
116,385 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

3 Months Ago
Remove wolf hat effect on wolves, as it's one of the most common hats it would affect wolves all the time
3 Months Ago
set dayaans material values to the default, tweaked tiling of cracks slightly, tweaked ice colour to be a bit more blue in anticipation of the ice_composite texture consisting of R - albedo G - Height - B - Smoothness - A ao. Old textures can now be removed once Dayaan has hooked up the new texture
3 Months Ago
-ballista pose update
3 Months Ago
merge from fix_lod_camrea_nre -> main
3 Months Ago
Try fixing LOD camera NRE again
3 Months Ago
toast to show if you're trying to edit a sculpture while it's locked
3 Months Ago
any edited sculpture shows picture CornerIcon in UI
3 Months Ago
update admin spawn rocks
3 Months Ago
merge from fix_lod_camera_nre -> main
3 Months Ago
Fix NRE when LOD is calculating on main menu but no cameras are spawned
3 Months Ago
Added emission fresnel to xmas lights
3 Months Ago
Ice shader: screensize and edge length now factor into tessellation
3 Months Ago
Merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
More compile fixes
3 Months Ago
Merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
Possible horse server fix
3 Months Ago
Stomp local version of BatteringRam.cs with version from primitive branch Protobuf, manifest, codegen
3 Months Ago
Merge from primitive
3 Months Ago
Merge from main/primitive
3 Months Ago
Codegen, manifest, protobuf, etc
3 Months Ago
Merge from siege_weapons
3 Months Ago
Merge from shields (new branch to collect all primitive stuff in one spot for media)
3 Months Ago
Restored the 2px gap between vital bars
3 Months Ago
Fixed player hitting their own shield when crouching and melee attacking
3 Months Ago
Added a OnPlayerClothingChanged client side callback to HeldEntity Backpack meshes will now be enabled when a shield is equipped and disabled when the shield is holstered
3 Months Ago
Fixed a case where shooting while crouched would sometimes result in the player shooting their own shield, applying damage to themselves in the process
3 Months Ago
Shield vm animator can now go straight to block from the melee attack end state
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Merge from shred_helicopters
3 Months Ago
Manually kill the players in a vehicle earlier in the shredding process so they don't end up getting kicked for being under the terrain in some cases
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Merge from monument_scenes_renderlod_fix
3 Months Ago
-Ballista low poly model update -Ballista UV's -Ballista Materials -Ballista WIP Textures
3 Months Ago
vendor_stats_fixes -> main
3 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of issues with single entry placement after changing scaling
3 Months Ago
- Ensured everything is in local time - Setup methods to process into 12 hour time
3 Months Ago
Fixed terrible scaling on stats menu
3 Months Ago
Added 12 and 24 hours options to timescale
3 Months Ago
Add bark and footstep audio to new jump anim
3 Months Ago
siege tower ladders lod and x form fixes. wheels added to guide mesh
3 Months Ago
merge from main
3 Months Ago
Reduced car radio to T1 workbench and crafting time to 15 seconds.
3 Months Ago
Fixed HLOD disabling meshes too early in the monument load process causing the RendererLOD to initialise with shadows disabled
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Percentage based shadow distance. Still enforcing previous shadow distances based on cascades for workarounds.
3 Months Ago
Stripped out the initial towing test code
3 Months Ago
painting carve radius directly onto the sculpture mesh rather than using a separate hit guide
3 Months Ago
Horses dung system Fixed dungTimeScale convar not scaling dung production Disabled air time temp ragdoll for now
3 Months Ago
Implement wolf headress effect on wolves