248,556 Commits over 3,928 Days - 2.64cph!

4 Years Ago
fix status bar ios light mode bugs
4 Years Ago
Arid foliage material and texture tweaks
4 Years Ago
Added foliage normal scale based on thickness map
4 Years Ago
Don't try to bundle Textures/replayui/ Updated Jenkinsfile
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Debugging some particles being emitted with NaN positions
4 Years Ago
mock data update
4 Years Ago
AI Memory/senses respect ConVar.AI.ignoreplayers. Flee/move/roam states set movement seped percentages.
4 Years Ago
merge from /Twitch
4 Years Ago
▌█▆▅▇ ▇▌ "▋▋▄▍▋▇▌▍ █▊▄ ▍▇▌▅▍ ▇▇▆▌" ▅█▇▋▆ ▋▇ ▆▉▆▍▋▋▅▍ ▊▌ ▊▊ ▇▉▍ ▊▇▋▆▆▆ ▋▉▍▌▅▉▊▇█▇ ▊▍▄▉█ ▆▋▆ ▆▅ ▍█▄▊ ▊▌ ▆▆▌ ▄▍▄█▅▉ ▍▇▄▉ ▅█▉ ▆▉▄▊ ▆▍██▉ ▉▄▄▆ ▆▉▇ ▅▆▇███ ▇▊▉▍▄▉▌ ▊▋▄▋ ▇▆█▉ ▍▊▆ ▋▇ ██▄█▌▇▇▍▍▆ ▋▄▄▌▆█▅▇ ▍▍ ▉▍▋ ▍▇▍▍▅▋ ▆▊▄▊ ▅▄▌ ▉▄▅▋ ▅▌▋█▆▋▆ █▅▅▋
4 Years Ago
update FUE assets
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Latest News tappable opacity
4 Years Ago
More northeast
4 Years Ago
Refreshed Prefabs.txt and Prefabs.unity for the SDK
4 Years Ago
Monument markers fall back to root game object name when phrase is not set Added assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab for custom map monument markers (displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string)
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception with particle screenshake
4 Years Ago
merge from Twitch
4 Years Ago
▅▌▍▆▇▉▌▆▊▋▆ ▋▅▅▊▌▌ █▊▌▊▍▇▅ ██▄▉▍▄█ ▌▅▄▅▅▌ ▋▆▊▆██
4 Years Ago
hard mech turret pixels hard mech balancing hard fuse bg color fix fuse starFlicker fuse enemyA hard recolor fuse enemyB hard recolor hard fuse minion movement changes
4 Years Ago
Fix statusbar crash on android Promote to leader functionality + mock server support
4 Years Ago
updated crane textures, fixed bad merge on crane prefab
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Add support for promoting players to team leader from the app
4 Years Ago
Better train driving, still a bit bumpy but improving
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
update crane interior rig / lod
4 Years Ago
█▆▊▆▆▊ ▋▋▉█▊▊ ▍▉▇▆▄ ▌█▇'█ ▋▌ ▄▉▊▇▄ █▌▅▉▉▌▍ ▋▇▊▊ ▉▇ ▍▇▌▅
4 Years Ago
▍▍▍▄▌ ▋▇▆▇ ▄▍▍▇
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
Show a warning in the skin inspector if a skin has a duplicate ID and display the next available ID
4 Years Ago
Get the train driving on the track manually again, along with the snap-to-spline. Not working very well, will probably need to change how this is done
4 Years Ago
Show a button to fix prefab and viewmodel names on Skinnable asset
4 Years Ago
Merge from demo_toggle_nvg
4 Years Ago
Road network temp files
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Fix NVG being turned off whenever a player changes clothing during demo playback
4 Years Ago
Merge from main
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Merge Main -> WorkCart
4 Years Ago
Added /hidden_changes.conf to the global ignore list, allowing for locally hiding changes to specific files or directories
4 Years Ago
Ignore phone and midi client folders in plastic
4 Years Ago
South plains
4 Years Ago
Train track friction edit
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
IsFirstTimePredicted now returns true out of prediction
4 Years Ago
forgot to add the new images
4 Years Ago
Show the map & the server you are joining on the loading screen
4 Years Ago
enabled overcast weather type chance 0.1 again