239,551 Commits over 3,837 Days - 2.60cph!

47 Days Ago
Rotation constructor sets quaternion to identity, we should be doing this but also makes it so that rotation serialized property default is identity
47 Days Ago
Use local eye rotation when in a vehicle
47 Days Ago
BugFix: TerrainMeta now updates Terrain Material if it's missmatching Unity's deprecation made it so that our validate-and-update logic broke with 2019.2 and it's been silently skipping it. - Removed obsolete code (it always returned MaterialType.Custom) - Updated Hapis TerrainConfig to reference Terrain.v3.Hapis material (so that new logic doesn't set the wrong material on validation) Tests: Validated that all Release worlds have matching materials as in their TerrainConfig.
47 Days Ago
This isn't needed
47 Days Ago
Add undo support / unsaved changes to advanced network settings
47 Days Ago
made armored window's collider soft side planar
47 Days Ago
Wheels ignore player Make suspension less stiff VehicleInputState.CreateFromLocal()
47 Days Ago
Item store view with custom header
47 Days Ago
Merge from main
47 Days Ago
Clearer logic for these flags Only log this message if networking debug is on
47 Days Ago
Stagger wolf when damaged a lot, instead of on every head shot
47 Days Ago
Terrain collider doesn't need to be adding solid tag here
47 Days Ago
disabled shadow proxies on Launch site factory prefabs, walkways prefabs converted remaining walkway prefabs to MeshLOD
47 Days Ago
Add wolf bark before coordinated attack, add proper death state
47 Days Ago
plane updates - non-control surfaces use a different lift curve - adjusted curves - mouse input for pitch/roll, keys for yaw - debug csv output for surface values against different AoA - added testing scene
47 Days Ago
PhysicsShape adds solid tag in constructor, not every time collision attributes is set
47 Days Ago
nope - doesn't work
47 Days Ago
Remove log
47 Days Ago
More handling adjustments, try to match bf4 Boost key
47 Days Ago
Just dont rebuild if we haven't got a hitbox system yet, same as model hitboxes
47 Days Ago
Re-enable Nagle by default, Protocol++
47 Days Ago
playing with shadow proxies for master house shadow flicker
47 Days Ago
fixed cctv name spelling mistake
47 Days Ago
Fix NRE in manual hitbox
48 Days Ago
Component RPCs sent Id instead of type name string allowing RPCs from multiple components of the same type. Protocol++
48 Days Ago
Fairy lights: Light bulb generation tweaks Spawn a real point light at each point Minor fix on the xmas light deployer
48 Days Ago
Add wolf howl
48 Days Ago
Make accel/braking rate properties, jeep accelerates faster but has slower top speed
48 Days Ago
Proportional friction force, prevents wobbling Remove force gizmos Tweak handling Reversing
48 Days Ago
▇█▌▊▆▄ ▅▉▄▉▅▇ ▊▊▄ ▆█▄▋▅ ▋▊▋▋▇▋ ▇▅▊▅ ▇▅▌ █▄▄▌, █▇▆▉▆▄█
48 Days Ago
Clean: fixing depr warnings in Scripts/Effects It's all just ParticleSystem module usage additions. 39 warnings to go. Tests: none, trivial changes
48 Days Ago
Wheel gizmo Adjust and balance wheels Add steering, jeep drives properly
48 Days Ago
Clean: fixing depr warnings in Scripts/Game/ - SceneToPrefab - using SaveAsPrefabAsset instead of ReplacePrefab - More ClientRPC(RpcTarget) usage - More ParticleSystem module usage - CreatorGibSpawner now caches and restore entire Random state when changing seed - prefabAssetPath -> assetPath Tests: Tested SceneToPrefab workflow by building "water well" monument prefab - although it produced inconsistent diffs, original impl also did. Checked the generated prefab visually - it matched. Also walked through Unity's call tree - the controlling variables were the same. About 55 left
48 Days Ago
Fix titles for the dlc
48 Days Ago
viewmodels now all have empty and full magazines in bodygroups
48 Days Ago
DLC icons, colours and prefab updates
48 Days Ago
Make fsms easier to edit by exposing them on the prefab
48 Days Ago
merge from cliffs
48 Days Ago
Get rid of material override on the jeep
48 Days Ago
changed minimum sizes for unique environments procmap spawns canyons 3500+ lakes 3000+ oasis 2000+
48 Days Ago
Remove minimap overlay tint for now
48 Days Ago
Add ticket draining based on occupied capture points, can configure drain frequency, drain amount per point
48 Days Ago
Reparent root motion SOs to baseScriptableObject to avoid duplicating them in bundles, remove unused animatorStateName
48 Days Ago
Re-rendered minimap, given minimap volume and label to cap points
48 Days Ago
Allow fsm transitions to pass parameters to the destination state, use it to select different animations to play on wolf when hurt
48 Days Ago
hid the barrier at the gates as it often floats on some seeds
48 Days Ago
Added capture point component, prefab with variables
48 Days Ago
Revert, people are relying on this
48 Days Ago
Added TicketBasedScoring, InitialScore to TeamScoring, Conquest gamemode prefab
48 Days Ago
For now just equip the first weapon when leaving a seat Don't play footsteps if the player is parented to something - maybe not the best behavior but it works for now Move the player up 100 units, with note of implementing exit points later