113,694 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.20cph!
Prevent electrical branch from draining power when nothing is connected to its left side
player update. geiger counter entity edited so it is held correctly and its holdtype updated with latest idle pose
Increase not-attacked timeout duration
player update. edited horse sitting pose so the hands do not clip into the saddle
reverting a material changes to main's version
Sat tubes, moonpool and level3 rooms LODs and colliders - prefabs setup
playe rupdate. edited botabag override controller so latest drink and pour anims trigger
merge from material_biome_improvements
merge from wr_pickaxe (Pickaxe cant be placed on Weapon Rack Stand)
94119 - fix for elite loot crate missing its bottom face
merge from RidingChickenCostume
Store a static list of cargo cranes, save a Vis
Update container drop points on both cargo styles
Add IsDocked flag to cargo ship and properly zero out throttle
Increase docking time to 2 minutes
Show a gizmo mesh on container drop points
Bike stability experiments + materials
Add tools to show possible pickup and drop points via gizmos
Cargo ship calls OnArrivedAtHarbor then waits
Once finished waiting it rejoins the outer patrol as normal
Cargo Docking~
Cargo does basic docking at a harbor (currently only supports big harbor)
Cargo now selects best node from the outer patrol to start entry from
Cargo now adjusts waypoint distance dynamically when entering docking
Cargo ship now responds to max velocity on harbor entry Base Path
Adjusted a bunch of speed and position values on harbor entry path
Bunch of debug stuff to show patrol tangents and docking point scores
Added boolean to WorldSetup to force ocean patrols to be generated with dev terrains
Reduce latestSeatClipSeemsFarAway from 40m to 25m just to make 100% sure this is fixed.
Merge SkinViewerBones -> main
Add `ping_test` command to find the region with lowest latency
Hardcode endpoints for testing
Fixed ice chestplate looking too close now
Attach wearable skins that needs a skeleton to the new SkinViewer skeleton. No built-in skeleton needed
Added LODs to brutalist church
Fixed arm movement not getting interpolated
Burst compile the line renderer jobs and make it all read only for easier scheduling
Remove globalDisableRigStripping. Add skeleton to SkinViewer prefab
Fixed cargo ship incorrectly flagging some destinations as possible
Better arm movement
Expose object rotation speed
Scene backup - Adobe building skin setup
Merge main -> SkinViewerBones
Actually let's go 4x as fast - that matches the scroll sensitivity of the main crafting list. Increased queue scroll sensitivity also.
Skin picker mouse wheel scroll is now 3x as fast
Fixed debuglanguage being on by default (mode 2) instead of off (mode 0) as intended. Bug from merge in
Sorted test map so boat outer patrol paths can be generated properly
93971. Seeing if we can do this another way.
fixed crate_basic and crate_underwater_basic size issues
fixed them also having duplicate materials for no reason on LOD0
added addtional switch to mp5 to fix the missing fire selector on right side of mp5
game is now playable
Refactor what packets are ordered into `PacketOrdering.cs`