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8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Fix broken movement animations on M4A1 & Spaghelli M4
8 Months Ago
Disable BuyAnywhere in bomb_defusal JsonIgnore some stuff in TeamScoring
8 Months Ago
Keep track of round win history
8 Months Ago
removed attachments on shotgun
8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
Add hold_R to v_he_grenade Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc1
8 Months Ago
Increase max team size
8 Months Ago
Lets try exposing sound duration stuff to linux srcds
8 Months Ago
Team income fixes
8 Months Ago
vendor turret prefab - model, lods, materials and basic prefab setup
8 Months Ago
more spawns
8 Months Ago
Everyone has a defuse kit
8 Months Ago
More signs
8 Months Ago
Small layout change Fixed hole in map
8 Months Ago
Team income from round win / loss
8 Months Ago
Armor as donut, hide if no armor equipped PlayerRole cleanup
8 Months Ago
Finish making strokes not overlap with themself, which was making it difficult to use low opacity values This makes it behave more like a real painting app where you can't paint over somewhere that you already painted in the same stroke https://files.facepunch.com/Rohan/2024/May/29_11-16-AdvancedNorthernfurseal.mp4
8 Months Ago
Adjusted map fog and ambient lighting
8 Months Ago
crate blockout meshes
8 Months Ago
Fix NRE when loading into server Fix NRE when switching servers - caused by not removing from static List when monument is destroyed
8 Months Ago
Some team income values Getting started on income, set start money
8 Months Ago
Fixed Entity:FollowBone not working with boneID 0. Fixed SoundDuration returning wrong values for MP3 files It was a sneaky bug in the MP3 parser It's still an approximation, but it is very close now. (+/- 0.1s) Also make it skip ID3v2 data Fixed .wav SoundDuration being off by number of channels on srcds Let's try not disabling SV_GetSoundDuration on srcds
8 Months Ago
health bar hp icon & label timer bar hp damage cardbehaviour
8 Months Ago
map cover
8 Months Ago
Shuffle around where weapons get allocated to fix bomb not spawning Look for game state change listeners in the whole scene
8 Months Ago
Kill penalty for suicide / team kill Scoreboard shows KD ratio
8 Months Ago
added door + doorframes dev models updated asset_zoo
8 Months Ago
DroppedWeapon destroying is handled by DestroyBetweenRounds
8 Months Ago
DestroyBetweenRounds component
8 Months Ago
Adjusted FX behave better to occasional rapid movement and sudden directional changes. Performance: Made Bradley mid-air cannon tracers not have super expensive shadow casters, and adjusted light to compensate.
8 Months Ago
Destroy these dropped weapons in either PreRoundStart or PostRoundEnd?
8 Months Ago
Map Progress
8 Months Ago
Throw dropped weapons, place them when close to surface
8 Months Ago
Make player info section bigger, tweak text sizes New health icon (to match armor) Small input hints use InputGlyphSize.Small, prevents scaling issues
8 Months Ago
updated he_grenade blockout Merge branch 'main' of sbox-hc1
8 Months Ago
Add radio stuff Integrate bomb planted, bomb defused, round won, round loss radio sounds
8 Months Ago
merge from allow_barricades_monuments -> aux2
8 Months Ago
Only count enabled weapons when considering if we should drop one - when we clear inventory we set weapon component Enabled to false
8 Months Ago
Apply same treatment to stone, concrete & sandbag barricades (can't place on monument concrete, can place on the terrain)
8 Months Ago
Show which team won in status text CTs win if time runs out
8 Months Ago
Fix infinite recursion
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Team scoring
8 Months Ago
Added a method to get the current restraining item. Interaction checks now check for surrendering or specific restraint item settings. Suicide can now be blocked by restraint items. (blocked for handcuffs)
8 Months Ago
Basic scorekeeping
8 Months Ago
I think this is a lot better
8 Months Ago
Explicitly define teams in round state, only show if not null & count > 0
8 Months Ago
Wooden barricade only buildable on the terrain parts of a monument, block it on all the concrete parts of a monument https://files.facepunch.com/jakerich/fyl41vRDD6IA5gyt/BM9AhaPzcWubIRbQ.mp4