253,090 Commits over 3,990 Days - 2.64cph!

3 Months Ago
Merge from additional_options
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Tiled Map loader
3 Months Ago
Fix sequence contains no elements
3 Months Ago
Periodically check if we're the best host candidate based on score - change owner if needed. When we are made the host, but we're still connecting, try to find another host candidate instead - if we can't find one then we can mark the lobby as toxic. Don't include self when trying to find best candidate in some situations. When SteamLobbySocket is disposed (we left or disconnected), try to find another candidate then also.
3 Months Ago
wip: Second floor detail colliders
3 Months Ago
Remove debug stuff and improve host candidate scoring based on average ping and connection quality to other peers
3 Months Ago
added sculptor test inventory
3 Months Ago
sculpt data is attached to the item with an associated entity when a sculpture is picked up, not just lost and reset - guide still displays default data at the moment
3 Months Ago
Test convars
3 Months Ago
mini cross bow mesh update updated textures & materials added extra loops to the bow string to allow better anims
3 Months Ago
Some logging
3 Months Ago
Fixed UV error on battering ram LOD. Added guide mesh and stage meshes for catapult. Fixed orientation of catapult gibs.
3 Months Ago
Initial commit
3 Months Ago
Set same tags for dedicated servers as lobbies for consistency. Fixed case when connection doesn't close properly.
3 Months Ago
Expose initial API for navmesh tile(re)generation Expose NavMesh.GenerateTile( PhysicsWorld world, Vector3 worldPosition ) Expose NavMesh.GenerateTiles( PhysicsWorld world, BBox bounds )
3 Months Ago
WIP preset support for non UI convar options
3 Months Ago
removed unused blockout mesh and .mats
3 Months Ago
Human Head 02 initial setup
3 Months Ago
Codegen after merge
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
merge from travelling_vendor_lod_fix
3 Months Ago
merge from researchtable_text_fix
3 Months Ago
Added player.cold_breath convar to toggle cold breath visual effect
3 Months Ago
merge from repairbench_icons_fix
3 Months Ago
merge from dofexposer_improvements
3 Months Ago
merge from 107744 birthday11
3 Months Ago
▉▄▋▌▍ █▋▊▆ ▆▋▅_▊█▋_▅▇█▊▋▇_█/▇▄▋▉█
3 Months Ago
merge from december24_art_fixes
3 Months Ago
Fixed hole in one of the ram meshes, swapped scoop out in prefab
3 Months Ago
Instead of the host crashing and disconnecting when a connecting user tries to send handshake messages with the wrong state, log it to console and kick them with a debug reason
3 Months Ago
Try to create lobby socket - if it errors and returns null, back out of creating the lobby Make sure we clear removed and changed lists when resetting a string table Make sure we disconnect properly if failing to create a Steam Lobby
3 Months Ago
Package updates
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Linux: Add missing libSDL2.so which is required to build
3 Months Ago
LOD crossfading transitions on Renderer LODs WIP
3 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #15485
3 Months Ago
Improved some webrcon security - Normalized some of the RCON help language to be consistent - Added deprecated warnings for the old source engine rcon - Improved security around RCON passwords - Added automatic RCON IP bans for repeated incorrect password attempts Added a number of new convars - rcon.ban_ip <ip> - rcon.unban_ip <ip> - rcon.print_rcon_failed_logins - rcon.banduration - rcon.maxpasswordfailures - rcon.clear_rcon_failed_logins
3 Months Ago
Tons of misc item tweaks, door fixes, and added Splash item More character tweaks and fixes
3 Months Ago
Restyle objectives panel, items list panel Better text size, alignment Fixed healing mechanic
3 Months Ago
Various fixes and cleanup, started adding tasks to demo level to guide the player through
3 Months Ago
Humans: added CrouchWalk_S
3 Months Ago
Clothing Updates
3 Months Ago
new 11 cake and balloons
3 Months Ago
fix NRE Fix warnings
3 Months Ago
Submit highscore after each floor instead of only on game end Added Singleplayer/Multiplayer options to the Main Menu Added Lobby List Fix Lobby hosting in singleplayer mode Buff 😺 base stats Increase Key drop rate, make Skeleton Key more rare Shops can never be locked on the first floor. Item rooms have a chance to lock after the first boss Increase Unicorn spawn chance after 2nd boss Draw enemy projectiles above everything else Update boss health multiplier Fix muliplayer buttons not hosting properly Remove unneeded code Joining a lobby late gives you the option to select your character before spawning in
3 Months Ago
Need to download cloud asset references after we've imported resources not before
3 Months Ago
Fix GameResource assets not registering before loading startup scenes (and also compile assets), remove stupid Task.Delay hack? Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6942
3 Months Ago
Humans: improved CrouchWalk_N (and increased its speed to 85 u/s)
3 Months Ago
Leaderboard backup, run #15461