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4 Months Ago
Minor tweak
4 Months Ago
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4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
▉▉▆▌▍ ▋▅▉▆▇▉▅▇▉▉_▌▇▉ ▄▉▉ ▍▉▄▆▍█▅▋▄▋_▇▌▆█▄ ▆▋▊▍▉▅▆ ▄▆ ▋▉▄▋▄▅ ▆██▋▉ ▍ ▆▉▍▆▍▌ ▅▉▆▆▄▅█▉▊▌ ▅▄▇▋▉▋▉█ █▇▋▍▉▍█ █▌▄ ▄▅▊▊ ▊▇▄█▄ (█▉▌ ▇██▇▆█, █▋ ██▄▉▌▉▄ ▆▄▆▋▉-▇▇▉▉▅▉▇▍▋▅▋)
4 Months Ago
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4 Months Ago
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4 Months Ago
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4 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
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5 Months Ago
Various fixes and improvements: - foundation & foundation.triangle floor creation gibs spawned the gibs of all conditional floors instead of just the chosen one - wall.low & wall.half were having issues with the randomization of their variants - upgrading a roof to frontier kicked the player out of the game (NRE) - foundation walls now correctly randomize their variants (each side can have a different variant)
5 Months Ago
More materials
5 Months Ago
Barren map removed
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Fixed fishing villages spawning inside harbors
5 Months Ago
Applied A, B and C variants to frontier wall
5 Months Ago
Added ModelConditionTest_Variant to add multiple variants of the same conditional model
5 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
More materials
5 Months Ago
Prefab reserialize for Unity 2021
5 Months Ago
Materials after prefabwarmup (definitely not enough)
6 Months Ago
Attempt to fix triangle floor / triangle roof stability edge case after server restart
6 Months Ago
Merge from experimental/release (Unity 2021)
6 Months Ago
Merge from experimental (Unity 2021)
6 Months Ago
Attempt to fix client / server terrain mismatch where rail connects to monuments
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Ice lake terrain anchor fixes that could lead to terrain overlaps with small monuments
6 Months Ago
Additional rail / road checks for several cliffs
6 Months Ago
cliff_tall_pinch_b terrain anchor tweak to fix overlap with train tunnel entrance
6 Months Ago
Fixed edge cases of rail and road passing too close by monuments
6 Months Ago
Fixed ring rail sometimes cutting too close by monument rail connection points, leading to poor looking rail connection
6 Months Ago
Added planarslice convar to specify how many planar reflections to update per frame
6 Months Ago
Display longer segments of rail network links on the map
6 Months Ago
Train tunnel entrance placement check improvements (fixing placement too close to other monuments)
6 Months Ago
Fixed rail network link entrance sometimes overlapping small monuments like the rail entrance elevator hatch
6 Months Ago
Fixed lots of valid placement positions of the rail network link entrance being rejected
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
6 Months Ago
Merge from experimental
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Skin bundle update
6 Months Ago
Merge from main
6 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
6 Months Ago
GenerateRailLayout improvements CreateRailCostmap improvements
6 Months Ago
Merge from rail_network_link
6 Months Ago
Added AutoCliffSplat and AutoCliffTopology parameters to monuments that can be used to opt out of the auto cliff generation
6 Months Ago
Subtracting 87935
6 Months Ago
Fixed ProceduralMapRailSimple using a tiny world size