115,715 Commits over 3,959 Days - 1.22cph!
Some switch compile fixes
Some minor tweaks to Scientist behaviour.
Third person sounds for water bucket, bottle, jug, and bota bag.
New flare sounds
Survey charge fuse sound and deploy sound polish
Medical Syringe sound polish and third person sounds
Third person planner deploy sound
Ambience level tweaks
Lower global voice limit on gunshots (scientist spam gun perf)
how to use bow tip
how to drink from lakes/river tip
cannot harvest tip
pickle icon
Fixed hair specular and roughness naming
added 15 loading menu tips
added no build zone tip
added how to open build options tip
added hammer upgrade tip
Fix overhead when waking up a lot of dormant agents.
More on scientist behaviour.
added place sleepingbag tip
added how to throw tip
added how to retrieve thrown items tip
Added netgraph.categoryfilter and netgraph.objectfilter
Only track network packet stats if netgraph is enabled
Removed some dev convars that were all broken / unused
Removed some legacy network graph garbage that's entirely unused since it was replaced by the new netgraph
Adjusted mipmap coverage to improve tree density at long distances
added tooCold tip
added tooHot tip
added radiation tip
added remove radiation tip
Eliminated GC from GlobalMessages subscription (particularly ItemIcon.OnEnable / OnDisable in UIInventory.Update)
Pine trees LOD polish and settings
Pine tree LOD polish and settings
Removed itemoutline test convar (showoutlines still exists)
Changed default server.metabolismtick to one second
Changed reflection probe time slicing to "individual faces"
fixed hydration + calories stats being padded by respawn
fixed ConsumeFood tip
Fixed healAtCampfire tip
Douglas Fir LOD polish and settings
Caching hair set morphs on startup
Added eat / drink debug convars for admins / devs (similar to hurt console command, can also take negative values)
Fixed all morph cache GC allocs when sources are cached
Disabled morph cache data compression; traded for perf
Reduced morph cache mesh instantiation/copy overhead
Eliminated GC allocs from crafting UI
Scientist behaviour improvements.
More on cover points.
Fixed NRE in PlayerMetabolism
Added torch equip/ignite tip
Added comfort explaination tip
added consume food/water tip
Added campfire heal tip
translate mouse0 etc to "left mouse" in game tips
Reduced lodcomp OnVisibilityChanged overhead
Top hiz downscale (testing)
Improvements to scientist behaviour.
Shaved most GC allocs in hair setup and morph cache
Ensure players always spawn on beach (Savas island)
Eliminated GC from QuickCraft.Rebuild
Added metabolismtick convar (time inbetween metabolism updates)