116,457 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Renamed InstancedRenderComponent to InstancedMeshFilter
Material & prefab changes after enabling GPU instancing / using InstancedMeshFilter
v_ & w_ diver assault rifle fbx file updates
world model now has reduced lod chain, starting from the original LOD2 which is now acting as LOD0
Tweaks to make the chain look less floaty
Add support for rotation constraints to FP.BurstCloth
merge from shader-improvements/merge/aux2merge/ merge hell
Throw error instead of auto enabling GPU instancing (incase they don't spawn prefab while in editor and miss it)
Multiple materials will work with indirect rendering too
Don't global network doors by default
Send global network when entity is first spawned
Automatically enable GPU instancing on materials when used with instanced rendering
merge from weapon_switching
Fix instanced rendering to work with multiple materials
merge from main -> global_networked_bases
Tweaks to weapon switching. Can now be enabled/disabled and also have a chance to be enabled.
Updated prefabs to enable it with a 40% chance for now.
Added and Setup Vintage Alarm Clock Prefab
Fix compile error by changing #IF UNITY_EDITOR to a convar `UploadAnalytics`
cherrypicking water5_final merge from Aux2-old
merge from ferry_terminal
Merge from main/shader-improvements/merge
Fixed post-merge shader errors
merge from research_bench_nre
merge from analytics_held_items
merge from ferry_terminal
Removed unused high res media textures
Add `InstancedRenderComponent` to manually configure renderers used for instanced rendering
Keep automatic conversion for building blocks
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A corpse init order that works for both client and server-side ragdolls, but this is very weird and needs investigating further
WakeDisturbance iteration
Merge from ferry_terminal
Rhib polish pass.
Fixed water disturbance mask being all whack and massive.
More boat conversions & FX simplifications.
Minor edit, don't need to use euler here