257,568 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Improved lock-on by ignoring anything that isn't a player when looking for a lock target
Force texture mipmap streaming to be always on (experiment) and set the memory budget equal to available graphics memory.
Update: use WaterTestFromVolumesIndirect to simplify code
This could be a small optimization, since we have to move less data around, but not focusing on that - just trying to reduce complexity.
Tests: ran unit tests
GluonWeapon: Add lock on behavior
BeamRenderer: can provide a middle point and we'll bezier between
Update quicktest.scene
Update the gluon fx more frequently
GluonWeapon: Implement lock on bezier curve
Cube texture creates array slice image views allowing each face to be treated as a framebuffer
Visualize depth uses screen space coords
[stash] Foundations for VK_KHR_multiview and cubemap render targets
Scene system listeners I'll need later
New shadow mapper: spot and point lights so far
* Move all logic to c# for full ownership, delete old native code
* Bindless shadow map textures, delete old shadow atlas
* Spot Lights
* Point Lights: cube textures with hw pcf poisson sampling
* Add user setting r.shadows.quality (0-3) low->high for better filtering
* Scale shadow map resolution based off of screen size the light occupies
* Debug system
Tests: TestWaterInfosConsistency now generates fake WaterVolumes
Need this since I'm starting to modify the "volumes" path as well.
Tests: ran the unit tests
Rpg setup
- added 3p anims
- fixed issues with wrong rotation on exports (updated prop position during anims)
- holdtype override updates
- zero'd entity offsets, set to follow left prop
- removed weapon root from mask on w_launcher anims
merge from ranking_change -> premium_servers
Fix SatchelChargeWeapon NRE
Scoreboard.OnPlayerClick safety
Add gameplay prefabs to gameobject create menu
Fix tracking accumulating error
Update: replacing a bunch of GetWaterInfos internal BufferLists with NativeArrays
Preparing to replace more of managed logic with burst jobs
Tests: Ran unit tests
PlayerController: prevent EyeAngles stomping, maintain rotation when reenabled
Stub out ISceneUndoScope for hammer sessions instead of throwing everytime we try to interact with a gameobject
Hammer: can create GameObject under mouse via right click menu
show hit notifications when your bee swarm damages someone
Fixed Rat always targeting you because it was looking for the wrong Id
Rat gun has ammo, can throw 5 rats
impact_details_variety -> main
Improved blunt wood decal
Promo item setup for linking a Discord account in game (need to fill in the item ID still!)
Fix Main Menu tileset layering
Added GameSettings, and Settings Menu/Popup
Volume settings now apply to the mixer and other game-related settings are applied per-client
Restore stomped code changes
Add failure transitions to croc to fix log spam
Fix croc diving under terrain
▄▌▄▅▍ ▅▆█▆▅▅-▋▍▍▉▄▋▋▉▊-▇▋▌▄▍ -> █▍▊▄
Fix croc hitboxes being activated too early (needed to take into account pos interp delay) - previous commit didn't go through
Fix croc hitboxes being activated too early (needed to take into account pos interp delay)
Optim: replace height fetching with a burst job
Tests: unit tests
exported crocodile back pedal, edited attack and intimdate animations
█▇▉▅▋▌▄▍ ▊▆▉▌█▇ ▄▍▊▊█▊▊ ▉▍▇█▆▊ ▉▊█▇▋ & ▉▉▌▊ █▄▆▉ ▉▉▇█▇█▋▆█▍ ▊▇▅▅▍ ▌▇ ▆▊█▅█▇▆▍▋▆ ▍███▉█
GameState size reduction & cleanup
Fixed bot notarget
Fix GameSettingsModal incorrectly showing some properties as bool
▌▉██▇ ▅▊█▇ -> ▅▇██▋▍-▄▇▌▇▉▆▌█▆
Add missing step arg to setting
Optim: replace initialization with with a burst job
Tests: ran unit tests
PreJIT game and packages
Avoid allocation when getting default surface
Remove unused
renamed biro dart fbx -> incapacitate dart (i broke everything with this)
updated already existing incapacitate dart prefab
renamed materials for consistency
Removed some stuff from prefabs
▋▋▆▅ ▊▍▄█▉▍▌ ▌▆▊▋▇▌▄▅▅█ ▇█▅▉█ & ▌▄▅▆▄▇▍▇ ▊▆▄▍▋█▊▄▅█▊▉▊ ▄▉▋▉▇
Add GameSetting so you can create bot lobbies via menu
Slightly nerf default bot settings
Update: replace Spans with NativeArray in WaterLevel.GetWaterInfos
Will allow to pursue using burst jobs internally.
Tests: tests passed
jungle ruins lootspawns, replaced the last greybox volumes in scenes for matching art assets
renamed dart b -> scatter dart
world model/lods
Update server browser menu prefab
Only prioritize official premium servers, leave community servers to sort normally regardless of premium status
Deleting Panther skeleton assets
Rebinding panther prefab variant with correct mesh