116,457 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Ensure that heli instantly explodes when impacting the water the same way as it does on land
Prevented exiting any state if retiring - probably not needed
Prevent patrol helicopter from being able to be aggro'd when leaving the map
This stops it despawning mid fight
Added lods to minigunammopack wearable
Sidecar bike steering adjustments
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Sidecar bike driving physics work
Merge from minigun_2024/viewmodel_camera_anim (support for modifying camera pos/rot via a dedicated animated bone on the viewmodel)
91667 from viewmodel_camera_anim (skips the changeset with LR anim changes, out of scope for this month)
Fixed errors when the TC is not associated to any building (spawned via command)
Prefab cleanup, fixed screens initialization
Fixed containers not getting properly parented to cargo ship after a server reboot if the server was shut down while the cranes were working
Refill rockets when starting orbit strafe
Refactored strafe rocket code
Setup for western DLC racks
Initial script auto setup run
Removed unused duplicate lodgroup script
▅▋▍▉▉ ▄▊▍.▉▋▉▉█▄▊▌ ▊▆▆ █▄▄.▌▍▆▋▇█▊▍▍▇▆█▆█▌▇ █▄▋██▄▍▉█ ▇▋▄▋▋▌▇▄▄▌ ▄▇▌ ▋▅▇▊▌▅▇▍ ▌▅▄▇ ▌▅▊▊▊▌▍▊ ▆▍▊▉▆▅▉▌▇
▅▊▌▄▊▇▊▄▋ ▆▋▆▉▉▉▄▇.▍▊▋██▄▄▊▉▋▉▌█▊ ▊█▉▊ ▉▆▇.▆▌▄▉▌▉▅█▋ █▄ █▌▆.▌▅▍▋▊▋▇▄ ▉▄ ▆▇▉ ▅▋▍ ▌▄ ▌▄▋▌▋▌▉█▌ ▆▌▆█▇▉ █▋▇▊▌▍▉▍▅▆▍
Few checks to only point at interest zone if in orbit and not breaking orbit
Overrode default rotation speed for orbit strafing
Set interestzone origin from strafe passover to ensure a more accurate target
merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
Converted retro tool cupboard from prefab variant to normal prefab
Fixed StringPool errors on retro tool cupboard
merge from oilrig_sat_tube
merge from harbor_tweaks_4_cargoship
fixed outline not appearing on worldmodel when dropped
viewmodel renderer setup ( turned off for now) still needs ammo belt settings once mat's are completed
cherry picking bridge LOD fix
NRE fix when MaterialSetup is missing MaterailConfig (now logs a warning instead)
Updated minigun ammo pack with final model (placeholder materials for now)
Orbit strafe now attempts to point at interest zone wilst orbitting
Heavy scientist suit can be equipped with backpacks
Heavy scientist suit tanks get hidden when backpack is equipped
edited minigun view model deploy and admire anims
cctv controls, microphone, notepad, telephone
Fixed resource boxes disappearing after leaving network range and returning
Fixed screens not appearing on lowest object quality
Tweaked LOD culling distance to match regular TC
Tweaked front storage adaptor position
edited 3p minigun idle and shooting anims
Fixed "Occlusion Culling" UI option using the wrong conva