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5 Years Ago
added wall_door_window_left brick01 test bake prefab with lod0, lod1 and lod2 individually baked to 1 mesh and 1 material per lod
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
sidewalk lod0 and lod1 and edges rework
5 Years Ago
Tweaked water system prefab variables for less intense shore wave steepness, more natural looking shore foam shapes, more foam at shore, less foam as it merges with ocean water, more variety in ocean water
5 Years Ago
very wip testing road stuff, should finish totally tomorrow
5 Years Ago
tweakes to water_system values to avoid blotting shaped foam on shore waves
5 Years Ago
open and shore water wave tweaks, tweaks to foam visibility
5 Years Ago
sidewalk_tile_1 mat changes
5 Years Ago
more sidewalk tilesets, and starting work on lod0 of road pieces
5 Years Ago
added sidewalk tileset textures that didnt upload for some reason
5 Years Ago
removed first pass sidewalk materials, added new second pass sidewalk materials
5 Years Ago
first pass uv mapped all new road system objects to new materials
5 Years Ago
ocean and shore wave tweaks
5 Years Ago
tweaks to open and shore water waves
5 Years Ago
unwrapped first road mesh and added new sidewalk textures and materials
5 Years Ago
fixed rotated collision on stairs_ushaped_mirror (need to check non mirror?) added surface_default_6x6 texture
5 Years Ago
added stairs_ushaped_concrete
5 Years Ago
renamed lod2 textures and materials to mask, set to 1 channel greyscale. Added surface_default blank 6x5 texture to _shared folder
5 Years Ago
Stairs_lshaped tweaks to railing size, added proper collision and created prefab. Added 1x1 surface_default tile to _shared folder to use for generic lods. added lod textures for all wall_door and wall_window variations with 255,0,255 hole masks
5 Years Ago
added stairs_lshaped textures and lods,,set wall_default_LOD2's vertices to 0, and moved floors to _shared and renamed surface, set their lod2's vertices to 0
5 Years Ago
created unique wall_default_lod2 mesh and assigned to all wall prefabs in lod2 slot. WIP on stairs_lshaped model
5 Years Ago
rebuilt all building prefabs with lods, ushaped stairs mirror has collision bug right now, need to add wall_door_half and wall_quarter too
5 Years Ago
added x_crossing_double_to_single, t_cossing_single_to_double and t_crossing_double_to_single along with their deform pieces, and re-exported all
5 Years Ago
skyscraped prefab wip and fixed straight road deformation volume mesh
5 Years Ago
and added the rest... oops
5 Years Ago
added deform models for new road pieces
5 Years Ago
set road piece grass areas to sit on 0 height, created Deform_straight_single mesh for testing
5 Years Ago
added road system meshes to testing folder
5 Years Ago
tidied up building dressing brick and concrete prefabs
5 Years Ago
better concrete
5 Years Ago
wip added brick and concrete trims
5 Years Ago
lods for prefabs, setting up prefabs
5 Years Ago
more wip
5 Years Ago
added plaster trim, made concrete trim darker and more edge wear, added subtle noise and moisture to concrete and concrete trim, reunwrapped and weighted wall_details, tweaked colours and roughness on most materials
5 Years Ago
built most of tower_block, need to add more window variety then make it all more polished. need to set up prefabs/tidy up folders
5 Years Ago
added wip towerblock and added mirrors of stairs and started on wall dressings
5 Years Ago
wallcap trim_stuff
5 Years Ago
Update TrashCan01_Metallic.tga made trashcan01 metallic a lot less contrasty, noticed it was too strong when seen with skycruise lighting setup
5 Years Ago
trim wip stuff
5 Years Ago
new less intense normals on all materials
5 Years Ago
first pass brickpainted01 and brickpainted01_trim01
5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
wip materials
5 Years Ago
optimised greybox building prefabs trianglecount
5 Years Ago
brick and wallcap experiments
5 Years Ago
made LOD0 of each balloon higher poly and removed transparency (could do with fake SSS material)
5 Years Ago
added lods, gibs setup prefab on Wheel02, tweaked vendingmachine01 tri count on higher lods and albedo texture
5 Years Ago
Added Wheel01 prop with gib models