258,538 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.68cph!

26 Days Ago
Clean: ServerDemo - fix up names of entities that get reported via errors Tests: played back procgen demo
26 Days Ago
Admin playfund user list Add Grid component Fix PageAlert font size Add StatCard component User page has a monetization section Inventory section in user profile Use the payment rules Move "edit" options to always be at the lower left
26 Days Ago
Added a bee swarm ai specific convar to disable them
26 Days Ago
- Made new convar to ensure AI weapons will also listen to AI settings 'ConVar.AI.effectaiweapons' - Bee Swarm AI now listens to ignore players and think settings if effect ai weapons is enabled (off by default)
26 Days Ago
Storage monitor only network flags
26 Days Ago
Start to preemptively do some optimisation work on BeeSwarms
26 Days Ago
Bugfix: ServerDemoPlayer - invert the error reporting logic for DestroyEntity Previously, we considered it an error if we couldn't find an entity that demo stream tried to destroy. But, if the server behaves correctly, then it should be already destroyed - so now we report an error when we do find an entity. Tests: played back the complex demo from procgen - errors still present, but harmless
26 Days Ago
Bee Swarm: - Increased particle size - If a player has managed to get far away from somehow then give up
26 Days Ago
Setup Beeswarm death screen info
26 Days Ago
Ensure beehive natural colliders are synced up across client + server
26 Days Ago
added concrete_castinsitu_b material https://sbox.game/facepunch/concretecastinsitub
26 Days Ago
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26 Days Ago
Lights and ceiling lights network optims Only network the flags, and only when necessary
26 Days Ago
Show scoreboard ping in ms
26 Days Ago
Update: FullServerDemo - wrap transient entity snapshotting in try-catch - Also correctly clean up NetWrite I've checked a bunch of code related to saving, and I'm 100% certain there are landmines that I haven't spotted. This way I've neutered the danger of recording the demo, and I'll be fixing up those cases as we discover them in the wild. Tests: recorded a demo on Craggy
26 Days Ago
Fixed weird natural hive placement on oak_e
26 Days Ago
Update first_person_arms_adjustments.vsubgrph
26 Days Ago
v_m4a1: added speed_reload and speed_ironsights float parameters https://files.facepunch.com/maxlebled/1b2011b1/2025-02-20%2013-13-54.mp4
26 Days Ago
Bugfix: FullServerDemo - use save for disk instead of network when snapshotting transient entities - Also couple safety checks for BasePlayer.Save, since now I'm triggering a path that usually isn't triggered for a class of entities (NPCs) Tests: while recording a server demo, on a procgen map in a local server did all basic activities (looting, harvesting, crafting and building) + drove a bike and attacked a ScientistNPC at outpost. Then was able to play back both demo chunks. Tests: on local standalone server and procgen world, went to pier monument and descended to find aggressive NPCs - no more exceptions in server log
26 Days Ago
PlayerData.Ping pulls from Connection.Ping instead of syncing from host now we can do that Steamline OnDeath events a bit, highlight killfeed events involving us Discard TraceAttack if the player's already dead
26 Days Ago
merge from ioentity_optims2/timer
26 Days Ago
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26 Days Ago
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26 Days Ago
I love you Plastic for selecting all changed files by default
26 Days Ago
Client predicted timer switch, removes the network update every frame when a timer is running Also changed the client Update for an invoke, fired when necessary
26 Days Ago
v_usp: make the 'Slide Manager' animgraph group less specific so I can drag it to other weapons more easily
27 Days Ago
More polish. Smoke wisp single sided for better lighting response.
27 Days Ago
▉▄▋▊▉ ▆█▆▄ ▅▄▋▄▇▊_▌▌▅▍▊▇▍▍█_▆▉▍▉_▉▋_▊▋▋█
27 Days Ago
Allow motion warping to track targets without jeopardizing the animation rotation (first pass)
27 Days Ago
Minor FX polish.
27 Days Ago
27 Days Ago
- Extract vertical root motion - Implement motion warping system for tiger leap (first pass)
27 Days Ago
Small tweaks.
27 Days Ago
GameLobbyGroup: order most full lobbies first
27 Days Ago
Tweak LobbyCard to show additional member count instead of stacked lobby owner avatar, since we can't grab member list for a lobby without joining it currently
27 Days Ago
Render queue tweak for odd viewing angles.
27 Days Ago
Fixed the bottle ripple accidentally being a fluorescent yellow.
27 Days Ago
merge from main
27 Days Ago
subtracting 114053 - Editor and standalone crashes for certain users (Added correct data path and log path when checking for DLSS support)
27 Days Ago
Adjusted IO table LOD distances. (LOD1 no longer kicking in when you're almost touching it)
27 Days Ago
Optimized IO table texture settings and sizes. Fixed AO on it not being linear (too dark)
27 Days Ago
Finalized cooking workbench lighting&fx
27 Days Ago
bullet DetermineSize more upgrades choice panel wip more choice panel reroll banish perks wip banished perk ui
27 Days Ago
Add support for streamer mode - show `STREAMER MODE` instead of the username for all item ownership on client
27 Days Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #17741
27 Days Ago
Merge from petting_gesture
27 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
27 Days Ago
Updated petting gesture first person animation
27 Days Ago
Merge from crafting_update
27 Days Ago