116,384 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Merge from scrap_exchange_dynamic_pricing
Fixed the out of stock calculation not taking into account the new scrap multiplier
Fix disabled audio source warning when reconnecting in range of an active car radio
- player anims for up/down
- added player anims to animator, set up blendtree with up/down animing to use up param
- tweaked start position of lever on ballista anims
- tweaked eye position & hand ik on entity
Merge from simple_upgrade
Can't upgrade after recent damage
Fixed missing animator param warning when reloading the ballista
Prevent temp ragdoll player instigated dismounts
triangle planter progress
LODs, Collison and Gibs
initial prefab setup - some extra work will revist tonight
Reviewed horses interaction priority, so you don't accidentally hit examine while trying to mount your horse
Changed the car radio item inventory move sfx to a more suitable light metal sound rather than the heavy clunky car module sound
implemented ballista base rig
re-exported ballista weapon anims after rig update
Horse container, breeds
Tweaked fringe, collar and hair skinned mesh renderers bounds to fix culling issues
corrected readonly attributes on jobs that were mistakenly using a facepunch one due to namespaces
Fixing branch name typo because I can't live with it.
Bunch of shadow cascades and distance related stuff.
mini crossbow admire anim updated and rotate barrel anti clockwise clip created
jungle_ruins_a layout first iteration
Submitting updated ballista base rig
main -> 4ShotMiniCrossbow
vendor_stats_fixes -> main
Fixed a case where feed entry could be padded off to the left for no appartent reason
Updating ballista weapon rig
Optim: remove dead bots from global tracking
- Removed now unnecessary null check when simulating bots
Tests: on craggy spawned 15 bots then killed them - counter went up and down accordingly. Flew around 3.5k procmap, gave it a soak test. Both cases no NREs.
Merge from simple_upgrade
Reduce the amount of topology and water checks we have to do, by only checking top scored points and doing a early out as soon as one of them passes
This has the potential to cut the number of water checks (the most expensive checks) by 8 when roaming
tweaked ice sculpture IO input rotations, also rendered new icon
Fix cancel radial menu appearance behaviour for upgradables.
Fix the pre-existing missing icon error message.
corrected material initialization logic so emissive material and property is actualy set when loading
Horses hitch and trough logic
Added an IHitchable interface to keep the old horses working
Code cleanup
saving/loading sculpture light settings
Ballista now sets the player animator 'up' parameter based on its pitch angle (range -1,1)
New: console command to report bot count on the server.
Tests: loaded into 3.5k procgen world and used the command
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Remove wolf hat effect on wolves, as it's one of the most common hats it would affect wolves all the time