
97,487 Commits over 3,653 Days - 1.11cph!

27 Days Ago
Wrote system to cull least active zone if danger zones overflow cache
27 Days Ago
Heli now filters its targets based on the danger of the zone they are in
27 Days Ago
fixed minigun shot sound with high ping
27 Days Ago
Increased orbit distance Refactor of napalm time handling in orbitstrafe
27 Days Ago
Fix NRE caused by null tags when using cached browser & ping estimation Add `string[] Tags` to standardize tags from cached browser
27 Days Ago
Update CrowdinUpdate.exe with some extra error handling
27 Days Ago
minigun ammo type fixes ( heli/turret )
27 Days Ago
Merge from main
27 Days Ago
Fix disk quota code not being called Try catch disk quota code incase file IO errors
27 Days Ago
Re-enabled debugging stuff Flee positions are picked better again Fixed more orbital lock issues Fixed problem with using napalm in no go zones Swapped zones to check positions, rather than players Strafe no go check Patrol points are now recaclulated up to 5 times in order to find one outside of a zone. Monuments are used as fallback
28 Days Ago
Added a small animation sequence to the monitors when deployed to hide the server delay
28 Days Ago
Fix for spawn.cargoshipdockingtest command with parameters not working when multiple harbors are in the world
28 Days Ago
Parent merge
28 Days Ago
Merge from main
28 Days Ago
Fix for "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" warning during crane movement after a server restart Fix starting rotation not being saved properly resulting in crane making strange movements when resetting after placing a container after a server has been saved and loaded In the event that this was not saved (staging saves) a crane will copy the rotation of the docking cargo ship as it's starting rotation which should mostly fix the issue
28 Days Ago
▄▊▊▋▉ ▍▉▉▍ ▅▌▉▉
28 Days Ago
monument cctv desk added extra items to prefab, rescaled, set left and right hand ik positions, addted temp albedo, normal, ao
28 Days Ago
fixed some holes in mesh, stretched uvs on monitor screen, added back panel for storage adaptor on retro tc
28 Days Ago
removed minigun container
28 Days Ago
Fixed another possible distance check which could be locking an orbit state
28 Days Ago
Removed some extra debugs that should've been hidden
28 Days Ago
Fixed possible way to stay fixed in orbit state
29 Days Ago
merge from Minigun_2024
29 Days Ago
merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
29 Days Ago
restoring 95196 merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
29 Days Ago
Make all LODs on cranes dynamic S2P both harbors
29 Days Ago
Merge from save248/crane_lods
29 Days Ago
Discard changes on this branch to harbor_crane_dynamic_pickup and harbor_crane_dynamic_rotate, they were unable to be merged with the changes that happened on save248 after this was branched Reimplement LODs on all renderers on both cranes, updated decals
29 Days Ago
Fix minigun backpack visual not being removed if player drops minigun item
29 Days Ago
Merge from save248
29 Days Ago
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29 Days Ago
Compile fix
29 Days Ago
subtracting 95196 merge from toolcupboard_retroskin - build compile
29 Days Ago
merge from /main/io_entity_snapping/fixes/2
29 Days Ago
merge from storagemonitor_deployguide_fix
29 Days Ago
merge from toolcupboard_retroskin
29 Days Ago
merge from Minigun_2024
29 Days Ago
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29 Days Ago
Updated destroy sound
29 Days Ago
AlphaSinPulse component
29 Days Ago
Decaying pulse, making sure block count texts won't overflow when >100
29 Days Ago
Code cleanup, moved screens update to invokes
29 Days Ago
Fixed screen showing not authorised state after logging out
29 Days Ago
Restored disabled login screen gameobject
29 Days Ago
Detach time
29 Days Ago
Attack recycle time
29 Days Ago
Merged main into toolcupboard_retroskin
30 Days Ago
retro tool cupboard sounds
30 Days Ago
cargo ship harbor docking/crane/container sounds
30 Days Ago
Merge patrol heli revision