▌ ▅▅▅▄▉ █▊▆▅██ ▌▉▉ ▍▉▌▉█▊ ▊▅▊▆▋▆ ▋█▍▋▄▍ ▅▉▅▉▇ ▅▇ ▍▉▅ ▌▌█▉ ▊▌▅▆ ▍▄▍▉▅ ▍█▌▇▆▊ '▆▇▇██▋' ▄█▇▆ ▊▆█▅▉▆-▌▌▅▊▍▆-▊ ▌▍▄▊▇▅ ▅█▌ ▄▆▇▌▉▇ ▍▌▉▇▌▄ ▆▌█▇▊
1 Year Ago
▊▆▄▍█▋ ▅█▅ ▊▊▌▍▆▋▋, ▆▄▄▍▇▉▌▅ ▄▍▆▅ ▅▋▋▄▇ ▍▇▉ ▉▍▆▋▋▆▊ ▇▉▋ ▇▍, ▍▉▊▌▉▅ ▉▄█ ▌▌▉█▍▆█
1 Year Ago
▅█▍ ▆▄ ▅▌▍▌▉█▉ ▍▋▊▌▄▅▍▋▍▌, ▇▅▋▍▊▇▇▇ ▊▆▄▌▆▇
1 Year Ago
Update Legals
1 Year Ago
Fix trigger being stomped by base Add hotkey display to Editor Tool Display for all tools Added point light entity for use in the voxel editor Change names Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
fix non-draggable styles
1 Year Ago
announcement modal styled
1 Year Ago
Add announcement test cmd Change PlayerSpawnpoint model and tint it to team color as per @bakscratch request <3 Put Net on it so it actually works Add partial Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
Use attacker team color correctly Fix not being able to remove volumes in the editor (use Keyframed instead of Static) Fixed not being able to move the Team Core in the editor Change the way entities are centered on blocks Hold F to align an entity to the top of the voxel based on its bounds Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
styling up the toasts :bread:
1 Year Ago
Add IKillFeedInfo and have some weapons implement it for now. Added test kill feed command for Lewis. Send DamageFlags to client for kill feed items. Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign kill feed and inventory text
1 Year Ago
Added X Origin Offset and Y Origin Offset to the menu for Mirror Blocks Tool Don't give a crossbow every time you spawn Only lose stamina if you aren't sneaking and you actually have a wish velocity Temp tnt model and particles Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
destroy conna's draggable so it doesnt clip + styles
1 Year Ago
Styling inventory/backpack
1 Year Ago
Add `killfeed` and `toasts` container Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
Set team class on the main hud Use bucket helmet for Tier 3 head armor (thanks Dan ❤️) Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
Chatbox tweaks Toast list, inventory fixes
1 Year Ago
Add custom colours for teams Update colours for text legibility
1 Year Ago
Add test cw_change_team command Set team colours on chat Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
replace icons with materialdesignicons
1 Year Ago
Style the chat
1 Year Ago
Import ChatBox from Hover for Lewis to style Add Axis Debug Overlay for tools Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
Use ToSourcePositionCenter when using the Mirror Tool Merge branch 'main' of sbox-corewars Adjusted landing sound pitch Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign
1 Year Ago
StageInfo styling
1 Year Ago
Increased step size (so we can actually walk up stairs) Stage Info styling Merge branch 'main' into ui-redesign